witness oor Latyn


/ˈwɪt.nəs/, /ˈwɪt.nɪs/ werkwoord, naamwoord
Attestation of a fact or event.

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Does not this world of ours need joyful witnesses and prophets of the beneficent power of God's love?
Nonne egeat orbis hic noster laetis testibus ac prophetis beneficae Dei amoris potentiae?




Charlton T. Lewis

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Jehovah's Witness

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city wit
tasteless attempts at wit
commision authorizing judge of other jurisdiction to examine witness
invoking as witness
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by aid of witnesses
approving witness
one who by his death bears witness to the truth of Christ
Jehovah's Witnesses
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They also derived their name from Isaiah 43.10, 12, both of which contain the phrase, "Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah."
Ser. Galba L. Sulla consulibus diu quaesito quos neptibus suis maritos destinaret Caesar, postquam instabat virginum aetas, L. Cassium, M. Vinicium legit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
44] And how can one wish to love Christ without loving the Church, if the finest witness to Christ is that of St.
Mox limite acto promotisque praesidiis, sinus imperii et pars provinciae habentur.vatican.va vatican.va
It carries out its mission inspired by the Gospel and makes concrete its own religious witness in its institutions for education, social assistance and charitable aid which are appreciated by many.
Ita operosis Alexandrinorum machinationibus maximisque conatibus non longi temporis labore occursum est.vatican.va vatican.va
Today we look upon Teresa Benedicta of the Cross and, in her witness as an innocent victim, we recognize an imitation of the Sacrificial Lamb and a protest against every violation of the fundamental rights of the person. We also recognize in it the pledge of a renewed encounter between Jews and Christians which, following the desire expressed by the Second Vatican Council, is now entering upon a time of promise marked by openness on both sides.
Quo facto complures equites Romani senatoresque perterriti ex proelio se receperunt, ne [a] militibus qui ex tanta victoria licentiam sibi adsumpsissent immoderate peccandi impunitatis spe propter maximas res gestas, ipsi quoque interficerentur.vatican.va vatican.va
Moreover, ideologies which are alien to the faith can stimulate the believing members of the family to grow in faith and in the witness of love.
erat illi et fessa aetate parens; quae tamen paucis ante diebus opportuna morte excidium domus praevenit, nihil principatu filii adsecuta nisi luctum et bonam famam.vatican.va vatican.va
I am well aware that it will seem a fable that any persons in the world could have been so obtuse in a city which knows everything and hides nothing, much more, that these persons should have been a consul-elect and the emperor's wife; that, on an appointed day, before witnesses duly summoned, they should have come together as if for the purpose of legitimate marriage; that she should have listened to the words of the bridegroom's friends, should have sacrificed to the gods, have taken her place among a company of guests, have lavished her kisses and caresses, and passed the night in the freedom which marriage permits.
Blaesus paucos, maxime praeda onustos, ad terrorem ceterorum adfici verberibus, claudi carcere iubet; nam etiam tum legato a centurionibus et optimo quoque manipularium parebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Consecrated persons are being asked to bear witness everywhere with the boldness of a prophet who is unafraid of risking even his life.
nam beneficia eo usque laeta sunt dum videntur exolvi posse: ubi multum antevenere pro gratia odium redditur.vatican.va vatican.va
'You shall be my witnesses' (Acts 1:8)" — expresses my desire that this Church should live the time leading up to the Great Jubilee as "a new Advent", a time of expectation and preparation.
"Sed Pompeius, ut equitatum suum pulsum vidit atque eam partem, cui maxime confidebat, perterritam animadvertit, aliis quoque diffisus acie excessit protinusque se in castra equo contulit et eis centurionibus, quos in statione ad praetoriam portam posuerat, clare, ut milites exaudirent, ""tuemini,""inquit, ""castra et defendite diligenter, si quid durius acciderit. Ego reliquas portas circumeo et castrorum praesidia confirmo."" Haec cum dixisset, se in praetorium contulit summae rei diffidens et tamen eventum exspectans."vatican.va vatican.va
The body of formation personnel should witness to a truly evangelical lifestyle and total dedication to the Lord.
Partito exercitu Titum Labienum cum legionibus tribus ad Oceanum versus in eas partes quae Menapios attingunt proficisci iubet; Gaium Trebonium cum pari legionum numero ad eam regionem quae ad Aduatucos adiacet depopulandam mittit; ipse cum reliquis tribus ad flumen Scaldem, quod influit in Mosam, extremasque Arduennae partis ire constituit, quo cum paucis equitibus profectum Ambiorigem audiebat.vatican.va vatican.va
Despite many contradictions, society is increasingly witnessing a powerful thirst for justice and peace; a more lively sense that humanity must care for creation and respect nature; a more open search for truth; a greater effort to safeguard human dignity; a growing commitment in many sectors of the world population to a more specific international solidarity and a new ordering of the world in freedom and justice.
Ne tamen adhuc publico theatro dehonestaretur, instituit ludos Iuvenalium vocabulo, in quos passim nomina data.vatican.va vatican.va
The Eucharist is the Sacrament in which our new being is most completely expressed and in which Christ himself unceasingly and in an ever new manner "bears witness" in the Holy Spirit to our spirit164 that each of us, as a sharer in the mystery of the Redemption, has access to the fruits of the filial reconciliation with God165 that he himself actuated and continually actuates among us by means of the Church's ministry.
Eo celeriter confecto negotio rursus in hiberna legiones reduxit.vatican.va vatican.va
This witness has offered an example of giving full value in the Church to what is specifically feminine, even breaking through the mentality of the time.
tum incubuit hostium acies, integris ordinibus, robore et numero praestantior: Othoniani, quamquam dispersi, pauciores, fessi, proelium tamen acriter sumpsere.vatican.va vatican.va
1) be distinguished by wealth of knowledge, witness of life, and a sense of responsibility;
Hanc conspicati hostes non tenuerunt sese, magnoque impetu IIII ad eam constratae naves et complures apertae contenderunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The words of their conversation had two witnesses in Cluvius Rufus and Silius Italicus.
At praesidium Leger[d]a, quod ferox iuventus clauserat, non sine certamine expugnatum est; nam et proelium pro muris ausi erant et pulsi intra munimenta aggeri demum et inrumpentium armis cessere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the Church, the treasure of the family has been entrusted first and foremost to witnesses: to those fathers and mothers, sons and daughters who through the family have discovered the path of their human and Christian vocation, the dimension of the "inner man" (Eph 3:16) of which the Apostle speaks, and thus have attained holiness.
metanti castra Caesari Angrivariorum defectio a tergo nuntiatur: missus ilico Stertinius cum equite et armatura levi igne et caedibus perfidiam ultus est.vatican.va vatican.va
Hordeonius Flaccus, the consular legate, was present and witnessed this outrage, but he dared neither check the furious mutineers, nor keep the wavering to their duty, nor encourage the well affected.
id sororem quoque Silani Torquatam, priscae sanctimoniae virginem, expetere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Today more than ever, the Church is aware that her social message will gain credibility more immediately from the witness of actions than as a result of its internal logic and consistency.
Huc omnem comportatum aggerem ex castris servitia +agerentur+ iussit, ne quis ab opere miles discederet, cum spatio non amplius passuum mille intercisa vallis castra hostium divideret ab opere incepto Caesaris castrorum.vatican.va vatican.va
An insufficiently formed clergy, admitted to ordination without the necessary discernment, will not easily be able to offer a witness capable of evoking in others the desire to respond generously to Christ's call.
et erant in civitate Lingonum octo Batavorum cohortes, quartae decimae legionis auxilia, tum discordia temporum a legione digressae, prout inclinassent, grande momentum sociae aut adversae.vatican.va vatican.va
It is not uncommon for non-Christians to be surprised at the negligible witness of true penance on the part of Christ's followers.
magnaque eius diei species fuit quo senatus maiorum beneficia, sociorum pacta, regum etiam qui ante vim Romanam valuerant decreta ipsorumque numinum religiones introspexit, libero, ut quondam, quid firmaret mutaretve.vatican.va vatican.va
And Laban called it 'The witness heap'; and Jacob, 'The hillock of testimony': each of them according to the propriety of his language.
De re frumentaria Boios atque Aeduos adhortari non destitit; quorum alteri, quod nullo studio agebant, non multum adiuvabant, alteri non magnis facultatibus, quod civitas erat exigua et infirma, celeriter quod habuerunt consumpserunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Bishop needs to be able to count on the members of his diocesan presbyterate and on his deacons, the ministers of the Blood of Christ and of charity; he needs to be able to count on his consecrated sisters and brothers, called to be for the Church and the world eloquent witnesses of the primacy of God in the Christian life and the power of his love amid the frailty of the human condition; and he needs to be able to count on the lay faithful, whose greater scope for the apostolate represents for their pastors a source of particular support and a reason for special comfort.
ut perfecta sunt castra, inrepere paulatim militaris animos adeundo, appellando; simul centuriones ac tribunos ipse deligere.vatican.va vatican.va
Susanna chose for herself the "better part": hers was a perfectly clear witness, without any compromise, to the truth about the good and to the God of Israel. By her acts, she revealed the holiness of God.
Sed fama classis amissae ut Germanos ad spem belli, ita Caesarem ad coercendum erexit.vatican.va vatican.va
Nevertheless, it can only confirm the permanent validity of Revelation and follow in the line of the interpretation given to it by the great Tradition of the Church's teaching and life, as witnessed by the teaching of the Fathers, the lives of the Saints, the Church's Liturgy and the teaching of the Magisterium.
multos in provinciis contra quam spes aut metus de illis fuerit egisse: excitari quosdam ad meliora magnitudine rerum, hebescere alios.vatican.va vatican.va
And does not this witness also involve the various Churches and Ecclesial Communities which take their name from Christ, Crucified and Risen?
Huius opera Commi, ut antea demonstravimus, fideli atque utili superioribus annis erat usus in Britannia Caesar; quibus ille pro meritis civitatem eius immunem esse iusserat, iura legesque reddiderat atque ipsi Morinos attribuerat.vatican.va vatican.va
Such a joint witness of holiness, as fidelity to the one Lord, has an ecumenical potential extraordinarily rich in grace.
Moyses quo sibi in posterum gentem firmaret, novos ritus contrariosque ceteris mortalibus indidit.vatican.va vatican.va
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