womb oor Latyn


/wuːmz/, /wuːm/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(figuratively) A place where something is made or formed.

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The body given up for us and made present under sacramental signs was the same body which she had conceived in her womb!
Corpus illud, quod sacrificio offertur et per signa sacramentalia rursus proponitur, idem erat corpus in eius utero conceptum!


Charlton T. Lewis



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young while still in the womb
fetus · foetus
burden of the womb
fruit of the womb
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in the womb
in utero


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When Mary exclaims: “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”, she already bears Jesus in her womb.
signo ultionis in accusatores dato, petit a Caesare Iunius Mauricus ut commentariorum principalium potestatem senatui faceret, per quos nosceret quem quisque accusandum poposcisset.vatican.va vatican.va
In truth, the Virgin Mary, more than all the patriarchs and prophets, more than the "just" and "pious" Simeon awaited and implored "the consolation of Israel...the Christ of the Lord"(41) and then greeted His advent with the hymn of "Magnificat" when He descended into her most chaste womb to take on our flesh.
Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas.vatican.va vatican.va
It was in her womb that Christ was formed, receiving from her a human resemblance which points to an even greater spiritual closeness.
nam Flavianum, omissa Pannonia ingressum Italiam et discrimini exemptum, rerum novarum cupido legati nomen resumere et misceri civilibus armis impulerat, suadente Cornelio Fusco, non quia industria Flaviani egebat, sed ut consulare nomen surgentibus cum maxime partibus honesta specie praetenderetur.vatican.va vatican.va
All human beings, from their mothers' womb, belong to God who searches them and knows them, who forms them and knits them together with his own hands, who gazes on them when they are tiny shapeless embryos and already sees in them the adults of tomorrow whose days are numbered and whose vocation is even now written in the "book of life" (cf.
Ac primo adventu exercitus nostri crebras ex oppido excursiones faciebant parvulisque proeliis cum nostris contendebant; postea vallo pedum XII in circuitu quindecim milium crebrisque castellis circummuniti oppido sese continebant.vatican.va vatican.va
With this in mind Methodius of Olympo wrote: "Those not yet perfected are carried and formed by those more perfect, as in the womb of a mother, until the time they are generated and brought forth for the greatness and beauty of virtue"(217).
Hi regum amicos ad mortem deposcere, hi bona locupletum diripere, stipendii augendi causa regis domum obsidere, regno expellere alios, alios arcessere vetere quodam Alexandrini exercitus instituto consuerant.vatican.va vatican.va
In a certain sense Mary lived her Eucharistic faith even before the institution of the Eucharist, by the very fact that she offered her virginal womb for the Incarnation of God's Word.
Adventu L.Vibulli Rufi, quem a Pompeio missum in Hispaniam demonstratum est, Afranius et Petreius et Varro, legati Pompei, quorum unus Hispaniam citeriorem tribus legionibus, alter ulteriorem a saltu Castulonensi ad Anam duabus legionibus, tertius ab Ana Vettonum agrum Lusitaniamque pari numero legionum optinebat, officia inter se partiuntur, uti Petreius ex Lusitania per Vettones cum omnibus copiis ad Afranium proficiscatur, Varro cum eis, quas habebat, legionibus omnem ulteriorem Hispaniam tueatur.vatican.va vatican.va
In reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church we can perceive the wondrous unity of the mystery of God, his saving will, as well as the central place of Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, sent by the Father, made man in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be our Saviour.
Id mihi duabus de causis instituisse videntur, quod neque in vulgum disciplinam efferri velint neque eos, qui discunt, litteris confisos minus memoriae studere: quod fere plerisque accidit, ut praesidio litterarum diligentiam in perdiscendo ac memoriam remittant.vatican.va vatican.va
O native land! O Ilion, now betrayed! / Blest home of deities, in war renowned! / Four times beside the very gate 'twas stayed; / four times within the womb the armour clashed and brayed.
His responsis datis legatos remisit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
You were formed in the womb of Mary our Mother, you became part of this earth, and you gazed upon this world with human eyes.
Plauto parari necem non perinde occultum fuit, quia pluribus salus eius curabatur, et spatium itineris ac maris tempusque interiectum moverat famam.vatican.va vatican.va
And when thy son shall ask thee to morrow, saying: What is this? thou shalt answer him: With a strong hand did the Lord bring us forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. For when Pharaoh was hardened, and would not let us go, the Lord slew every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of man to the firstborn of beasts: therefore I sacrifice to the Lord all that openeth the womb of the male sex, and all the firstborn of my sons I redeem.
Pauci ordinis senatorii, qui se cum eis coniunxerant, nocte fuga salutem petiverunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Accordingly, maternal consanguinity would not have benefited Mary if she had not felt more fortunate in having Christ in her heart then in her womb."(
Apud Naharvalos antiquae religionis lucus ostenditur.vatican.va vatican.va
The Lord, also remembering Rachel, heard her and opened her womb.
Caesar, cum constituisset hiemare in continenti propter repentinos Galliae motus, neque multum aestatis superesset, atque id facile extrahi posse intellegeret, obsides imperat et quid in annos singulos vectigalis populo Romano Britannia penderet constituit; interdicit atque imperat Cassivellauno, ne Mandubracio neu Trinobantibus noceat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And he answering, said: Two nations are in thy womb, and two peoples shall be divided out of thy womb, and one people shall overcome the other, and the elder shall serve the younger.
Postridie eius diei mane tripertito milites equitesque in expeditionem misit, ut eos qui fugerant persequerentur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And when Abraham prayed, God healed Abimelech and his wife, and his handmaids, and they bore children: For the Lord had closed up every womb of the house of Abimelech, on account of Sara, Abraham's wife.
"Neque enim solum arte et scientia, sed longe magis facultate et [usu] eloquentiam contineri, nec tu puto abnues et hi significare vultu videntur."" Deinde cum Aper quoque et Secundus idem adnuissent, Messalla quasi rursus incipiens: ""quoniam initia et semina veteris eloquentiae satis demonstrasse videor, docendo quibus artibus antiqui oratores institui erudirique soliti sint, persequar nunc exercitationes eorum."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But the children struggled in her womb, and she said: If it were to be so with me, what need was there to conceive? And she went to consult the Lord.
In eorum locum Remi successerant: quos quod adaequare apud Caesarem gratia intellegebatur, ei, qui propter veteres inimicitias nullo modo cum Aeduis coniungi poterant, se Remis in clientelam dicabant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As we read in the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you" (Jer 1:5).
Tunc singulos, ut cuique adsistere, adloqui animus erat, retinens aut dimittens partem diei absumpsit, multoque adhuc coetu et cunctis intrepidum vultum eius spectantibus, cum superesse tempus novissimis crederent, gladio quem sinu abdiderat incubuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Until the time of his birth, she sheltered in her womb the Son of God who became man; she raised him and enabled him to grow, and she accompanied him in that supreme act of freedom which is the complete sacrifice of his own life.
sed Civilis ultra quam barbaris solitum ingenio sollers et Sertorium se aut Annibalem ferens simili oris dehonestamento, ne ut hosti obviam iretur, si a populo Romano palam descivisset, Vespasiani amicitiam studiumque partium praetendit, missis sane ad eum Primi Antonii litteris, quibus avertere accita Vitellio auxilia et tumultus Germanici specie retentare legiones iubebatur.vatican.va vatican.va
'Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?
People suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) often report that they make attempts to avoid thoughts associated with their traumatic experience.vatican.va vatican.va
The fleet was on mid ocean; land no more / was visible, naught else above, before / but sky and sea, when overhead did loom / a storm-cloud, black as heaven itself, that bore / dark night and wintry tempest in its womb, / and all the waves grew rough and shuddered with the gloom.
At Agrippina, quamquam defessa luctu et corpore aegro, omnium tamen quae ultionem morarentur intolerans ascendit classem cum cineribus Germanici et liberis, miserantibus cunctis quod femina nobilitate princeps, pulcherrimo modo matrimonio inter venerantis gratantisque aspici solita, tunc feralis reliquias sinu ferret, incerta ultionis, anxia sui et infelici fecunditate fortunae totiens obnoxia.tatoeba tatoeba
For Mary, receiving the Eucharist must have somehow meant welcoming once more into her womb that heart which had beat in unison with hers and reliving what she had experienced at the foot of the Cross.
obiciebant etiam eloquentiae laudem uni sibi adsciscere et carmina crebrius factitare, postquam Neroni amor eorum venisset.vatican.va vatican.va
At that moment, the spouses can become father and mother, initiating the process of a new human life, which will then develop in the woman's womb.
litteras ad exercitus tamquam adepto principatu misit, nusquam cunctabundus nisi cum in senatu loqueretur.vatican.va vatican.va
65. All of which agrees with the stern words of the Bishop of Hippo in denouncing those wicked parents who seek to remain childless, and failing in this, are not ashamed to put their offspring to death: "Sometimes this lustful cruelty or cruel lust goes so far as to seek to procure a baneful sterility, and if this fails the fetus conceived in the womb is in one way or another smothered or evacuated, in the desire to destroy the offspring before it has life, or if it already lives in the womb, to kill it before it is born.
Cum his mihi res sit, qui eruptionem probant; quorum in consilio omnium vestrum consensu pristinae residere virtutis memoria videtur.vatican.va vatican.va
The God of thy father shall be thy helper, and the Almighty shall bless thee with the blessings of heaven above, with the blessings of the deep that lieth beneath, with the blessings of the breasts and of the womb.
Obstinatio viris feminisque par; ac si transferre sedis cogerentur, maior vitae metus quam mortis.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He is beautiful in heaven, beautiful on earth; beautiful in the womb, beautiful in his parents' arms, beautiful in his miracles, beautiful in his sufferings; beautiful in inviting to life, beautiful in not worrying about death, beautiful in giving up his life and beautiful in taking it up again; he is beautiful on the Cross, beautiful in the tomb, beautiful in heaven.
Caesar interim consilio hostium cognito iubet aciem in longitudinem quam maximam porrigi et alternis conversis cohortibus ut una post, altera ante signa tenderet, ita coronam hostium dextro sinistroque cornu mediam dividit et unam partem ab altera exclusam equitibus intrinsecus adortus cum peditatu telis coniectis in fugam vertit neque longius progressus veritus insidias se ad suos recipit.vatican.va vatican.va
O native land! O Ilion, now betrayed! / Blest home of deities, in war renowned! / Four times beside the very gate 'twas stayed; / four times within the womb the armour clashed and brayed.
direptis castris faces iniciunt, cunctosque qui proelio superfuerant incendium hausit.tatoeba tatoeba
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