worried oor Latyn


/ˈwʌrid/ adjektief, werkwoord
Thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen; feeling afraid and unhappy.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


I'm worried about her.
De ea sollicitus sum.
Piotr Szelma

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anxietas · anxietudo · anxio · anxior · anxitudo · commoveo · conmoveo · cura · fatigo · macero · metus · molesto · pavus · scrupus · sollicito · sollicitor · sollicitudo · tempto · timor · vexo
worry|care about


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Don't you worry.
Aliud cura.tatoeba tatoeba
15. Although already ennobled by remarkable and holy works, and despite attacks, misfortunes, worries, and advancing age, he did not give way to pride nor to the love of leisure. He always kept in mind his mission and the orders of the pope.
Ac tamen inter tot ac tanta incoepta, tam multis licet rebus praeclare ac sanctissime gestis nobilitatus, cum assiduis simul insectationibus, adversitatibus, angoribus etiam animi conflictaretur, aetate praeterea i am a diuturnis laboribus devexa ad quietem, nec se intolerantius iactahat nec ullum dabat quieti locum, sed iussa semper Pontificis opemque respiciebat.vatican.va vatican.va
In each of them I tried to imagine the story of a life, made up of joys, worries, sufferings; the story of someone whom Christ had met and who, in dialogue with him, was setting out again on a journey of hope.
In unoquoque eorum vitae historiam fingebamus, quae gaudiis, sollicitudinibus, doloribus distinguebatur; hanc historiam Christus convenerat, quae, cum eo instituto dialogo, spei denuo iter suscipiebat.vatican.va vatican.va
3. When, then, it came to pass in the secret design of God's providence that We were chosen to fill this Chair of St. Peter and to take the place of the Person of Christ Himself in the Church, worried by the enormous burden of the office and finding no ground for reliance upon Our own strength, We hastened with fervent zeal to implore the divine aid through the maternal intercession of the ever blessed Virgin.
Per multa enim et varia et formidolosa quae inciderunt tempora, semper ad eam confugimus, semper ad eam intentis oculis cupidisque suspeximus; omnique spe et metu, laetitiis et acerbitatibus, in sinu eius depositis, haec fuit assidua cura, orandi ab ea, Nobis vellet benigna in modum matris per omne tempus adesse et illud impetrare eximium, posse Nos ei vicissim deditissimam filii voluntatem probare. — Ubi deinde arcano providentis Dei consilio est factum, ut ad hanc Beati Petri Cathedram, ad ipsam videlicet Christi personam in eius Ecclesia gerendam, assumeremur, tum vero ingenti muneris gravitate commoti, nec ulla sustentati fiducia virtutis Nostrae, subsidia divinae opis, in materna Virginis beatissimae fide, impensiore studio flagitare contendimus.vatican.va vatican.va
Everyone's worried.
Omnes sollicitati sunt.tatoeba tatoeba
You look worried.
Quaeris sollicitus.QED QED
No worries.
Noli turbare.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Don't worry!
Aliud cura!tatoeba tatoeba
worried, concerned
ānxius, ānxia, ānxiumlangbot langbot
Let's not worry about it.
Ne de hoc sollicitemur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Don't worry!
Noli turbare.tatoeba tatoeba
Those above all whom sorrow troubles or whom the weight of worry crushes, He comforts with the gentle invitation: "Come to me, all you that labor, and are burdened, and I will refresh you."(
Omnibus omnino se dat beneficium; e morbis corporum relevat languentes, morbisque animorum gravioribus paterna medetur miseratione : quos vel aerumna exercet vel sollicitudinum moles fatigat, eos in primis blandissime compellat et vocat: Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis et onerati estis, et ego reficiam vos (Matth, XI , 28).vatican.va vatican.va
He is beautiful in heaven, beautiful on earth; beautiful in the womb, beautiful in his parents' arms, beautiful in his miracles, beautiful in his sufferings; beautiful in inviting to life, beautiful in not worrying about death, beautiful in giving up his life and beautiful in taking it up again; he is beautiful on the Cross, beautiful in the tomb, beautiful in heaven.
Pulcher ergo in caelo, pulcher in terra; pulcher in utero, pulcher in manibus parentum; pulcher in miraculis, pulcher in flagellis; pulcher invitans ad vitam, pulcher non curans mortem; pulcher deponens animam, pulcher recipiens; pulcher in ligno, pulcher in sepulcro, pulcher in caelo.vatican.va vatican.va
Although at the present time this danger seems to have receded, yet without completely disappearing, and even though an initial agreement has been reached on the destruction of one type of nuclear weapon, the existence and opposition of the blocs continue to be a real and worrying fact which still colors the world picture.
Etiamsi in praesentia ipsa temp ora periculum tale longius aliquanto remotum videtur, quamquam non funditus amotum, et tametsi iam ad consensionem est perventum de uno saltem armorum atomicorum delendo genere, ipsa exsistentia et oppositio illorum foederum nihilo cessant minus solid a esse et sollicitudinem generare, unde etiam condicionem pergunt afficere orbis totius.vatican.va vatican.va
David Guetta may not have anything to worry about, but Britain's irked clubbers certainly do.
Philus Philus dicit iustitiam non naturalem, sed ab hominibus factam esse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although people are rightly worried — though much less than they should be — about preserving the natural habitats of the various animal species threatened with extinction, because they realize that each of these species makes its particular contribution to the balance of nature in general, too little effort is made to safeguard the moral conditions for an authentic "human ecology".
Dum enim iuste profecto, etsi multo minus quam oportet, cogitatur de areis naturalibus diversorum generum animalium, quae ne exstinguantur periculum est, quoniam intellegitur eorum unumquodque peculiariter conf erre ad terrae generalem temperationem, parum curatur de « oecologiae humanae » condicionibus moralibus tutandis.vatican.va vatican.va
Don't worry. It's easy.
Ne sollicitus sis. Facile est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Don't worry. I can fix it.
Noli sollicitari. Possum id reficere.tatoeba tatoeba
I'm worried about her.
De ea sollicitus sum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Through Sunday rest, daily concerns and tasks can find their proper perspective: the material things about which we worry give way to spiritual values; in a moment of encounter and less pressured exchange, we see the true face of the people with whom we live.
Per dominicam quietem, sollicitudines vitaeque cotidianae munera aequam mensuram reperire possunt: terrena, de quibus solliciti sumus, spiritalibus divitiis spatium relinquunt; personae quibuscum vivimus, per conventus et magis serenum colloquium, verum vultum recipiunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Don't worry, be happy.
Aliud cura, laetus esto!Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I'm worried about the weather.
Tempestatem timeo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
47 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.