worshipped oor Latyn


(UK) Simple past tense and past participle of worship.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

innermost part of house where the_Lares were worshiped
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum
waxlight|taper|candle bearer|attendant at Christian worship
adoleo · adorare · adoratio · adoro · adveneror · apprecor · caeremonia · caerimonia · caerimonior · caerimonium · ceremonia · ceremonior · ceremonium · cerimonia · cerimonior · cerimonium · colo · cultus · deveneror · excolo · glorifico · oro · religio · supplico · venerare · venerari · veneratio · venero · veneror
goddesses worshiped at crossroads
worshipped as the Italian Pan
worshipped at Palica
worshiped by traders who sailed across the North Sea


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The priests' choir, as it is called, was opened for divine worship in the year 1278.
Qui cupidius novissimum agmen insecuti alieno loco cum equitatu Helvetiorum proelium committunt; et pauci de nostris cadunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Here it is not only a matter of an existentia but indeed of a pro-existentia, that is to say, of a way of living inspired by the supreme model of Christ the Lord and which is spent totally in worship of the Father and in service of neighbour.
interfectorem Voculae altis ordinibus, ceteros, ut quisque flagitium navaverat, praemiis attollit.vatican.va vatican.va
Indeed, so completely do the rulers of the Portuguese Republic deny any place to the clergy in the organization of divine worship that they have definitely laid it down and provided that those who exercise the ministry of religion may not be coopted as members of the aforesaid parish associations or be allotted any part in their administration or direction. Than such a provision nothing can be imagined more unjust or more intolerable, for it puts the clergy at the beck of other citizens in the very matters upon which they are the rightful directors.
Sic Agricola simul suis virtutibus, simul vitiis aliorum in ipsam gloriam praeceps agebatur.vatican.va vatican.va
It will be the duty of such men to effect that they who already believe in God may be increased in faith; that they whose faith is strong may practise the ideals of honourable living, religious worship, diligence in duty's fulfilment; lastly, that they who still lie in darkness may be brought to the knowledge of the true God and to the light of the Gospel.
Agitur enim de Ecclesiæ Pastorum congressione, qui collegiali unitate, in Apostolorum successione fundata, inter se uniuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
Before proceeding to more detailed observations on the subject of the celebration of the holy Sacrifice, I wish briefly to reaffirm the fact that eucharistic worship constitutes the soul of all Christian life.
Eitis omnibus copiis Antonius, quarum erat summa veteranarum trium legionum uniusque tironum et equitum DCCC, plerasque naves in Italiam remittit ad reliquos milites equitesque transportandos, pontones, quod est genus navium Gallicarum,Lissi relinquit, hoc consilio, ut si forte Pompeius vacuam existimans Italiam eo traiecisset exercitum,quae opinio erat edita in vulgus, aliquam Caesar ad insequendum facultatem haberet, nuntiosque ad eum celeriter mittit, quibus regionibus exercitum euisset et quid militum transvexisset.vatican.va vatican.va
Rightly indeed is this august sacrament honoured by social worship. In it, not only divine grace but the Author himself of grace, Christ the Lord, is contained.
et erat iuvenis haud dispari aetate, quibusdam Caesaris libertis velut adgnitus; per dolumque comitantibus adliciebantur ignari fama nominis et promptis Graecorum animis ad nova et mira: quippe elapsum custodiae pergere ad paternos exercitus, Aegyptum aut Syriam invasurum, fingebant simul credebantque.vatican.va vatican.va
Mankind witnessed the glorious spectacle of the clergy and the faithful of France rivaling each other day by day in fervor, in generosity, in devoted sacrifice. On the one hand, the faithful gave most generously and in abundance their offerings for the decorous upkeep of divine worship and for the adequate maintenance of their priests. On their side, the clergy willingly and even gladly submitted to the hard conditions of life which came into existence as a result of the law of separation.
Quocumque oculos Romanus intenderet, captivitatem clademque et dira omnia obversari.vatican.va vatican.va
"Sychaeus was her lord, in happier time / the richest of Phoenicians far and wide / in land, and worshipped by his hapless bride. / Her, in the bloom of maidenhood, her sire / had given him, and with virgin rites allied."
Hoc enim superioribus diebus timens Caesar, ne navibus nostri circumvenirentur, duplicem eo loco fecerat vallum, ut, si ancipiti proelio dimicaretur, posset resisti.tatoeba tatoeba
The principal text in the liturgical group is the Yasna, which takes its name from the Yasna ceremony, Zoroastrianism's primary act of worship, and at which the Yasna text is recited.
ac vulgato eius indicio inter damnatos magis quam inter reos Anteius Ostoriusque habebantur, adeo ut testamentum Antei nemo obsignaret, nisi Tigellinusauctor extitisset monito prius Anteio ne supremas tabulas moraretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eminent among the Popes who showed such proper concern was Saint Gregory the Great, who sought to hand on to the new peoples of Europe both the Catholic faith and the treasures of worship and culture amassed by the Romans in preceding centuries.
Eodem fere tempore P. Crassus, cum in Aquitaniam pervenisset, quae [pars], ut ante dictum est, [et regionum latitudine et multitudine hominum] tertia pars Galliae est [aestimanda], cum intellegeret in iis locis sibi bellum gerendum ubi paucis ante annis L. Valerius Praeconinus legatus exercitu pulso interfectus esset atque unde L. Manlius proconsul impedimentis amissis profugisset, non mediocrem sibi diligentiam adhibendam intellegebat.vatican.va vatican.va
In that passage the sin that leads to death seems to be the denial of the Son(85) or the worship of false gods.(
P. Sulpicium Rufum legatum cum eo praesidio quod satis esse arbitrabatur portum tenere iussit.vatican.va vatican.va
In solitude and silence, by listening to the word of God, participating in divine worship, personal asceticism, prayer, mortification and the communion of fraternal love, they direct the whole of their lives and all their activities to the contemplation of God.
dum pecuniam vel gravia auro templorum dona sibi quisque trahunt, maiore aliorum vi truncabantur.vatican.va vatican.va
Moreover, the history of piety shows how "the various forms of devotion towards the Mother of God that the Church has approved within the limits of wholesome and orthodox doctrine"(5) have developed in harmonious subordination to the worship of Christ, and have gravitated towards this worship as to their natural and necessary point of reference.
Longius progressus, cum agger altiore aqua contineri non posset, rates duplices quoquo versus pedum XXX e regione molis collocabat.vatican.va vatican.va
They provide instruction for simple folk, decoration for divine worship, continuity of religious practice.
Incredibili celeritate magno spatio paucis diebus confecto, cum iam pecus atque extrema impedimenta a nostris tenerentur, ipsi densiores silvas peterent, eius modi sunt tempestates consecutae uti opus necessario intermitteretur et continuatione imbrium diutius sub pellibus milites contineri non possent.vatican.va vatican.va
This appeal to the moral value of spiritual worship should not be interpreted in a merely moralistic way.
Inventis nonnullis civitatibus iureiurando inter se confirmant obsidibusque de pecunia cavent: Ambiorigem sibi societate et foedere adiungunt.vatican.va vatican.va
In celebrating Divine Worship the Church gives expression to what she is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
Reperio apud scriptores senatoresque eorundem temporum Adgandestrii principis Chattorum lectas in senatu litteras, quibus mortem Arminii promittebat si patrandae neci venenum mitteretur, responsumque esse non fraude neque occultis, sed palam et armatum populum Romanum hostis suos ulcisci.vatican.va vatican.va
23. It is of course beyond doubt that the Sacred Books never make express mention of a special worship of veneration and love made to the physical Heart of the Incarnate Word as the symbol of His burning love.
multaque de nomine eius et oraclum Phrixi celebrant; nec quisquam ariete sacrificaverit, credito vexisse Phrixum, sive id animal seu navis insigne fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
She is also worshipped as a bestower of children to the childless, and regarded as the foremost goddess for blessing children.
nec tamen repertus est nisi unus talis matrimonii cupitor, Alledius Severus eques Romanus, quem plerique Agrippinae gratia impulsum ferebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the beginning of the fourth century, Christian worship was still forbidden by the imperial authorities.
regnum Vangio ac Sido inter se partivere, egregia adversus nos fide, subiectis, suone an servitii ingenio, dum adipiscerentur dominationes, multa caritate, et maiore odio, postquam adepti sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
103 — In consultation with the Congregation for Seminaries and Educational Institutions and the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the Commission has the task of striving to make the people of God more and more aware of the need and importance of conserving the artistic and historical patrimony of the Church.
ob ea Vipstanus consul rettulit patrem senatus appellandum esse Claudium: quippe promiscum patris patriae cognomentum; nova in rem publicam merita non usitatis vocabulis honoranda: sed ipse cohibuit consulem ut nimium adsentantem.vatican.va vatican.va
Therefore, venerable Brothers, as we consider the piety that the liturgical Tradition of the universal Church and the renewed Roman Rite expresses towards the holy Mother of God, and as we remember that the liturgy through its pre-eminent value as worship constitutes the golden norm for Christian piety, and finally as we observe how the Church when she celebrates the sacred mysteries assumes an attitude of faith and love similar to that of the Virgin, we realize the rightness of the exhortation that the Second Vatican Council addresses to all the children of the Church, namely "that the cult, especially the liturgical cult, of the Blessed Virgin be generously fostered."(
Postero die equites nostri longius ad Cordubam versus prosecuti sunt eos qui commeatus ad castra Pompei ex oppido portabant.vatican.va vatican.va
Here too, I would like to reaffirm the solidarity of the whole Church with those who are denied freedom of worship.
urbi Flavium Sabinum praefecere, iudicium Neronis secuti, sub quo eandem curam obtinuerat, plerisque Vespasianum fratrem in eo respicientibus.vatican.va vatican.va
Thanks to the teachings proposed by John Paul II in the Apostolic Letter Mane Nobiscum Domine (7) and to the helpful suggestions of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments,(8) many initiatives were undertaken by Dioceses and various ecclesial groups in order to reawaken and increase eucharistic faith, to improve the quality of eucharistic celebration, to promote eucharistic adoration and to encourage a practical solidarity which, starting from the Eucharist, would reach out to those in need.
ea ambage Chalcedonii monstrabantur, quod priores illuc advecti, praevisa locorum utilitate, peiora legissent.vatican.va vatican.va
These associations of worship are therefore placed in such a state of dependence on the civil authority that the ecclesiastical authority will, clearly, have no power over them.
equitum Romanorum locos sedilibus plebis anteposuit apud circum; namque ad eam diem indiscreti inibant, quia lex Roscia nihil nisi de quattuordecim ordinibus sanxit.vatican.va vatican.va
His moral life has the value of a "spiritual worship" (Rom 12:1; cf.
Caesar impedimentis in proximum collem deductis, duabus legionibus praesidio relictis, secutus quantum diei tempus est passum, circiter tribus milibus hostium ex novissimo agmine interfectis altero die ad Alesiam castra fecit.vatican.va vatican.va
202 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.