worth mentioning oor Latyn

worth mentioning

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma

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trifle|thing not worth mentioning
nichil · nihil · nil


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The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro is worth mentioning.
ipse abunde ratus si praesentibusfrueretur, nec in longius consultans, noviens miliens sestertium paucissimis mensibus intervertisse creditur.vatican.va vatican.va
It is no wonder then, if, with time's changing conditions, modifications are introduced in such organisms: and in reality more than once in the past Roman Pontiffs, Our Predecessors, have taken pains to introduce reforms into the structure of the Roman Curia; in this respect those especially worth mentioning are the Constitutions Immensa Aeterni Dei of Sixtus V and Sapienti Consilio of Pius X, the provisions of which have been almost entirely incorporated into the Code of Canon Law.
namque et munimenta ingressi sunt, antequam agmen Romanum excederet, et circumstetere vias, captiva olim mancipia aut iumenta adgnoscentes abstrahentesque; raptae etiam vestes, retenta arma, pavido milite et concedente, ne qua proelii causa existeret.vatican.va vatican.va
2 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.