wounded oor Latyn


naamwoord, adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of wound.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Caesar was obliged to go to Apollonia, to lodge his wounded, pay his army, confirm his friends, and leave garrisons in the towns.
Caesari ad saucios deponendos, stipendium exercitui dandum, socios confirmandos, praesidium urbibus relinquendum necesse erat adire Apolloniam.
Charlton T. Lewis


This festering wound is a grave sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance, because it threatens the very foundations of personal and social life.
Haec putida plaga grave constituit peccatum quod ad caelum clamat, cum in ipsis fundamentis vitam personalem socialemque minetur.
Piotr Szelma

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Soortgelyke frases

easily wounded
wound severely
consaucio · convolnero
reproduction of Christ's wounds
wound of love
volnus · vulnus
Vulnus · cicatrix · cruento · ferio · fodio · ictus · lacero · laedo · perstringo · plaga · plago · saucio · seco · volneratio · volnero · volnus · vulnerare · vulnero · vulnus
all |the hours| wound, last one kills
omnes vulnerant, postuma necat oromnes feriunt, ultima necat
inflict many wounds on
olive-branches wound with woollen fillets


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The rest of the soldiers foully mutilated his arms and legs, for his breast was protected, and in their savage ferocity inflicted many wounds even on the headless trunk.
trierarchi,nutantes seu dolo, adloquendos sibi milites et paratis omnium animis reversuros firmaverunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The human family is thus in itself dramatically convulsed and wounded.
rursum deus, qua silvas pererraverit, nocturno visu demonstrat, reperiunturque fusae passim ferat.vatican.va vatican.va
Those who are described by Paul as "having a semblance indeed of piety, but disowning its power[11] are not the salt of the earth which cures completely the wounds of corruption, nor the light of the world which teaches the way of salvation to those sitting in the shadow of death.
Vtrimque clamore sublato excipit rursus ex vallo atque omnibus munitionibus clamor.vatican.va vatican.va
Tom was wounded in the fight.
Nec aliud adversus validissimas gentis pro nobis utilius quam quod in commune non consulunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
It must not be said that this devotion has taken its origin from some private revelation of God and has suddenly appeared in the Church; rather, it has blossomed forth of its own accord as a result of that lively faith and burning devotion of men who were endowed with heavenly gifts, and who were drawn towards the adorable Redeemer and His glorious wounds which they saw as irresistible proofs of that unbounded love.
Vita omnis in venationibus atque in studiis rei militaris consistit: ab parvulis labori ac duritiae student.vatican.va vatican.va
With profound meaning was it often affirmed by the greatest teacher of philosophy that, could the minds of tyrants be laid bare, there would be seen gashes and wounds; for, as the body is lacerated by scourging, so is the spirit by brutality, by lust and by evil thoughts.
Idem hoc L. Lentulo, qui superiore anno consul fuerat, et P. Lentulo consulari ac nonnullis aliis acciderat Rhodi; qui cum ex fuga Pompeium sequerentur atque in insulam venissent, oppido ac portu recepti non erant missisque ad eos nuntiis, ut ex his locis discederent contra voluntatem suam naves solverant. Iamque de Caesaris adventu fama ad civitates perferebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Three men were wounded.
Hoc inito consilio totius exercitus impedimenta ad Labienum in Treveros mittit duasque legiones ad eum proficisci iubet; ipse cum legionibus expeditis quinque in Menapios proficiscitur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In the same spirit and with the same commitment to encouraging the resolution of all fractures and divisions in the Church and to healing a wound in the ecclesial fabric that was more and more painfully felt, I wished to remit the excommunication of the four Bishops illicitly ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre.
eadem poena in Catum Firmium senatorem statuitur, tamquam falsis maiestatis criminibus sororem petivisset.vatican.va vatican.va
He, while he was endeavoring to render assistance to his brother who was surrounded by the enemy, and whom he rescued from danger, was himself thrown from his horse, which was wounded under him, but still opposed [his antagonists] with the greatest intrepidity, as long as he was able to maintain the conflict.
Caesar postquam equitatu ante praemisso inscius insidiarum cum ad eum locum venisset, adversarii sive obliti praeceptorum Labieni sive veriti ne in fossa ab equitibus opprimerentur, rari ac singuli de rupe prodire et summa petere collis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After receiving many wounds on all sides, and having forced no part of the works, when day drew nigh, fearing lest they should be surrounded by a sally made from the higher camp on the exposed flank, they retreated to their countrymen.
Id levamen; et continuum sex dierum iter emensi septimo pulsis cultoribus obtinuere terras, in quis urbs et templum dicata.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Our soldiers, after the alarm of so great a war, for the number of the enemy amounted to 430,000, returned to their camp, all safe to a man, very few being even wounded.
Relinquebatur una per Sequanos via, qua Sequanis invitis propter angustias ire non poterant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There was not a wound among our soldiers, who cut down a half-asleep, an unarmed, or a straggling foe.
at sibi robur peditum equitumque, consanguineos Germanos, Gallias idem cupientis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The problem of moral evil—the most tragic of evil's forms—is also addressed in the Bible, which tells us that such evil stems not from any material deficiency, but is a wound inflicted by the disordered exercise of human freedom.
Item L. Lentulus comprehenditur ab rege et in custodia necatur.vatican.va vatican.va
Sextius faints, after receiving many wounds; he is with difficulty saved, drawn away by the hands of the soldiers.
Equitatum frenatum universum in suo dextro cornu disposuerat: sinistrum enim cornu oppido Uzitta claudebatur, neque erat spatium equitatus explicandi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"But when the baggage was clogged in the mud and in the fosses, the soldiers around it in disorder, the array of the standards in confusion, every one in selfish haste and all ears deaf to the word of command he ordered the Germans to charge, exclaiming again and again, ""Behold a Varus and legions once more entangled in Varus's fate."" As he spoke, he cut through the column with some picked men, inflicting wounds chiefly on the horses."
atque illa simulationum nescia, cum propter discumberet, non vultu aut sermone flecti, nullos attingere cibos, donec advertit Tiberius, forte an quia audiverat; idque quo acrius experiretur, poma, ut erant adposita, laudans nurui sua manu tradidit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On our side, three were slain, besides twelve foot-soldiers and five troopers wounded.
erectus Samnis Paelignusque et Marsi aemulatione quod Campania praevenisset, ut in novo obsequio, ad cuncta belli munia acres erant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The soldier brings his wounds to mother and wife, who shrink not from counting or even demanding them and who administer both food and encouragement to the combatants.
ad septuaginta milia civium et sociorum iis, quae memoravi, locis cecidisse constitit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
7. Those who are at the head of the government and whose cooperation is so necessary to heal the wounds of the Church easily understand that, just as Portugal attained great glory from the strength and blessings of the Catholic religion, so too the Church provides the only speedy elimination of the causes of evil. The state must always be governed under the leadership and guidance of this same religion.
Ceterum Arii super vires, quibus enumeratos paulo ante populos antecedunt, truces, insitae feritati arte ac tempore lenocinantur.vatican.va vatican.va
As they repeated this often, pressing upon our troops when we marched, and retiring when we endeavored to engage, always keeping at a certain distance, and with singular care avoiding a close fight, and considering it enough to wound us with their darts, Caesar plainly saw that their whole aim was to oblige him to encamp in that place, where no water was to be had; that his soldiers, who had tasted nothing from three in the morning till four in the afternoon, might perish with hunger, and the cattle with thirst.
crebrioribus in dies Germanicae defectionis nuntiis et facili civitate ad accipienda credendaque omnia nova cum tristia sunt, censuerant patres mittendos ad Germanicum exercitum legatos.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He then touched the wreaths, which were wound round the foundation stone and entwined with the ropes, while at the same moment all the other magistrates of the State, the Priests, the Senators, the Knights, and a number of the citizens, with zeal and joy uniting their efforts, dragged the huge stone along. Contributions of gold and silver and virgin ores, never smelted in the furnace, but still in their natural state, were showered on the foundations.
sibi quisque militiam sumpsere: quamvis indignus, si ita maluerat, urbanae militiae adscribebatur; rursus bonis remanere inter legionarios aut alaris volentibus permissum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The work is carried on incessantly in the night: not even to the sick, or wounded, is opportunity given for rest: whatever things are required for resisting the assault of the next day are provided during the night: many stakes burned at the end, and a large number of mural pikes are procured: towers are built up, battlements and parapets are formed of interwoven hurdles.
simul odiorum invidiaeque erga Fabium Valentem admonebatur ut impar apud Vitellium gratiam virisque apud novum principem pararet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On 7 May, the fighting in Barcelona was over with more than 500 dead and over 1,500 wounded.
illud haud ambigitur, qualicumque insomnio ipsi fratrique perniciem adlatam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He brings him at the price of his own "departure": he gives them this Spirit as it were through the wounds of his crucifixion: "He showed them his hands and his side."
Itaque contra mare transversum vallum, qui has duas munitiones coniungeret, nondum perfecerat.vatican.va vatican.va
Labienus too retreated to his camp, after having thoroughly fatigued his troops with the pursuit: in which, besides a great number wounded, his loss amounted to about three hundred men.
Auxilia tamen e Germania Britanniaque et Hispaniis excivit, segniter et necessitatem dissimulans.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And Silanus failed not to resist and to strike blows, as well as he could with his bare hands, till he was cut down by the centurion, as though in battle, with wounds in his breast.
Simul his rebus animadversis, quas demonstravimus, timens, ne a multitudine equitum dextrum cornu circumveniretur, celeriter ex tertia acie singulas cohortes detraxitatque ex his quartam instituit equitatuique opposuit et, quid fieri vellet, ostendit monuitque eius diei victoriam in earum cohortium virtute constare.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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