written oor Latyn


/ˈrɪtn̩/ adjektief, werkwoord
Of, relating or characteristic of writing (i.e., of that which has been written)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ scrīptus ]
of, relating or characteristic of writing
I have written your name in my heart.
Nomen tuum in corde meo scripsi.


Piotr Szelma


of, relating or characteristic of writing

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

date decoration of independance written
Paecilomyces smilanensis
be recorded|written
What I have written I have written.
Quod scripsi, scripsi.
written with one's own hand
written law
lex scripta
letter|dispatch|written communication
epistola · epistula
wholly written by one's own hand
something written
scriptum · scriptura
written proof


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Spanish ships visited the islands in the 16th century; the first written record of contact with the islands came with the sighting of Pukapuka by Spanish sailor Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira in 1595 who called it San Bernardo (Saint Bernard).
Horum odium confirmabant non nulli familiares eius qui, cum in illa societate versarentur rapinarum, nihilo minus oderant eum cuius nomine peccabant, sibique quod rapuerant acceptum referebant, quod interciderat aut erat interpellatum Cassio assignabant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For it is written "Loving kindness I desire, not sacrifice."
Adnotabant periti non alium ducem opportunitates locorum sapientius legisse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He has written more than fifty poetry books.
Non excessisse enim Ponto Pharnacen audiebat neque excessurum putabat, cum secundo proelio vehementer esset inflatus quod contra Domitium Calvinum fecerat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties, every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by the light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart (cf.
nam inter Vibullium praetorem et plebei tribunum Antistium ortum certamen, quod immodestos fautores histrionum et a praetore in vincla ductos tribunus omitti iussisset.vatican.va vatican.va
Livingston and Evans, both members of ASCAP, won three Academy Awards, in 1948 for the song "Buttons and Bows", written for the movie The Paleface; in 1950 for the song "Mona Lisa", written for the movie Captain Carey, U.S.A.; and in 1956 for the song "Que Sera Sera", featured in the Alfred Hitchcock movie The Man Who Knew Too Much and sung by Doris Day.
Ubi sum?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I thought they were dreadful, but they were not written by Richard.
sed aliis a primoribus maximeque a magistratibus trepidahatur: quippe Tiberius etsi infense invectus cetera ambigua reliquerat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even changes of ownership by inheritance cases can be found on the linen today, old names were deleted and new written underneath.
Capito insignitior infamia fuit quod humani divinique iuris sciens egregium publicum et bonas domi artes dehonestavisset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The letter was written by Bill.
proxima Lingonum civitas erat, fida partibus.tatoeba tatoeba
All human beings, from their mothers' womb, belong to God who searches them and knows them, who forms them and knits them together with his own hands, who gazes on them when they are tiny shapeless embryos and already sees in them the adults of tomorrow whose days are numbered and whose vocation is even now written in the "book of life" (cf.
Ludos et inania honoris medio rationis atque abundantiae duxit, uti longe a luxuria ita famae propior.vatican.va vatican.va
It could make a dozen copies if the letter was written with a pen and good copying ink.
Fuere qui publici funeris pompam requirerent compararentque quae in Drusum patrem Germanici honora et magnifica Augustus fecisset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although written with a serious purpose in mind, the humorous aspects cannot be ignored, especially with Chace's additions of phrases not in the traditional stories ("A nervous sausage bag ice!" for "I never saw such big eyes!") and added plot twists.
et Messalinumquidem L. Asprenas senatu coram ercontatus est an prudens praeterisset; ac tum demum nomen Claudii adscriptum est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That was written by Taro Akagawa.
"Hic summo in Arvernis ortus loco et magnae habitus auctoritatis, ""Nihil,"" inquit, ""de eorum sententia dicturus sum, qui turpissimam servitutem deditionis nomine appellant, neque hos habendos civium loco neque ad concilium adhibendos censeo."tatoeba tatoeba
In law, resolution is a written motion adopted by a deliberative body.
quae ab heredibus occultata recitari Tiberius iussit, patientiam libertatis alienae ostentans et contemptor suae infamiae, an scelerum Seiani diu nescius mox quoquo modo dicta vulgari malebat veritatisque, cui adulatio officit, per probra saltem gnarus fieri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first paragraph states: “With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in the word of God, whether written or handed down in Tradition, which the Church either by a solemn judgment or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium sets forth to be believed as divinely revealed.”(
eo pronior Tiberius res gestas apud senatum celebravit; et decrevere patres triumphalia insignia, quod Camillo ob modestiam vitae impune fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
What We have just written has doubtless more force when it is a question of imparting instructions; documentary films, radio broadcasts, and television for schools provide ideas and open up new possibilities here, not only with regard to those who are still young, but also with regard to those of mature years.
Caesar paene omni acie perterrita, quod praeter opinionem consuetudinemque acciderat, cohortatus suos legionem nonam subsidio ducit; hostem insolenter atque acriter nostros insequentem supprimit rursusque terga vertere seque ad oppidum Ilerdam recipere et sub muro consistere cogit.vatican.va vatican.va
Questions brought before the dicasteries are to be diligently examined and, without delay, an answer or, at least, a written acknowledgement of receipt, insofar as this is necessary, should be sent.
In 5 patients malreduction was seen without clinical consequences.vatican.va vatican.va
He has written two books.
tum audita amborum verba, intentius excusante se Lepido, cum valetudinem corporis, aetatem liberum, nubilem filiam obtenderet, intellegereturque etiam quod silebat, avunculum esse Seiani Blaesum atque eo praevalidum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
20. We order this to be established and fixed as written above, notwithstanding the constitutions of Pope St. Pius V and other apostolic documents on the reform of the breviary and the Roman Missal, or other statutes and customs - even very old ones - or anything else to the contrary.
Quae res cum animadversa esset, subito legionarii consistunt, et equites quamquam erant pauci, tamen contra tantam multitudinem audacissime concurrunt.vatican.va vatican.va
God has written a precious book, “whose letters are the multitude of created things present in the universe”.[
Multa patrum et in Augustam adulatio.vatican.va vatican.va
The Gospel of John, for its part, considering the situation of the People of God at the time it was written, sees in Jesus' death the reason for the unity of God's children: "Jesus would die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but to gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad" (11:51-52).
Qua re cognita Caesar, quod tantum civitati Aeduae dignitatis tribuebat, coercendum atque deterrendum quibuscumque rebus posset Dumnorigem statuebat; quod longius eius amentiam progredi videbat, prospiciendum, ne quid sibi ac rei publicae nocere posset.vatican.va vatican.va
For the word is no less powerful than the pen; influence and authority can serve the good cause as well as the written word.
Gallus legionem primam in auxilium Placentiae ducebat, diffisus paucitati cohortium, ne longius obsidium et vim Germanici exercitus parum tolerarent.vatican.va vatican.va
"Receiving answers which were mostly judicious, though in part somewhat incautious, he read out a note written by Piso, nearly to the following effect:- ""Crushed by a conspiracy of my foes and the odium excited by a lying charge, since my truth and innocence find no place here, I call the immortal gods to witness that towards you Caesar, I have lived loyally, and with like dutiful respect towards your mother."
Eodem fere tempore P. Crassus, cum in Aquitaniam pervenisset, quae [pars], ut ante dictum est, [et regionum latitudine et multitudine hominum] tertia pars Galliae est [aestimanda], cum intellegeret in iis locis sibi bellum gerendum ubi paucis ante annis L. Valerius Praeconinus legatus exercitu pulso interfectus esset atque unde L. Manlius proconsul impedimentis amissis profugisset, non mediocrem sibi diligentiam adhibendam intellegebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In them we shall learn how Christ, "the Author and Finisher of Our faith," began "to do and teach," in order that we might see written in His example all the lessons that He Himself had taught us for the bearing of our burden of labour and sorrow, and mark how the sufferings which were hardest to bear were those which He embraced with the greatest measure of generosity and good will.
Sabinus suos hortatus cupientibus signum dat.vatican.va vatican.va
For history is written not only by the events which in a certain sense happen "from outside"; it is written first of all "from within": it is the history of human consciences, of moral victories and defeats.
properata inde accusatio missisque ad Caesarem litteris ordinem fraudis suumque ipsi dedecus narravere.vatican.va vatican.va
202 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.