Sun oor Luxemburgs


/sʌn/ naamwoord, eienaam
The star at the center of our solar system, represented in astronomy and astrology by ☉.

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/sʌn/ werkwoord, naamwoord, eienaam
The star which the Earth revolves around and from which it receives light and warmth.The Illustrated Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1998

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Luxemburgs


the star around which the Earth revolves



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sun sensor
sun glasses
midnight sun
The Sun
sun cheaters
Herald Sun Tour
Jayco Herald Sun Tour
sun dog


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In order to see a glory, therefore, the clouds or fog causing it must be located below the observer, in a straight line with the Sun/Moon and the observer's eye.
Och kënschtlech Äerdsatelliten kënnen an d'Siichtlinn tëscht engem Observateur op der Äerd an der Sonn oder dem Mound geroden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Note that this definition of double planet depends on the pair's distance from the Sun.
Hir Lafzäit ergëtt déi duebel Distanz zum Satellit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(The Engineer) 5 December NASA's exoplanet-hunting Kepler mission confirms its first extrasolar planet in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star.
Dezember 2011) Portal Astronomie Lëscht vun Exoplanéiten Äerdähnleche Planéit Exoplanéit NASA's Kepler confirms its first planet in habitable zone of sun-like star Kepler-22, ofgeruff de 6.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For approximating when complete darkness begins, some astronomers argue that it occurs when the sun has descended 15 degrees below the horizon while others use the safer measure of 18 degrees.
Komplett däischter ass et awer eréischt, wann d'Sonn méi wéi 18° ënner dem Horizont steet (Enn vun der astronomescher Owenddämmerung).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sun makes algae grow faster in the tropics and animal feed may be available from process leftovers.
Alkane reagéieren awer mat dem Chlor a mat der Schwiefelsaier fir nei Produiten ze forméieren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The sun is shining.
D'Sonn schéngt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
How the Sun Danced at Midday at Fátima 1917 Our Lady appears to 3 young people, in Fatima, Portugal.
Si war eent vun den dräi Kanner, déi 1917 zu Fátima, a Portugal, Zeie solle gewiescht si vu Marienerscheinungen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sun Ce's aides only trusted Taishi Ci after he kept his promise and returned from Yuzhang Commandery.
Fir säi Verloscht ze kompenséieren hätt d'Magajiya him d'Aufgab ginn, déi opsässeg Azna ze kontrolléieren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The focus of this journal is fundamental research on the Sun and it covers all aspects of solar physics.
D'Zil vun der Renovatioun war d'Konzentratioun op déi wesentlech Elementer vun der Liturgie.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During his journey from Guzhang County to Changsha, Sun He saw a magpie's nest on a wall.
Op der däitscher Säit vun der Musel, läit schréi vis-à-vis Nittel a méi erof Wellen an Temmels.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the bay waters, hundreds of seals and sea otters splashed and basked in the sun.
Halefoussball gëtt, wéi den Numm et scho seet, an der Hal ausgedroen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whereas his critics took the stopping of the Sun to mean that Sun halts its orbit around the Earth, Galileo interpreted it with a different astronomical viewpoint.
Dat ass zwar nach net als Hinwäis ze bewäerten, datt déi meescht extrasolar Planéite Gasrise sinn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This had a spherical star projector, and mechanized motions for the Sun, Moon and planets, and lunar phases.
D'Bezeechnunge gi fir ëmlafend Stäresystemer, Planéiten, Asteroiden a Koméite gebraucht, wéi och fir hir Mounden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1991 Herald-Sun newspaper in publication.
Vun 2003 huet d'Konradin Verlagsgrupp d'Zeitung iwwerholl.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus the angular diameter of the Sun is about 250,000 times that of Sirius.
Den Antares huet déi 40.000-fach Liichtkraaft vun der Sonn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sun studied Chinese literature at the University of Shanghai.
Den Dunning huet Chinesesch a chinesesch Literatur op der Universitéit zu Shanghai studéiert.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One of the main goals of the mission was the hunt for Earth-sized planets orbiting in the habitable zones of nearby stars other than the Sun.
Den Entwécklungsstadium steet an der „Planéitegeschicht“ tëscht de Planéitesimalen an de fäerdege Planéiten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The instruments were pointed towards the comet C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), at that time close to the sun.
Sou zum Beispill de Koméit mat der Bezeechnung C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), deen de 14.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under shady conditions, the ultimate segments lie within the plane of the blade, but tend to twist out of the plane when grown in the sun.
Déi aner Theorie beseet, datt de Planéit sech schonn no bei der Sonn gebilt huet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Solar time is a calculation of the passage of time based on the position of the Sun in the sky.
D'Sonnenzäit ass d'Berechnung vun der Zäit, déi op der Positioun vun der Sonn am Himmel baséiert.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Observations with the SINFONI spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope show that the disk is accreting matter at the rate of approximately 10−11 of the mass of the Sun per year.
Observatioune mam SINFONI-Spektrograph vum Very Large Telescope weisen, datt den OTS 44 Matière aus der Scheif op sech zitt, an zwar mat enger Quote vun 10−11 Sonnemassen pro Joer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first comet whose orbit had been found to take it extremely close to the Sun was the Great Comet of 1680.
Den éischte Koméit, deem seng Ëmlafbunn als sonnenno bestëmmt konnt ginn, war de Grousse Koméit vu 1680.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Shadow of 1000 Suns is more in the symphonic black metal vein.
E besteet aus 340 Säiten an enthält eng Sammlung vun de véier Evangelien.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He made first relatively precise measurement of distance from Earth to Sun.
Si bestëmmen dobäi d'Lag vun engem Satellit relativ zu der Sonn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When the Surfer removed Midnight Sun's mask in order to treat his injuries, he was surprised to discover a horribly mangled face.
De Witt konnt zwar als éischte seng Entdeckung bekanntmaachen, so datt se him zougesprach gouf.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
40 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.