atmosphere oor Luxemburgs


/ˈæt.məsˌfɛə(ɹ)/, /ˈætməsˌfɪɹ/ naamwoord
The gases surrounding the Earth or any astronomical body.

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layer of gases surrounding a material body



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This strip is best described as having the atmosphere of George Lucas' iconic film, American Graffiti.
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The stench of his blood billowed out and filled the atmosphere with a foul odor.
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The accumulated knowledge and techniques of astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, atmospheric science, and engineering are all brought to bear upon the single goal of studying planetary systems.
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On the Radiative Equilibrium of a Stellar Atmosphere.
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The third episode looks at the atmosphere of the planets and moons of the Solar System, with Earth, Mars, and Venus being the main focus.
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The planned ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, launched in March 2016 to Mars, will study atmospheric trace gases and will attempt to characterize potential biochemical and geochemical processes at work.
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Thus the helium produced at the core is distributed across the star, producing a relatively uniform atmosphere and a proportionately longer main sequence lifespan.
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He significantly furthered understanding of atmospheric vortices, particularly the tornado.
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Because it isn't as close to its star as its sister planets Kepler-11b and Kepler-11c, the Kepler team suggests that its light density may come from a large hydrogen and helium atmosphere that has not been blown away by the stellar wind.
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Hydroxyl found in atmosphere of Venus.
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The arrival of radical Kronstadt sailors – who had tried and executed many officers, including one admiral – further fueled the growing revolutionary atmosphere.
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Less water vapor means both low dew point temperatures and more efficient daytime heating, decreasing the chances of humidity in the atmosphere leading to cloud formation.
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The watershed moment for mission planning was July 1965, when Mariner IV returned more accurate atmospheric data about Mars.
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Third, it was argued that the Soviet Union led the US in high-yield weapons (recall the Soviet Tsar Bomba test of 1961), which required atmospheric testing banned by the treaty, while the US led the Soviet Union in low-yield weapons, which were tested underground and would be permitted by the treaty.
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Without the protection of Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere astronauts are exposed to high levels of radiation.
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When there was a magnetic field, the atmosphere would have been protected from erosion by the solar wind, which would ensure the maintenance of a dense atmosphere, necessary for liquid water to exist on the surface of Mars.
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In the 1960s, AiResearch Environmental Control Systems provided the life supporting atmosphere for American astronauts in the projects Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab.
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