but oor Luxemburgs


/bʌt/, /bət/ werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord, samewerking, pre / adposition
(obsolete, except Scottish) Outside of.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Luxemburgs

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Hierdie vertalings is met 'n algoritme 'geraai' en word nie deur die mens bevestig nie. Wees versigtig.
(@39 : fr:seulement fr:uniquement es:solo )
(@23 : fr:seulement fr:uniquement fr:rien que )
(@17 : fr:et es:y de:und )
(@14 : fr:mais fr:cependant pl:lecz )
(@10 : fr:mais pl:lecz pl:zaledwie )
(@10 : fr:mais es:mas pl:lecz )
(@9 : fr:sans es:sin sv:utan )
(@9 : fr:mais pl:lecz pl:zaledwie )
(@8 : fr:pourtant fr:néanmoins eo:tamen )
(@7 : fr:pourtant eo:tamen pl:jednak )
(@6 : es:solo de:allein it:solo )
(@6 : eo:tamen pl:jednakże pl:ale )
(@6 : et:jah ru:да tl:oo )
(@6 : fr:acheter es:comprar pt:comprar )
(@5 : fr:excepté fr:sauf pl:oprócz )
(@4 : sl:a hr:a sr:a )
(@4 : fr:encore de:noch pt:ainda )
(@4 : sr:већ hr:već pt: )
am Géigendeel
(@4 : fr:parce que de:weil ja:だって )


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Most of the surviving crew are killed in the fighting, but Salter manages to commandeer an SDF destroyer.
Den Observatoire gouf zerstéiert, awer een Astronom konnt mat de Stäretafele fortkommen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And finally, a lot a people aren't privy to this, but the doodle is a precursor to some of our greatest cultural assets.
A schlussendlech, net vill Leit wessen dat, mee kootzelen as e Firleefer vun e puer vun eise gréißte kulturelle Schätz.ted2019 ted2019
Dogfish have been harvested for subsistence use on the Pacific coast for centuries, but commercial fisheries first began targeting dogfish in the 1930s and commercial landings of Pacific spiny dogfish in the West Coast of the United States were highest in the 1940s, driven by a market for Vitamin A from shark liver oil.
Ënner Pazifikkrich ginn déi militäresch Operatioune verstanen déi vun 1941 am fären Orient an deene Länner gefouert goufen, déi un de pazifeschen Ozean stoussen, an d'Schluechten déi sech um Ozean selwer ofgespillt hunn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The station capital does not in fact belong to Virgin Group, but to Lagardère Active, which has to pay 0.5 to 1% of its profits to Virgin Group under a franchise contract.
No där Operatioun, wou déi al Aktionäre mat Audiofina-Aktien a Boergeld ausbezuelt gi sinn, hat d'Luxempart eng Participatioun vun 73,1 Prozent an der Audiolux.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the late 1900s the art form was heavily in decline among the entire St. Thomas Christian Community but the Knanaya community took upon the initiative to promote and further expand the art form.
Déi meescht Aktivitéite ginn am a ronderëm den Home Saint-Christophe am Beggener Centre culturel ofgehalen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1998, guitarist Ed O’Brien stated that Radiohead were considering rerecording "I Promise" for their next album, but it remained unreleased.
2008 hat hien e puer Optrëtter an der Varieté-Show "The next Uri Geller" um däitschen Tëleesprogramm ProSieben.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged.
Déi genee Definitioun vum Bestietnes ass kulturell variabel; d'Bestietnes selwer gëllt awer als kulturell universell an am Prinzip als Institutioun an där interpersonell Relatiounen, generell intim a sexuell, unerkannt sinn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The latter party advocated autonomy for western Ukraine but was loyal to the Polish state.
De Pakt huet dem Däitsche Räich déi sowjetesche Neutralitéit bei engem Krich mat Polen an de Westmiecht garantéiert.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The National Assembly had 555 members but only 343 were present, mainly members of the government party of Marshal Józef Piłsudski.
De legislative Pouvoir läit an den Hänn vu 550 Deputéierten, déi all 5 Joer frësch gewielt ginn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They reached the Hungarian Cup final in 1991 and 1992, but lost 0–1 against Ferencvárosi TC and 0–1 after extra time against Újpest FC.
2003 huet den FC Kielen 0-1 géint den CS Uewerkuer verluer an 2007 0-2 géint den FC CeBra 01.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gometra House had fallen into disrepair and parts were near collapse by the 1980s, but was reoccupied and restored as a family home in the 1990s.
Fir de Bau vun der Kierch ze finanzéiere war an den 1960er Joren e Kierchebauveräin gegrënnt ginn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A fourth series was hinted at by Ben Miller in 2012, but there has been no mention of it since then.
Zanter 2013 gëtt eng nei Serie an Ëmlaf bruecht, déi déi al no an no ersetze soll.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But, intervention of British, French and Russian naval troops in the Battle of Navarino, forced troops of Ottoman and Egyptian to evacuate Morea Eyalet in 1 October 1828.
Oktober, Schluecht vun Navarino, Groussbritannien, Frankräich a Russland besiegen Osmanen an Egypter 1849, 5.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On its own, it is a metallic-liquid explosive, but it turns into "black milk" when cooked, and exhibits mind-altering, drug-like properties.
Et ginn awer och spezialiséiert Restauranten, déi dat op eng méi "artisanal" Aart a Weis maachen, a Wäert op héichwäerteg Qualitéit leeën.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is but one: this is Frank Gehry the architect's precursor to the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi.
Hei as lo nemmen een: dest as dem Architekt Frank Gehry seng Firbereedung zum Guggenheim zu Abu Dhabi.ted2019 ted2019
Chilcoot and Vinton are actually two separate small communities that are two miles apart on State Route 70, but were grouped together by the USCB for statistical purposes.
Déi zwou Entitéite si vun engem 60 Kilometer breede Streech getrennt, deen zur Demokratescher Republik Kongo gehéiert.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Several other army units became involved at that point but it was Captain Charles A.P. Hatfield and Company D, 4th Cavalry, that eventually found the Apaches encamped on May 15, near the village of Santa Cruz, between the Santa Cruz and San Pedro Rivers.
Déi 6. däitsch Panzerarméi war um Enn mat hire Kräften, awer déi 5. hat et fäerdegbruecht nach eng 50 Kilometer an Direktioun Saint-Hubert, Rochefort an Dinant weiderzekommen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The British had taken Philadelphia in 1777, but American victory at the Battle of Saratoga brought back hope to the Patriots and enthusiasm in France.
Am September 1777 hu britesch Truppe Philadelphia besat, mä mat der Victoire zu Saragota konnt d'amerikanesch Arméi de Laf vum Krich an eng aner Richtung dréinen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De Staël had rejected the idea of the right of resistance - which had been introduced by the French Constitution of 1793, but removed from the Constitution of 1795.
No der Franséischer Revolutioun huet hie refuséiert, den Eed op déi nei Verfassung ofzeleeën, an ass 1791 pensionéiert ginn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I know the police cases and Reese and Finch number cases are bound to intersect, but when it lines up so easily it can feel a bit contrived.
Sou ass et méiglech, wann eng Grupp gepëtzt gëtt, datt déi aner Gruppen net ze vill a Gefor geroden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The west side has two heads, but otherwise the carvings have been broken off.
D'Koppel hat fënnef Kanner, wouvun der zwee jonk gestuerwe sinn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was not intentional, but merely serendipitous.
Dat war eréischt no en etleche Versich gelongen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Clive faints, but Graeme agrees to assist Paul and gives him a ride.
Deen huet séier geléiert, säi Papp ze verbesseren, a selbststänneg ze handelen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Adult individuals have five arms but small, immature individuals have six.
De Charles, eenzege Jong, hat nach sechs Sëschteren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The structure was originally all wood, but before production was complete an all-metal structure was introduced, made in what became the famous Hawker system of metal construction.
Aacht Joer hat et gedauert, bis den Terain planéiert war, déi noutwendeg Gebaier gebaut an all d'Instrumenter installéiert waren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
166 sinne gevind in 38 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.