dependence of elderly persons oor Litaus

dependence of elderly persons

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Litaus

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– Assistance for carers of dependent persons: Workers with dependent persons (children, elderly or disabled persons) will receive 50 % of their monthly caretaker expenses up to EUR 300, conditional upon their participation in the measures.
Taikymo sritisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Providing of assistance to aid the elderly, dependent persons or the sick in getting out of and into bed
Norint atsižvelgti į galimus geografinius skirtumus arba klimatines sąlygas, arba gyvenimo būdą, taip pat kaip ir skirtingus apsaugos lygius, kurie gali vyrauti nacionaliniu, regioniniu arba vietiniu lygmeniu, kiekvienam esminiam reikalavimui gali tekti sukurti klases dokumentuose, minimuose šio straipsnio # dalyje, ir techninėse specifikacijose, minimose # straipsnyje, tam, kad tų reikalavimų būtų laikomasitmClass tmClass
- Assistance for carers of dependent persons : Workers with dependent persons (children, elderly or disabled persons) will receive a lump sum of EUR 200 as a contribution to the expenses for carers of dependent persons conditional upon their participation in the measures.
Komisijos rekomendacija #/#/EB dėl informacijos, kurią vartotojams turi pateikti skolintojai siūlydami būsto paskolas (elgesio kodeksas), ir kaip naudojamas Europos standartinis informacijos lapas (angl. ESIS), kuriuo siekiama užtikrinti, kad vartotojai apie būsto paskolas gautų skaidrią informaciją ir kad ją būtų galima palygintiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
– Contribution for carers of dependent persons: Workers with dependent persons (children, elderly or disabled persons) will receive one-off payment of EUR 150 as a contribution to the expenses for carers of dependent persons, conditional upon their participation in the measures.
PAKUOTĖS TIPAI (# langelisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Escorting of the elderly or dependent persons
Kartu su kiekybiniais duomenimis, lėšų asignavimu ir kt. nurodomi konkretūs programos tikslaitmClass tmClass
(c) contribute to enhanced civic participation of particular groups of third-country nationals, such as dependants of persons selected for admission programmes, children, women, elderly, illiterate or persons with disabilities;
Patariamasis komitetas sutinka su Komisija, kad siūloma koncentracija pasaulinėje vario laužo rinkoje nesukelia nekoordinuojamų padarinių, dėl kurių bendrojoje rinkoje arba didelėje jos dalyje būtų itin apribota veiksminga konkurencijanot-set not-set
Accompaniment in the home and on the street of the elderly or dependent persons
Pagalbos schemos ar įmonės, gaunančios individualią pagalbą, pavadinimastmClass tmClass
This includes two types of contributions (1) Contribution for carers of dependent persons: Workers with dependent persons (children, elderly or disabled persons) could be reimbursed up to EUR 1 000 of the expenses incurred for carers of dependent persons, conditional upon participation in the measures.
Remiantis Airijos pateikta informacija apie # m. sausio # d.–gruodžio # d. laikotarpį, vidutinis airiško viskio brandinimo laikotarpis # m. buvo penkeri metaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
reinforce the capacity of such programmes and activities to reach out to particular groups, such as dependants of persons subject to admission procedures, children, women, elderly, illiterate or persons with disabilities;
finansiniais metais iš biudžeto eilutės # # # skirtų išmokų sąrašas (paskelbta pagal Komisijos reglamentą (EB) NrEurLex-2 EurLex-2
reinforce the capacity of such programmes and activities to reach out to particular groups, such as dependants of persons subject to admission procedures, children, women, elderly, illiterate or persons with disabilities
Kur niekas neaptiktu miesto pilno robotų?oj4 oj4
(c) reinforce the capacity of such programmes and activities to reach out to particular groups, such as dependants of persons subject to admission procedures, children, women, elderly, illiterate or persons with disabilities;
Komisija apmokėjo visą pareikalautą kapitalą, kuris sudarė # % viso kapitalo, jos nepareikalauto kapitalo dalis (# %) lygi # mln. EUREurLex-2 EurLex-2
Security services for the protection of property and individuals (except the transport thereof), in particular in order to provide home support and care of elderly or dependent persons
Kh-tai drėgmės pataisos koeficientastmClass tmClass
– Contributions towards special expenses: This includes two types of contributions (1) Contribution for carers of dependent persons: Workers with dependent persons (children, elderly or disabled persons) could receive up to EUR 1 000 as a contribution to the expenses for carers of dependent persons, conditional upon participation in the measures.
Notifikuotųjų įstaigų darbo stebėsenaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, some countries are adapting their systems by awarding pension rights for periods of care for children, dependent elderly or disabled persons.
Siekiant atidžiai išnagrinėti dokumentus ir kad valstybės narės turėtų galimybę leisti suteikti ne ilgiau kaip trejus metus galiojančias laikinas augalų apsaugos produktų, kurių sudėtyje yra minėtų veikliųjų medžiagų, registracijas, įvykdydamos Direktyvos #/#/EEB # straipsnio # dalyje nustatytas sąlygas ir visų pirma sąlygą, susijusią su išsamiu veikliųjų medžiagų ir augalų apsaugos produktų įvertinimu pagal toje direktyvoje nustatytus reikalavimus, buvo būtinas patvirtinimas, kad pateikti visi dokumentaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
By the word ‘carers’, the Commission refers to workers targeted for EGF assistance who are responsible of dependent persons, in particular children, elderly or disabled persons.
CPA #.#.#: Stiklo dirbiniai, naudojami stalui serviruoti, virtuvėje, tualetui, įstaigoje, interjerams dekoruoti ir panašios paskirties dirbiniainot-set not-set
Workers with dependent persons (children, elderly or disabled persons) will receive EUR 15 per day of participation as a contribution towards the expenses incurred for carers of dependent persons.
Siekiant užtikrinti, kad pagalba būtų būtina ir skatintų plėtoti tam tikras veiklos rūšis, šis reglamentas neturėtų būti taikomas pagalbai, skiriamai tokių rūšių veiklai, kurią pagalbos gavėjas jau vykdytų įprastomis rinkos sąlygomisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the educational role played by parents towards children and by children towards elderly and dependent persons and the role of women and men as caregivers towards the elderly and dependent persons are essential for the advancement of the common good and should be recognised as such by cross-cutting policies, including policies for women and men who make a free choice to devote all or part of their time to this activity,
Audito programanot-set not-set
whereas the educational role played by parents towards children and by children towards elderly and dependent persons and the role of women and men as caregivers towards the elderly and dependent persons are essential for the advancement of the common good and should be recognised as such by cross-cutting policies, including policies for women and men who make a free choice to devote all or part of their time to this activity
Šiuo reglamentu anuliuojami bet kokie Bendrijos oro vežėjų laisvės teikti Bendrijos vidaus oro susisiekimo paslaugas apribojimai, nustatyti dvišaliais valstybių narių susitarimaisoj4 oj4
whereas the educational role played by parents towards children and by children towards elderly and dependent persons and the role of women and men as caregivers towards the elderly and dependent persons are essential for the advancement of the common good and should be recognised as such by cross-cutting policies, including policies for women and men who make a free choice to devote all or part of their time to this activity,
Atsižvelgiant į klinikinių tyrimų rezultatus, farmakokinetines TMP/SDZ savybes ir vaisto skyrimo dukart per parą praktinius aspektus, rekomenduotina skirti vaistą po # mg/kg kūno svorio (k. s.) kartą per parąEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Calls on the Member States to promote a fiscal policy that takes account of household financial obligations, and particularly the costs of childcare and looking after elderly and dependent persons through a system of taxation or tax breaks
Ramybės būklės atvejus taip pat privaloma užregistruotioj4 oj4
Calls on the Member States to promote a fiscal policy that takes account of household financial obligations, and particularly the costs of childcare and looking after elderly and dependent persons through a system of taxation or tax breaks;
Ši data bus paskelbta Europos Bendrijų oficialiajame leidinyjenot-set not-set
Calls on the Member States to promote a fiscal policy that takes account of household financial obligations, and particularly the costs of childcare and looking after elderly and dependent persons through a system of taxation or tax breaks;
Grįsdama ieškinį ieškovė pateikia aštuonis ieškinio pagrindusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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