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whatever happens
eng pawh khaw pawh ni rawh se · eng pawh ni rawh se · enga khaw pawh ni rawh se
happen what may
nih nih " nih · nih nih nih


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Moreover, what the Scriptures foretell happens on time because Jehovah God can cause events to take place according to his purpose and timetable.
Chu bâkah, Pathian Jehova chuan a thiltum leh a hun duan mila thilte a thlentîr theih avângin, Bible sawi lâwkte chu a hun takah a thleng ṭhîn bawk.jw2019 jw2019
Such things did happen.
Chutiang thilte chu a thleng rêng bawk a.jw2019 jw2019
Rather, the real question is, What must you do to benefit when it happens?
Chu aimah chuan, zawhna pawimawh zâwk awm chu hei hi a ni, Chu mi a lo thlen huna hlâwkpui tûrin eng nge i tih ang?, tih hi.jw2019 jw2019
(b) According to Psalm 106, what happened to the Israelites because of their disobedience?
(b) Sâm 106-a târ lan angin, an helna avângin Israel mite chungah eng nge thleng?jw2019 jw2019
In praying ‘Let your will be done on earth,’ do we not acquiesce to what happens on earth as being God’s will?
‘Leia mi’n a duhzâwng ti’ tûra kan ṭawngṭai hian, he leia thilthleng apiang hi Pathian duhzâwng angin kan pawm a ni lâwm ni?jw2019 jw2019
What could happen if we focused on personal pursuits?
Kan tuizâwngte kan ngaihtuah zâwk chuan eng thil nge thleng thei?jw2019 jw2019
See what’s happening to the horses and war chariots of the Egyptians.
Aigupta-mite indona tawlailirte leh sakawrte chungah thleng en teh.jw2019 jw2019
While the situation might seem to be hopeless, the Bible shows that even greater changes are not only possible but also certain to happen.
Dinhmun chu beisei bo angin lang mah se, Bible chuan chu aia inthlâkthlengna lian zâwk chu a thleng thei mai ni lovin, a thleng ngei ang tih a târ lang a ni. (w15-E 01/01)jw2019 jw2019
What happens to us when we die?
Kan thih hian kan chungah eng nge lo thleng?”jw2019 jw2019
What likely happened in the case of Euodia and Syntyche?
Euodii leh Suntuki te chungchângah eng thil nge thleng ni âwm taka lang?jw2019 jw2019
Consider what happened when the patriarch Abraham sent his eldest servant —likely Eliezer— to Mesopotamia to obtain a God-fearing wife for Isaac.
Thlahtu Abrahama’n a chhiahhlawh zînga upa ber—Eliazara a nih ngei rinawm tak—chu Mesopotamia rama Isaaka tân Pathian ṭih mi nupui zawnsak tûra a tirh laia thil thleng kha han ngaihtuah teh.jw2019 jw2019
3 In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul mentioned what happened to Moses when he came down from Mount Sinai after he had been in the presence of an angel of Jehovah.
3 Korinth khuaa mite hnêna a lehkha thawn pahnihnaah tirhkoh Paula chuan Mosia chu Jehova vântirhkoh hmaa a lan hnua Sinai Tlâng aṭanga a lo chhuk laia a chunga thilthleng chungchâng a sawi a.jw2019 jw2019
Link: What happens when someone dies?
Thlun Zawmna: Mi a thih hian a chungah eng thil nge thleng?jw2019 jw2019
9 Jehovah gave Adam and Eve another command and clearly told them what would happen if they disobeyed it.
9 Jehova chuan Adama leh Evi hnênah thupêk dang a pe leh a, an zawm loh chuan eng thil nge thleng dâwn tih chiang takin a hrilh a ni.jw2019 jw2019
Seeing what was happening, Nehemiah had the city gates closed at dusk on the sixth day, chasing the foreign merchants away before the Sabbath began.
Thil awm dân a hmuhin Nehemia chuan ram dang mi sumdâwngte chu Sabbath nî inṭan hma, ni ruk nî chuan thimhlimah hnawt chhuakin kulh kawngkate a khârtîr a ni.jw2019 jw2019
How might betrayal find a niche in a marriage, and why is a person’s age not an excuse for that to happen?
Engtin nge inphatsanna chuan nupa inkârah bu a khuar ṭan theih a, engvângin nge chu chu kum upat vâng nia sawi theih a nih loh?jw2019 jw2019
What was to happen when divine judgment was executed upon Judah, and how should knowledge of that affect us?
Judai ram chunga Pathianin ro a rêl hunah eng nge lo thleng tûr chu ni a, chu mi kan hriatna chuan eng anga min nghawng tûr nge ni?jw2019 jw2019
Question: What will happen after “the end”?
Zawhna: “Tâwpna” zawhah eng nge lo thleng dâwn?jw2019 jw2019
10. (a) What happened to one brother?
10. (a) Unaupa pakhat thiltawn chu eng nge ni?jw2019 jw2019
7:16) We will then be less likely to blame Jehovah when bad things happen.
7:16) Chutiang chuan thil ṭha lo a thlen hunah pawh Jehova chungah kan vui lo zâwk tlângpui ang.jw2019 jw2019
In the initial fulfillment, this happened in 66 C.E. when the Roman army “cut short” its attack.
A thlen famkimna hmasaah chuan, chu chu C.E. 66-a Rom sipaite’n Jerusalem an beihna an “tihtawi” khân a thleng a.jw2019 jw2019
True, some have been expelled from the Christian congregation, but this need not happen to you if you “safeguard your heart” and ‘walk as a wise person.’
Ṭhenkhat chu Kristian kohhran aṭanga hnawh chhuah an ni ngei mai a; mahse, ‘i thinlung i vên ṭhat a,’‘mi fingte anga i awm’ pawt chuan chutiang chu i chunga a thlen ve kher a ngai lo.jw2019 jw2019
6:14-16) What happens at a Christian funeral should not disturb the consciences of fellow believers or stumble others who know what we believe and teach about the dead.
6:14-16) Kristian mitthi vuinaa thilthleng chuan unaute chhia leh ṭha hriatna chu a tibuai emaw, mitthi chungchânga kan rinna leh zirtîrna hretu mi dangte a titlu emaw tûr a ni lo.jw2019 jw2019
5 Not only did Jesus himself suffer fierce persecution but he also forewarned his followers that the same would happen to them.
5 Isua chuan tihduhdahna râpthlâk tak a tawrh mai bâkah, a hnungzuitute pawhin an tuar ve dâwn tih a hrilh a.jw2019 jw2019
These things happened to them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come. —1 Cor.
Chûng chu entîrna tûrin an chungah a lo thleng a nih kha; keini, hun tâwp lo thlennate hi, min zilhna tûrin an ziak a ni bawk a.—1 Kor.jw2019 jw2019
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