immigrate oor Lushai


(intransitive) To move into another country to stay there permanently.

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Over the years, they have helped many immigrants to become servants of Jehovah.
Kum tam a liam hnu chuan rawn pêm lût mi tam takte chu Jehova chhiahhlawh ni tûrin an ṭanpui thei a ni.jw2019 jw2019
Relate an experience that demonstrates what an immigrant may decide to do upon learning Bible truth.
Ram danga pêmte chuan Bible thutak an zir hnua an tih duh mai theih tûr târ langtu thiltawn pakhat sawi rawh.jw2019 jw2019
What example of respect and gratitude can immigrants imitate today?
Tûn laia ram dang aṭanga rawn pêm lûtte chuan zahna leh lâwmna chungchângah tu nge an entawn theih?jw2019 jw2019
Clearly, immigrant parents must work harder in order to help their children become close to Jehovah.
Ram danga pêm nu leh pate chuan Jehova hnaih lehzual tûra an fate an ṭanpuinaah ṭan an la lehzual tûr a ni tih a chiang hle.jw2019 jw2019
13, 14. (a) Why did one immigrant couple move their family to a congregation that spoke the local language?
13, 14. (a) Engvângin nge ram danga pêm chhûngkaw pakhat chu tualchhûng ṭawng hmanna kohhrana an insawn?jw2019 jw2019
1, 2. (a) What problem do many immigrant children experience?
1, 2. (a) Ram danga pêm naupangte’n eng harsatnate nge an tawh?jw2019 jw2019
How can others help immigrant parents and their children?
Ram dang aṭanga rawn pêm nu leh pate leh an fate chu engtin nge mi dangin an ṭanpui theih?jw2019 jw2019
One English-speaking couple moved to a Spanish-speaking country that has a sizable population of English-speaking immigrants.
Sâpṭawng hmang nupa tuak khat chu hmun dang aṭanga rawn pêm lût Sâpṭawng hmang tam tak awmna, Spanish ṭawng hmanna hmunah an insawn a.jw2019 jw2019
For most of them, it is difficult; yet the struggle is more than balanced by the joy of helping immigrants and refugees to learn the truth found in God’s Word.
Tam takte tân chuan hei hi a harsa a; mahse, an thawhrimna hi Pathian Thua thutak zir tûra râl tlânte leh pêm lûtte ṭanpuinaa hlimna an dawnte chuan a bûk hneh êm êm a ni.jw2019 jw2019
What can immigrant parents do?
Ram danga pêm nu leh pate’n eng nge an tih theih?jw2019 jw2019
Sakiko, the daughter, says: “We often met Brazilian immigrants when we were in the field ministry.
An fanu Sakiko-i chuan: “Rawngbâwla kan chhuah hian ram dang aṭanga rawn pêm Brazil mite hi kan hmu fo ṭhîn.jw2019 jw2019
Upon learning Bible truth, many immigrants willingly give up jobs in affluent countries and go back to their homeland with the objective of helping their relatives and others spiritually.
Bible thutak zir ram danga pêm lût tam takte chuan ram hausaa an hnathawhte chu inhuam taka kalsanin, an chhûngte leh mi dangte thlarau lama ṭanpui tûrin anmahni ramah an kîr leh a.jw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 146:7) Regarding disadvantaged immigrants, Jehovah decreed: “The alien resident . . . should become to you like a native of yours; and you must love him as yourself.” —Leviticus 19:34.
(Sâm 146:7) Ram dang mi chanhaite chungchângah, Jehova chuan: “Ram dang mi in zînga khawsate chu . . . in rama mi rêng ang an ni tûr a ni a, nangmah i inhmangaih angin i hmangaih tûr a ni,” tiin thu a pêk a ni. —Lev. 19:34.jw2019 jw2019
In many lands, an influx of immigrants and refugees has resulted in the formation of foreign-speaking enclaves.
Ram tam takah chuan, pêmte leh râl tlânte avângin ram dang ṭawng hmanna vêng lian tak tak a lo awm phah a ni.jw2019 jw2019
A Witness couple volunteered to go and make disciples among Polish-speaking immigrants.
Thuhretu nupa tuak khat chu Polish ṭawng hmang rawn pêm lûtte zînga zirtîr siam tûrin an inpe a.jw2019 jw2019
We may have noticed that new immigrants are sometimes shy and stay by themselves.
Tûn hnai maia ram dang aṭanga rawn pêm lûtte chu a châng chuan an zakin, mal hle nia inhriatna an nei thei a ni.jw2019 jw2019
Immigrants face the challenge of adjusting to the culture of the new country.
Ram dang aṭanga rawn pêm lûtte chuan an pêm luhna ram hnam dân mila an insiamremnaah harsatna an tâwk a.jw2019 jw2019
If you are an immigrant parent, how can you give your children the best possible opportunity to learn to love Jehovah and to “go on walking in the truth”?
Ram danga pêm nu leh pa i nih chuan, i fate’n Jehova an hmangaih theih nân leh “thutakah an awm” theih nân engtin nge a ṭha thei ang bera i ṭanpui theih ang?jw2019 jw2019
“FROM infancy, I spoke my immigrant parents’ language at home and in the congregation,” says Joshua.
JOSHUA chuan: “Ka naupan têt aṭangin ram danga pêm ka nu leh pate pianpui ṭawng chu inah leh kohhranah ka hmang a.jw2019 jw2019
Still others have learned a foreign language, opening up new opportunities of preaching in their own localities to immigrant populations.
Ṭhenkhat danglehte chuan an vêng chhûnga khawsa ram dang aṭanga lo pêm lûtte hnêna thu an hrilh theih nân ram dang ṭawng an zir bawk.jw2019 jw2019
A common practice among certain immigrants is to send their newborn babies back to their relatives to be looked after so that the immigrant parents can continue to work and make money.
Ram danga pêmte chuan fa an neih hian in lama an chhûngte hnênah an thawn ṭhîn a, chutiang chuan hna an thawk chhunzawm theiin, sum an hmu zêl dâwn a ni.jw2019 jw2019
There were no immigration and customs checks.
Immigration leh custom-te check lah a awm hek lo.jw2019 jw2019
What makes Christians want to help immigrants?
Ram dang aṭanga pêmte ṭanpui duhna nei tûrin Kriatiante chu engin nge chêttîr?jw2019 jw2019
During our family worship, we could do some research about the culture of immigrants in our congregation or territory.
Chhûngkuaa Pathian biakna kan neih hunah kan kohhran, a nih loh leh kan bial chhûnga rawn pêm lûtte hnam dân chungchâng zir bingna kan nei thei a.jw2019 jw2019
17 When we spend time with a family who immigrated, this will help us to understand and value their efforts to adjust to our culture.
17 Ram dang aṭanga rawn pêm chhûngkuate hun kan hmanpui chuan kan hnam dân mila insiamrem tûra theih tâwp an chhuahna chu hre thiam a, ngai hlu tûrin min ṭanpui ang.jw2019 jw2019
42 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.