Advanced Power Management oor Letties

Advanced Power Management

An older power management technology used in mobile PCs before the implementation of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Advanced Power Management is a software interface that functions between the BIOS power-management software that is specific to the hardware and a power-management policy driver that is run by the operating system.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

Papildu barošanas pārvaldība

An older power management technology used in mobile PCs before the implementation of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Advanced Power Management is a software interface that functions between the BIOS power-management software that is specific to the hardware and a power-management policy driver that is run by the operating system.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In 2009, progress towards conferral of management powers for decentralised management advanced at different speed in potential candidates .
Testēšanai un noteikšanai ar augsti efektīvu šķidrumu hromatogrāfiju: saharozi atdala ar alkilamīniem modificētasilīcija dioksīda kolonnā un detektē refraktometriskiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Advanced Power Management (APM) issues
Šis lēmums zaudē spēku #. gada #. decembrīParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The lithium battery uses nano-quality A-cell and advanced power management technology.
Saskaņā ar pamatregulas #. panta #. punktu izmeklēšanu pabeigs # mēnešu laikā pēc šā paziņojuma publicēšanas dienas Eiropas Savienības Oficiālajā VēstnesīParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
46 % of those businesses were using advanced cloud services relating to financial and accounting software applications, customer relations management and use of computing power to run business applications;
Pirms starptautiskajos tiesības aktos definēto aizsardzības pasākumu piemērošanas Puse, kas gatavojas noteikt šādus pasākumus, sniedz Sadarbības padomei visu attiecīgo informāciju, kas vajadzīga vispusīgai situācijas izpētei, lai rastu abām Pusēm pieņemamu risinājumueurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
It was also stated that N Luxembourg 2 was an independent entity with its own management and own decision-making powers, so that it clearly was not possible to ascertain in advance and with certainty whether and in what way the management of N Luxembourg 2 would in fact decide to use those dividends.
viena kvalificēta persona vienatnē spēj to demontētEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The Commission recognises the importance of maintaining a technological lead in the field of nuclear power and supports the further development of the most advanced framework for nuclear energy, including non-proliferation, waste management and decommissioning
administratīvais kodsoj4 oj4
The Commission recognises the importance of maintaining a technological lead in the field of nuclear power and supports the further development of the most advanced framework for nuclear energy, including non-proliferation, waste management and decommissioning.
tādu produktu ražošanai, kas nav pārtikas produktiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The company uses its unique Regulated Switch Mode Power Supply (R.SMPS) and other patented technologies to provide advanced power amplifiers and powered loudspeaker management systems that are totally reliable and sonically superior.
Tomēr tāpēc, ka granulētajam amonija nitrātam un amonija nitrātam mikrogranulu veidā ir vienādas ķīmiskās īpašības un galīgās izmantošanas veids, bet lietotāji tos uzskata par savstarpēji aizvietojamiem, tie ir uzskatāmi par viena produkta diviem dažādiem veidiemParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Finalise plans to reform the judicial system; remove recruitment and career management from the parliament's powers and establish transparent procedures based on professional and objective criteria for selection and career advancement; rationalise the court system and modernise proceedings and improve administration; provide adequate and sustainable financing for the judicial system.
ņemot vērā Padomes #. gada #. jūnija Lēmumu #/#/EEK par izdevumiem veterinārijas jomā un jo īpaši tā #. panta #. punktu un #.a panta #. punktuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
–Finalise plans to reform the judicial system; remove recruitment and career management from the Parliament's powers and establish transparent procedures based on professional and objective criteria for selection and career advancement; rationalise the court system and modernise proceedings and improve administration; provide adequate and sustainable financing for the judicial system.
Finalise plans to reform the judicial system; remove recruitment and career management from the parliament's powers and establish transparent procedures based on professional and objective criteria for selection and career advancement; rationalise the court system and modernise proceedings and improve administration; provide adequate and sustainable financing for the judicial system
Papildus atalgojumam šeit tiek pieskaitītas iemaksas saskaņā ar dzīvības apdrošināšanas shēmu un par slimības, negadījumu un nāves gadījumu apdrošināšanu ārštata tulkotājiem, kuru juridiskā adrese neatrodas vietā, kur viņi ir nodarbināti, par ceļa izdevumiem un fiksētas likmes ceļa izdevumu pabalstu maksājumioj4 oj4
(Civil Service - Staff Regulations of Europol - Article 29 - Advancement in step granted on the basis of staff reports - Plea of illegality of the decision establishing the policy for determining grades and steps - Respective powers of Europol’s Director and Management Board - Europol’s Director’s discretion - Limits)
Šajā regulā paredzētie pasākumi ir saskaņā ar Tiešo maksājumu pārvaldības komitejas atzinumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Computers, ANPR (advance number plate recognition) software, cameras, video recorders, data transmission and reception apparatus, monitors and cables, power supplies and control units for use with the aforesaid goods, all for use in the management, surveillance and data capture of road traffic
Ja ir šādas izmaksas, tās norāda atsevišķitmClass tmClass
Integrated, technologically advanced electricity networks with improved dynamic capabilities to monitor and control the input and output of all their constituent technical components (such as power generation, Network Management Solutions, High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) converters and systems, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS), Special Power Systems (SPS), transmission, distribution, storage, Smart Grid Power Electronics Solutions, consumption reduction, metering, distributed energy resources).
tā kā atkritumu rašanās ierobežošana, pārstrāde un reģenerācija būtu jāveicina tāpat kā reģenerēto materiālu un enerģijas lietošana, lai aizsargātu dabas resursus un novērstu izšķērdīgu zemes lietošanueurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In the Power Pivot window, click Advanced > Create and Manage.
Komisijas sanāksmesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Case F-#/#: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of # September #- van Heuckelom v European Police Office (Europol) (Civil Service- Staff Regulations of Europol- Article #- Advancement in step granted on the basis of staff reports- Plea of illegality of the decision establishing the policy for determining grades and steps- Respective powers of Europol’s Director and Management Board- Europol’s Director’s discretion- Limits
Šim palielinājumam vajadzētu būt saistītam ar centieniem koriģēt zvejas jaudu ar valsts atbalstu laikā no #. gada #. janvāra vai #. gada #. maija līdz #. gada #. decembrim un turpmāk no #. gada #. janvāraoj4 oj4
50 In the present case, it is apparent from the file before the Court that the ADIF does not enjoy the management independence necessary for the exercise of its powers since those powers are confined to establishing the specific charge in each individual case by applying a formula laid down in advance by ministerial order.
KotdivuāraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An advanced print and scan management software that harnesses the power of the cloud.
ar vienprātīgu lēmumu nosaka vispārējās tirdzniecības politikas un bezmaksas izplatīšanas pamatnostādnesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
uniFLOW Online An advanced print and scan management software that harnesses the power of the cloud.
Katalītiskā(-o) neitralizatora(-u) izmēri un forma (tilpums, ...): ...ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Improved efficiency and better demand-side management, fostered through CO2 standards and smart taxation systems, should also advance the development of hybrid engine technologies and facilitate the gradual transition towards large-scale penetration of cleaner vehicles in all transport modes, including plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles (powered by batteries or fuel cells) at a later stage.
Pagatavošanas laikā nepievieno nekādas antiseptiskas vai bakteriostatiskas vielasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For complete process optimisation, all imageRUNNER ADVANCE devices integrate tightly with a range of powerful output and information management software.
Centra telekomunikāciju aprīkojumsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For complete process optimisation, all imageRUNNER ADVANCE devices integrate tightly with a range of powerful output and information management software.
vēlas, lai šis finanšu instruments kļūst efektīvāks, lielāku uzsvaru liekot uz programmas atbilstīgāku un mērķtiecīgāku izstrādi un uz partneru un pilsoniskās sabiedrības iesaisti visos projekta vadības posmos; aicina Vidusjūras reģiona dienvidu un austrumu valstu valdības veikt visus nepieciešamos pasākumus ES līdzekļu izmantošanas uzlabošanai, īpaši attiecībā uz līdzekļiem, kas paredzēti pētniecībai, profesionālajai apmācībai, vietējo infrastruktūru un sabiedrisko pakalpojumu stiprināšanai, kā arī rūpnieciskās un lauksaimnieciskās ražošanas sistēmas reorganizācijai; aicina Komisiju un dalībvalstis nodrošināt līdzsvaru starp austrumu un dienvidu kaimiņiem un finansējot priekšroku dot reģionāliem (īpaši dienvidu un dienvidu) projektiemParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Time-tested antivirus and antispyware protection utilizing advanced technologies such as cloud-powered scanning, device control and remote manageability of all endpoints. Proven.
pārceļ ekvivalentu daudzumu atļauju [kvotu] papildu vienības tipu # no valsts turētā konta, kurā var būt tikai atļaujas [kvotas] ar sākotnējo vienības tipu # un papildu vienības tipu #, uz galamērķa kontuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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