Caesarean section oor Letties

Caesarean section

(UK) Delivery of a baby through an incision in the womb.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


incision in the womb

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caesarean section

the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

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The birth of her youngest child was effected by caesarean section because of her multiple health problems.
Ja tās valsts, kurā persona uzturas vai dzīvo, tiesību aktos ir paredzēta viena vai vairākas īpašās sistēmas, kas ietver visas pašnodarbināto personu kategorijas vai to lielāko daļu, un saskaņā ar tām piešķir pabalstus, kas ir mazāk labvēlīgi nekā tie, ko piešķir darbiniekiem, attiecībā uz konkrēto personu un viņa ģimenes locekļiem saskaņā ar #. panta #. punkta a) apakšpunktu un #. panta #. punktu, #. panta #. punkta i) daļu un #. punktu, #. panta #. punkta a) apakšpunktu un #. punkta a) apakšpunktu piemēro to sistēmu vai sistēmas, ko nosaka #. pantā minētā regula, a) ja kompetentajā valstī attiecīgā persona ir apdrošināta saskaņā ar speciālu pašnodarbinātām personām paredzētu sistēmu, kas piešķir mazāk izdevīgus pabalstus nekā darbiniekiem, vaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A law on caesarean sections was adopted with insufficient preparation and consultation with civil society.
Komisija priekšlikumu paskaidrojuma rakstā norāda, ka, izmantojot ārpakalpojuma iespēju, pieteikuma iesniedzējam piemēroto maksu kopējai summai par vīzas pieteikuma apstrādi nevajadzētu būt lielākai par standarta vīzas pieteikuma izskatīšanas maksu (maksa ir noteikta Kopīgās konsulārās instrukcijas #. pielikumāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Cloned foetuses are often larger than normal; this leads to difficult births and to many deliveries being by caesarean section.
Briselē, #. gada # martānot-set not-set
whereas one in four births in the EU is now by caesarean section and, statistically, attendant health problems for mothers and children are increasing;
Foetal and embryonic forms of mammalian species are not counted; only animals that are born, including by Caesarean section, and live, are to be counted.
IR VIENOJUŠĀS par šādu noteikumu, ko pievieno Līgumam par Konstitūciju EiropaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is advised not to use Fentanyl-ratiopharm during labour and delivery (including caesarean section) because fentanyl may cause breathing problems in the newborn child
konteksta rādītājus un, attiecīgos gadījumos, valsts vai reģiona statistiku, koapkopojis Eiropas Kopienu statistikas birojs (Eurostat), kā arī statistiku no citiem statistikas datu avotiemEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Foetal and embryonic forms of mammalian species are not counted; only animals that are born, including by Caesarean section, and live, are to be counted.
Tas skan [k]a galvenais kritērijs, piemērojot #. panta #. punktu nodokļu pasākumam ir tas, ka tas par labu noteiktiem uzņēmumiem dalībvalstī nodrošina atbrīvošanu no nodokļu sistēmas piemērošanasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In case of preterm birth, multiple births or a Caesarean section, post-delivery leave shall extend over a period of 12 weeks after the date of birth.
tā kā ir jāprecizē nosacījumi, saskaņā ar kuriem šāda informācijas apmaiņa ir atļautaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It is advised not to use fentanyl during labour and delivery (including caesarean section) because fentanyl passes through the placenta and may cause respiratory depression in the foetus
atļauto piedevu sarakstu, kas iedalīts šādiEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
It is advised not to use fentanyl during labour and delivery (including caesarean section) since fentanyl passes the placenta and may cause respiratory depression in the new born infant
Komentāri par ieinteresēto pušu novērojumiemEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Fentanyl should not be used during labour and delivery (including caesarean section) since fentanyl crosses the placenta and may cause respiratory depression in the foetus or in the new-born infant
un jāveic oficiāls apsekojums, ieskaitot testēšanu, kā noteikts #. panta #. punktāEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
However, there is limited clinical experience of the use of sevoflurane, after propofol induction, in bitches undergoing caesarean section, without any ill effects being detected in either the bitch or the puppies
Turklāt, ja minētā starpība ir lielāka nekā # % no noteiktās platības, tad lauksaimniekam vēlreiz atņem tiesības uz atbalstu par summu, kas atbilst starpībai starp deklarēto un noteikto platībuEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
The only development objective for which no progress has been recorded is maternal mortality generated by the absence of elementary conditions, such as the possibility of a caesarean section, basic antibiotics, contraceptive pills or qualified personnel.
Kontroles iestādes un kontroles organizācijas uztur atjauninātu sarakstu ar to uzņēmēju nosaukumiem un adresēm, kurus tās kontrolēEuroparl8 Europarl8
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that fully paid additional maternity leave is granted in specific situations such as in the case of premature childbirth, stillbirth, caesarean section, children hospitalised at birth, children with disabilities, mothers with disabilities, teenage mothers, multiple births or births occurring within 18 months of the previous birth.
Licencē norāda, kāds ir maksimālais daudzums, ko drīkst nozvejot un paturēt uz kuģanot-set not-set
Calls on the Council and the Commission to expand the provision of maternal health services in the context of primary health care, based on the concept of informed choice, education on safe motherhood, focused and effective prenatal care, maternal nutrition programmes, adequate delivery assistance that avoids excessive recourse to caesarean sections and provides for obstetric emergencies, referral services for pregnancy, childbirth and abortion complications, and post-natal care and family planning;
Attiecībā uz datu pārraides pakalpojumiem viesabonēšanā Komisijas priekšlikumā pašreiz nav paredzēts cenu regulējums mazumtirdzniecības līmenī, bet no #.#.# noteikta vairumtirdzniecības vidējās cenas maksimālā robežvērtība # EUR/MBnot-set not-set
Calls on the Council and Commission to expand the provision of maternal health services in the context of primary health care, based on the concept of informed choice, education on safe motherhood, focused and effective prenatal care, maternal nutrition programmes, adequate delivery assistance that avoids excessive recourse to caesarean sections and provides for obstetric emergencies, referral services for pregnancy, childbirth and abortion complications, and post-natal care and family planning;
Katras dalībvalsts saskaņotajai bāzei piemēro vienādu procentunot-set not-set
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