LCA oor Letties


Logic Cell Array

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

aprites cikla analīze

LCA analysis would provide the answer – however there is little reference to such an analysis in the Commission's Communication.
Aprites cikla analīze dotu atbildi, tomēr uz šādu analīzi Komisijas paziņojumā ir maz atsauču.
Tieteen Termipankki

dzīves cikla analīze

application of methods for integrated environmental analysis (e.g. life cycle analysis (LCA), scenario analysis, cost-benefit analysis, environmental impact assessment
metožu izmantošana integrētai vides analīzei (piemēram, dzīves cikla analīze (DCA), scenāriju analīze, izmaksu un ieguvumu analīze, ietekmes uz vidi novērtējums
Tieteen Termipankki

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Conducting LCA on product ranges to support environmental improvements is the most relevant area of application in the industry and allows the setting of LCA-based improvement targets for product ranges.
Dzelzceļa radītā trokšņa mazināšanaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Methodological choices for LCA will have an effect on the measurement of the GHG performance of bio-energy.
To padara nedaudz bāzisku, pievienojot dažus pilienus # N kālija hidroksīda šķīduma spirtāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
LCA studies are used to determine optimal materials routes (dismantling and recycling of components vs. post-shredder recycling), according to local factors
PriekšmetsEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The EESC considers that the LCA (5) (Life-Cycle Assessments) represents the appropriate environmental management tool for the future.
Beidzot, attiecībā uz pāreju no NKP uz IKP, jaunās nostādnes pret uzstādīšanas pakalpojumu un celtniecības ārzemēs ietekmi uz atlīdzību darbiniekiem un īpašuma ienākumu atspoguļo ietekmi, kas aprakstīta sakarā ar ienākuma pieejuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
– the total purchase price of DEM 35.3 million, which was met by assuming liabilities (recital 102 of the contested decision), remained in any event within the same group of undertakings because the TIB controls both CDA and LCA;
Šī regula stājas spēkā trešajā dienā pēc publicēšanas Eiropas Kopienu Oficiālajā VēstnesīEurLex-2 EurLex-2
101 In the light of the fact that, in this instance, LCA has been in liquidation since the initiation of insolvency proceedings in October 2000, it should be recalled that, according to the case -law concerning undertakings in receipt of aid which have become insolvent, restoration of the previous situation and removal of the distortion of competition resulting from aid unlawfully paid may, in principle, be achieved by the registration as one of the liabilities of the undertaking in liquidation of an obligation relating to repayment of the aid concerned, except in so far as that aid has benefited another undertaking.
Novēroto drošību mēra, izmantojot #. papildinājumā uzskaitītās mērvienības, #.#. punktā minētos datus un laikrindas, kas punktam ietver pēdējos novērojuma gadus, kā noteikts #.#. punktāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
BEMP is to perform LCAs extensively during the design phase, to support the setting of specific goals for improvement in different environmental impacts and to ensure that these targets are met; and to support decision making by using LCA tools in order to:
Uzņēmums # % savu pakalpojumu sniedza TB, bet pašlaik tikai # % tā ieņēmumu veido sadarbība ar TBEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
312 It is appropriate to consider separately the legality of that order with respect to its requirement that the aid be recovered, first, from LCA and, second, from CDA.
Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regula (EK) Nr. #/# (#. gada #. decembris) par darbības aizliegumam Kopienā pakļauto gaisa pārvadātāju Kopienas saraksta izveidi un gaisa transporta pasažieru informēšanu par apkalpojošā gaisa pārvadātāja identitātiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Directive 2005/32/EC on ecodesign requirements for energy-using products, and sectoral directives, which apply specific product requirements with EPD and LCA schemes (10).
Visi zina, ka ledus kušana Arktikā ir traģisks apdraudējums šīs sugas izdzīvošanas iespējām.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Justification Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) instruments cannot take into account unquantifiable aspects such as educational effects of separate collection or biodiversity benefits of less resource extraction.
Ja īpašu norādījumu nav, tad lukturiem, kas veido pārinot-set not-set
At least one third of the Member States have been developing tools and promoting life-cycle thinking very actively; some of them have established LCA research centres.
LCA can be an ineffective tool for comparison of vehicles inter-OEM, as the boundaries, parameters and data sets used can differ considerably, even when following ISO standard guidelines.
Tādēļ jāpiemēro vienota procentu likme attiecībā uz daudzumiem, par kuriem pieteikumi iesniegti no #. gada #. augusta līdz #. augustam un līdz #. gada #. septembrim attiecībā uz šīm zonām jāaptur pieteikumu iesniegšana un licenču izdošanaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Potential sources of generic data can be found in e.g. the Resource Directory of the European Platform on LCA (81).
Varbūt tas bija tuvojošos brīvdienu iespaidā.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
However — as is the case for environmental management systems such as EMAS — LCA is very useful to measure the improvement that a company can achieve on the environmental performances of its products, typically with the comparison of a vehicle with its own predecessor of the same product line.
Jānosaka stingri noteikumi attiecībā uz šķirņu maisījumiemEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In addition to EMAS, noteworthy voluntary instruments adopted and fine-tuned by the EU include the Eco-label, the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Green Public Procurement (GPP), the Energy Star mark and voluntary agreements, Agenda # and the EN ISO # standard
prasībām, ko izvirza darbiniekiem, pieņemot darbā, kā arī viņu apmācībāmoj4 oj4
The proposed measures should always take into account Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), to avoid half-way solutions resulting in even worse negative impact on different part of environment or economy as for example replacing plastics by similar material produced from biomaterial without having a clear assessment of biodegradability of such material including biodegradability in the aquatic environment.
Šajā nolūkā pēc iespējas būtu jāveicina elektroniskā paraksta izmantošana un jo īpaši tāda elektroniskā paraksta izmantošana, kurš atbilst jaunākajām prasībāmnot-set not-set
This supports efficient EF, LCA and data exchange among different tools and databases.
No partijām, kuru svars ir # tonnas vai lielāks, ņem vismaz # elementārparaugus, iegūstot # kg smagu kopparaugu, un no partijām, kuru svars ir mazāks par # tonnām, ņem # % no #. tabulā minētā elementārparaugu skaita, iegūstot kopparaugu, kura svars atbilst reprezentatīvās partijas svaram (skatīt #. tabuluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Cyprus has two international airports, Larnaca (LCA — close to the capital Nicosia) and Paphos (PFO).
ortostatiskais reibonis galvassāpes tinnītsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(i41) Inclusion of LCA according to the ISO standards 14040 and 14044 in the environmental strategy of the company and use of LCA when taking major decisions for developing new and redesigned products (Y/N)
Ziņojums par Eiropas Parlamenta ieteikuma priekšlikumu Padomei par kriminālās justīcijas kvalitāti un tiesību aktu saskaņošanu krimināltiesību jomā dalībvalstīs (#/#(INI))- Pilsoņu brīvību, tieslietu un iekšlietu komitejaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It took the view that, in the present case, LCA and CDA were definitely benefiting from the aid which had previously been granted to PBK, the joint venture and PA, because they were using the assets and infrastructure of those undertakings in order to carry on their activities.
Pārlūkojiet un pasūtiniet no milzīgā podkāstu sarakstaNameEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Consideration of LCA studies to determine optimal material routes according to local factors
Komisija var arī prasīt, lai kompetentā iestāde atsauktu paziņojumu par ārkārtas stāvokli, ja Komisija uzskata, ka šāds paziņojums nav vai vairs nav pamatots saskaņā ar #. punkta c) apakšpunktuEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Least Cost Analysis (LCA) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis — these methods consider costs of PaMs in order to select alternative option(s) of achieving the objective that entail the lowest net cost.
Finanšu pārskatus sagatavo grāmatvedis, un summas tajos norāda miljonos eiroEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
foster stakeholder interaction and promote application of life-cycle assessments (LCA) and/or other methods among companies and provide information upon request,
Tiesas Rīkojums (ceturtā palāta) #. gada #. aprīlī lietā C-#/# Corte suprema di cassazione lūgums sniegt prejudiciālu nolēmumu) Ugo Fava pret Comune di Carrara (Nodoklis, ko iekasē par pašvaldības teritorijā iegūta marmora izvešanu ārpus pašvaldības teritorijas- Reglamenta #. panta #. punkts un #. panta #. punkts- Daļēja nepieņemamība- Jautājums, kas ir vienāds ar jautājumu, kuru Tiesa jau ir izspriedusiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
6 working days;a maximum of 2 periods(LCA = 11 points) | Angola | Windhoek (Namibia) |
Eiropas Kopienu Komisijas ārējo attiecību delegāciju ārštata darbiniekiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
LCA is carried out according to the international standards ISO 14040 and ISO 14044
a un b ir koeficienti, kas noteikti katrai precizitātes klasei atbilstīgi šādai tabulaiEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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