Mari El Republic oor Letties

Mari El Republic

A republic of Russia located in Volga-Vyatka.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


A republic of Russia located in Volga-Vyatka.

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Artem Basyrov was hospitalised for over a month in the Mari-El Republic for supporting The Other Russia.
Pieminēts, ka dempinga un kaitējuma izmeklēšanas laikposms (IL) aptvēra periodu no #. gada #. aprīļa līdz #. gada #. martamEuroparl8 Europarl8
having regard to reliable reports by Russian and international NGOs on repeated human rights violations and irregularities in the Mari El Republic of the Russian Federation,
To dēļ mēs varēsim ātri ieviest jauno Eurojust lēmumu.not-set not-set
whereas the opposition media and newspapers experience considerable difficulties in freely going about their work and whereas, for example, many opposition newspapers can only be printed outside the Mari El Republic,
Ar mērķi dot Komisijai iespēju pieņemt lēmumu par to, vai atlase ir nepieciešama un, ja ir, izvēlēties paraugu, visi eksportētāji ražotāji vai pārstāvji, kas darbojas viņu vārdā, ar šo tiek lūgti izpaust sevi, kontaktējoties ar Komisiju un sniedzot sekojošo informāciju par savu kompāniju vai kompānijām atvēlētā laika robežās, kas ir noteikta #. panta b) apakšpunkta i) daļā un formātā, norādītā šā paziņojuma #.pantānot-set not-set
whereas the attack against Galina Kozlova is the latest in a series of attacks against activists and journalists in the Mari El Republic, including the killing of three journalists in 2001 and the attack against Vladimir Kozlov on 14 February 2005,
uzskata, ka svarīgs ir sociālajā programmā paustais viedoklis par sociālo pamatmērķu nemainīgumu un ES apņemšanos veicināt sabiedrības kohēziju, integrāciju un vienotībunot-set not-set
whereas the attack on Mrs Kozlova follows a series of attacks on activists and journalists in the Mari El republic, including the killing of three journalists in 2001, an attack on Vladimir Kozlov on 4 February 2005 and an attack on the former leader of the Mari movement, Nina Maksimova,
Jebkura valsts, kas saskaņā ar iepriekšējo punktu ir deklarējusi šīs konvencijas attiecināšanu uz kādu teritoriju, par kuras starptautiskām attiecībām tā ir atbildīga, var individuāli anulēt konvenciju attiecībā uz šo teritoriju saskaņā ar #. panta noteikumiemnot-set not-set
whereas the attack on Mrs Kozlova follows a series of attacks on activists and journalists in the Mari El republic, including the killing of three journalists in 2001, an attack on Vladimir Kozlov on 4 February 2005 and an attack on the former leader of the Mari movement, Nina Maksimova,
Izkliedētāja virsmas izturība pret mehānisko nolietošanosnot-set not-set
having regard to the Constitution of the Mari El Republic, which recognises Mari as one of the State languages, and to the 1995 Act on Linguistic Matters, which declares Mari El a multi-ethnic republic that provides for the right of all citizens regardless of their ethnic background to maintain and develop their native language and culture,
zona FII: redzamības zona, kas plīst dažādi, un tajā noteikti ietilpst vismaz # cm augsta un # cm gara taisnstūrveida daļanot-set not-set
whereas, on the evening of 25 January 2007, Galina Kozlova, member of the board of the organisation Mari Uchem (Mari Union) and wife of Mari Council Chairman Vladimir Kozlov, was attacked and severely beaten in Yoshkar Ola, the capital of the Russian Mari El Republic; whereas the attacker tried to take Galina Kozlova's bag, which contained documents of Mari Uchem, as well as a manuscript by a Mari writer,
Valsts ieguldījumu fondinot-set not-set
Appeals to both the Interior Ministry of the Mari El Republic and the Russian Interior Ministry, as well as to the local department of the Federal Security Service (FSB), to do their utmost to find the perpetrator and to bring him to justice; finding the perpetrators of this and all previous attacks on Mari El activists and bringing them to justice should be seen as a litmus test for further progress in EU-Russia relations,
ņemot vērā Līgumu par EiropasSavienības darbību un it īpaši tā #. panta piekto daļunot-set not-set
having regard to the Constitution of the Mari Republic (Mari El), which recognises Mari as one of the State languages, and to the 1995 Act on Linguistic Matters, which declares Mari El a multiethnic republic and establishes the right of all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, to maintain and develop their native language and culture,
Šajā kontekstā pašreizējā ļoti grūtā konjunktūra, ar kuru pašlaik saskaras gaisa pārvadājumu nozare un kura saistīta ar naftas cenu straujo palielināšanos #. gada pirmajā pusgadā, nevar izskaidrot sevišķi slikto finansiālo situāciju, kurā sabiedrība Alitalia atrodas jau vairākus gadusnot-set not-set
Violations of human rights and democracy in the Republic of Mari El in the Russian Federation
pētniecības un attīstības izmaksas, kuru atlīdzināšana līgumā nav noteikta; unoj4 oj4
Parasti licences nolīgumam nemaz nepastāv mazāk ierobežojoša alternatīvaoj4 oj4
Breaches of human rights and democracy in the Republic of Mari El in the Russian Federation (vote)
prasa Komisijai vēlreiz ar to apspriesties, ja tā ir paredzējusi būtiski grozīt šo priekšlikumu vai to aizstāt ar citu tekstuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Breaches of human rights and democracy in the Republic of Mari El in the Russian Federation (vote
Neatkarīgi no #. punkta galīgo antidempinga maksājumu nepiemēro importam, kas laists brīvā apgrozībā saskaņā ar #. pantu vai #.a pantuoj4 oj4
Violations of human rights and democracy in the Republic of Mari El in the Russian Federation
Kuģim, attiecībā uz kuru nav izpildītas šajā regulā paredzētās saistības, laika posmā, kas nepārsniedz # mēnešus, neizsniedz licences un īpašās zvejas atļaujasoj4 oj4
Breaches of human rights and democracy in the Republic of Mari El in the Russian Federation
* biežums, kas novērots klīniskajos pētījumosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
having regard to the Constitution of the Mari Republic (Mari El), which recognises Mari as one of the State languages, and to the # Act on Linguistic Matters that declares Mari El a multi-ethnic republic and provides for the right of all citizens regardless of their ethnicity to maintain and develop their native language and culture
Zviedrijas reģioniem, uz ko attiecas reģionālās konkurētspējas un nodarbinātības mērķis, piešķir papildu ERAF finansējumu EUR # miljonu apjomāoj4 oj4
having regard to the Constitution of the Mari Republic (Mari El), which recognises Mari as one of the State languages, and to the # Act on Linguistic Matters that declares Mari El a multi-ethnic republic and provides for the right of all citizens regardless of their ethnicity to maintain and develop their native language and culture
Tāpēc Itālijas iestādes secināja, ka galvenie atbalsta saņēmēji tik tiešām bija uzņēmumi, kuri cietuši kaitējumu un kuru darbības vieta atradās pie ceļiem vai ēkās, ko skāra iepriekš minētie evakuācijas rīkojumioj4 oj4
having regard to the Constitution of the Mari Republic (Mari El), which recognises Mari as one of the State languages, and to the 1995 Act on Linguistic Matters that declares Mari El a multi-ethnic republic and provides for the right of all citizens regardless of their ethnicity to maintain and develop their native language and culture,
KDE sesiju pārvaldnieksnot-set not-set
having regard to the Constitution of the Mari Republic (Mari El), which recognises Mari as one of the State languages, and to the 1995 Act on Linguistic Matters that declares Mari El a multi-ethnic republic and provides for the right of all citizens regardless of their ethnicity to maintain and develop their native language and culture,
ar nosacījumu, ka šādu eksportu iepriekš apstiprinājusi attiecīgās dalībvalsts kompetentā iestādeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
having regard to the Constitution of the Mari Republic (Mari El), which recognises Mari as one of the State languages, and to the 1995 Act on Linguistic Matters that declares Mari El a multi-ethnic republic and provides for the right of all citizens regardless of their ethnicity to maintain and develop their native language and culture,
Dalībvalstis veic oficiālu kontroli, lai īstenotu šīs regulas ievērošanunot-set not-set
- having regard to the Constitution of the Mari Republic (Mari El), which recognises Mari as one of the State languages, and to the 1995 Act on Linguistic Matters that declares Mari El a multi-ethnic republic and provides for the right of all citizens regardless of their ethnicity to maintain and develop their native language and culture,
nodrošinot lai adekvātai anēmijas ārstēšanai tiktu lietota mazākā apstiprinātā Nespo devaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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