Office Fluent oor Letties

Office Fluent

Characterized by design and functional elements introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office suite user interface.

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Office Fluent

Characterized by design and functional elements introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office suite user interface.

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Microsoft Office Fluent interface
interfeiss Microsoft Office Fluent
Microsoft Office Fluent
Microsoft Office Fluent
Office Fluent user interface
lietotāja interfeiss Office Fluent
Microsoft Office Fluent user interface
lietotāja interfeiss Microsoft Office Fluent


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The Ribbon is part of the new Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.
Šīs vienotās rīcības nolūkā Eiropas Savienība sniegs finansiālu atbalstu CAERT, lai īstenotu še turpmāk izklāstīto projektu, kura mērķis ir uzlabot Āfrikas valstu pretterorisma pasākumu efektivitātiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Use the Office Fluent Ribbon to locate groups of related commands faster.
kredītiestādes ar empīrisku analīžu palīdzību pierāda riska faktoru piemērotību, tostarp to spēju aptvert gan vispārējo, gan īpašo riskuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
CTRL+F1 displays or hides the Ribbon, a component of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.
Tādējādi tas, ka šis nosacījums netika iekļauts Mājokļu likumā, attiecībā uz šiem aizdevumiem nav būtisksParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Key features of the Office Fluent user interface include:
pirmais kods ietver galvenokārt vienkāršu, nearomatizētu sveču pamatveidusParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Apply formatting by using the Office Fluent Ribbon
PIELIKUMA #. papildinājumsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The following illustration shows an example of the Ribbon, a component of the Office Fluent user interface.
saskaņā ar #. pantu muitas procedūrai, kam ir saimnieciska nozīmeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The new Office Fluent user interface in Word 2010 looks much different than the user interface in Word 2003.
Tāpēc varu jums apliecināt, ka stratēģijā būs ietverti pasākumi šā mērķa sasniegšanai.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Office Fluent Ribbon can host richer content than menus and toolbars can, including buttons, galleries, and dialog box content.
No #. gada līdz #. gada #. decembrimParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You can add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar directly from commands that are displayed on the Office Fluent Ribbon.
Zidovudīns ↓ # %ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You can also apply formatting options from the Home tab on the Ribbon, part of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.
Savienības neatliekamās prasības pēc minētajiem ražojumiem būtu jāizpilda bez kavēšanās un ar visizdevīgākajiem noteikumiemParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The new, results-oriented Office Fluent user interface presents tools to you, in a clear and organized fashion, when you need them:
tā kā Komisija nevar ne noraidīt sertifikātu pieteikumus spekulāciju gadījumā, ne noteikt citādu kompensācijas likmi, neapspriedusies ar Labības pārvaldības komiteju, sertifikātu derīguma termiņš jāsamazina līdz pēdējai dienai trešajā mēnesī pēc izdošanas mēnešaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Instead, you can create a basic chart by clicking the chart type that you want on the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface Ribbon.
IEGULDĪJUMI NEKUSTAMĀ ĪPAŠUMĀ (kas nav ietverti I sadaļāParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Office Fluent user interface is designed to help you be more productive in Outlook, and find the right features for various tasks more easily.
Tādēļ jāizvērtē minētās nozares specifiskums, jānosaka vienotas definīcijas, jāizskata jauktas situācijas un pienācīgi jāsaskaņo attiecīgo tirgus dalībnieku konkrētās funkcijasParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The new Ribbon, a component of the Office Fluent user interface, groups your tools by task, and the commands you use most frequently are close at hand.
RAŽOŠANAS SĒRIJAS NUMURSParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Office Fluent user interface Office Access 2007 has been updated with a fresh look that makes it easier to create, modify, and work with tracking applications (Access database solutions).
milzu haizivs (Cetorhinus maximusParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Microsoft Office Fluent user interface The new Office Fluent user interface includes a standard area called the Ribbon, which contains groups of commands that are organized by feature and functionality.
apvalkotās tabletes # apvalkotās tabletes svParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With its Microsoft Office Fluent user interface and interactive design capabilities that do not require deep database knowledge, Microsoft Office Access 2007 helps you track and report information with ease.
Veicināt attīstības politiku saskaņotībuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ribbon navigation The form contains the following buttons — located on the Ribbon, which is part of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface — that are specific to Business Contact Manager for Outlook.
Darba vieta ir Frankfurtē pie Mainas (Vācijā), kur atrodas iestādeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The new Office Fluent user interface is designed to help you be more productive in Word, more easily find the right features for various tasks, discover new functionality, and be more efficient.
ņemot vērā EK līguma #. panta #. punktu un #. pantu, kā arī Euratom līguma #.a pantuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In Office PowerPoint 2007, the new Office Fluent user interface replaces menus, toolbars, and most of the task panes from previous versions of PowerPoint with a single mechanism that is simple and discoverable.
Jānorāda numuri un/vai simboli, pēc kuriem nosaka dzinēja tipu un transportlīdzekļa tipuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Office PowerPoint 2007 has a new, intuitive user interface called the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, which helps you create better presentations much more quickly than you could in earlier versions of PowerPoint.
uzņēmumi, kas nodarbojas ar lauksaimniecības produktu ražošanu (lopkopības vai zemkopības nozareParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Another way to use the keyboard to work with programs that feature the Office Fluent Ribbon is to move the focus among the tabs and commands until you find the feature that you want to use.
Šajā sakarā Itālijas iestādes ir apgalvojušas, ka pasākums ir paredzēts visiemuzņēmumiem, kas izveido atsevišķus ieguldījumu uzņēmumus ar mērķi ieguldīt līdzekļus galvenokārt maza un vidēja kapitāla uzņēmējsabiedrībās, kuras ir reģistrētas regulētā Eiropas tirgū, un tādēļ tas ir uzskatāms par vispārēju pasākumuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Note: If pressing F6 doesn't display the task pane you want, try pressing ALT to place focus on the menu bar or Microsoft Office Fluent Ribbon and then pressing CTRL+TAB to move to the task pane.
Gay Mitchell par balsošanas gaitu, kuru viņš uzskatīja par pārāk straujuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Note: If pressing F6 doesn't display the task pane you want, try pressing ALT to place focus on the menu bar or Ribbon, which is a part of the Office Fluent Ribbon, and then pressing CTRL+TAB to move to the task pane.
atzīt, ka pieņemot un paturot spēkā #. gada #. aprīļa Likuma par notāru profesijas likumisko regulēšanu #. panta #. punktu, Nīderlandes Karaliste nav izpildījusi savus Eiropas Kopienu Dibināšanas līgumā, konkrētāk, EKL #. pantā un #. pantā paredzētos pienākumusParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Note: If pressing F6 doesn't display the task pane that you want, press ALT to place focus on the Ribbon, which is a part of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, and then press CTRL+TAB to move to the task pane.
ārstniecisko dzīvnieku barību saglabā uz noteikto laika posmuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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