Opel oor Letties


German industrialist who was the first in Germany to use an assembly line in manufacturing automobiles (1871-1948)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


Opel Antwerp was a modern and successful car assembly business.
Opel ražotne Antverpenē bija mūsdienīgs un veiksmīgs automobiļu ražošanas uzņēmums.
HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Technical Information within the meaning of Article # of Regulation (EC) #/# includes all information provided to Opel/Vauxhall authorised repairers for the repair or maintenance of Opel/Vauxhall motor vehicles
var samazināt ORACEA efektivitāti, un tos nedrīkst lietot ātrāk par # līdz # stundām pēc ORACEA ieņemšanasoj4 oj4
(DE) President of the Commission, the issue of the continuing existence of the Opel factories exercises the European public, and it was also a key issue in the German federal election campaign.
beidzoties lidojuma plāna koordinācijai minētajam lidojumamEuroparl8 Europarl8
27 In paragraph 48 of the contested judgment, the Court added that that interpretation was confirmed by a reading of certain internal documents showing that the senior managers of Opel Nederland were worried by the growth of exports and that they studied measures designed to limit, or halt, all exports.
atbalstīt mežu atjaunošanas programmu īstenošanu ugunsgrēku skartajos reģionosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On 19 December 2019, the manufacturers Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA, Opel Automobile GmbH-PSA, FCA Italy S.p.A., Automobiles Citroën, Automobiles Peugeot, PSA Automobiles SA, Audi AG, Ford-Werke GmbH, Jaguar Land Rover Ltd., Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH, Škoda Auto a.s., BMW AG, Renault SA, Honda Motor Europe Ltd, Volkswagen AG and Volkswagen AG Nutzfahrzeuge submitted a joint application (‘the application’) in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2019/631 for the approval of efficient vehicle exterior lighting using light emitting diodes (‘efficient exterior LED light’) as an innovative technology for reducing CO2 emissions from internal combustion engine powered light commercial vehicles capable of running on petrol, diesel and certain alternative fuels.
EESK secina, ka šajos reģionos ir pastāvīgas enerģētikas problēmas, bet ir arī vairāki iespējamie risinājumi, piemēram, izmantot saules, ģeotermisko un paisuma-bēguma un vēja enerģijuEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Moreover, GME will at all times ensure that the website may be easily located and provides an equivalent level of performance to the methods used for providing Technical Information to members of Opel/Vauxhall authorised network.
Katras dalībvalsts saskaņotajai bāzei piemēro vienādu procentuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We also need a system of adequate guarantees to give Opel Europa the independence that it needs to continue offering us ever safer, more innovative, more energy-saving and more sustainable cars.
(PL) Madam President, the latest announcements of group redundancies in EU Member States, including those announced by the Opel concern, are in line with the broader wave of problems being experienced in recent times by the motor industry and other industries as a result of the economic crisis.
XERISTAR nedrīkst lietot bērnu un pusaudžu līdz # gadu vecumam ārstēšanaiEuroparl8 Europarl8
Research and development will be crucial to the future of the car industry and that applies not only to Opel, but to all vehicle manufactures throughout Europe.
To piemēro darbībām, par kurām šīs regulas spēkā stāšanās dienā vēl nav pieņemts galīgs lēmums par nodrošinājuma samaksu vai izmaksāšanu atpakaļEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Opel case is acquiring one further dimension.
Tā iedarbība: • Jūsu organismā samazina asinsspiedienu paaugstinošo vielu sintēzi • Atslābina un paplašina Jūsu asinsvadus • Palīdz Jūsu sirdij organismā pārsūknēt asinisEuroparl8 Europarl8
The continuation of the global financial and economic crisis pressurised Adam Opel AG to downsize its production capacities again and to close one of its remaining factories.
atzīt apelācijas sūdzību par pieņemamu un pamatotuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, that meeting had been preceded by a letter to dealers in which Opel Nederland had enquired about the lawfulness of sales activities, but to which those dealers had not given satisfactory replies.
nav ievēroti nosacījumi, atbilstīgi kuriem preces drīkstēja izvest no Kopienas muitas teritorijas, tās pilnīgi vai daļēji atbrīvojot no izvedmuitas nodokļiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, at the time that the Commission's investigation was launched, GME had, in the Commission's preliminary assessment, still not put in place an effective system to allow independent repairers to have access to Opel/Vauxhall-specific technical repair information in an unbundled manner
Papildus izstrādājumiem, kas ietverti pozīcijā #, šajā nodaļā klasificē arī izstrādājumus no metāla pavedieniem apģērba izgatavošanai, apdarei vai tamlīdzīgiem mērķiemoj4 oj4
It began by dismissing the applicants’ arguments that there was no evidence that dealers expressly or impliedly agreed to restrict legitimate export sales in response to Opel Nederland’s new bonus policy.
Pārbaudes struktūraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is an unfortunate fact that, at present, these people are finding it increasingly difficult to afford a car such as an Opel, and the result is the collapse of car manufacturing.
Neskarot šā panta #. punktu un atkāpjoties no #. panta #. punkta f) apakšpunkta, dalībvalstis var atbrīvot no prasības par retrospektīvo izvērtēšanu projektus, kuros izmanto tikai tādas procedūras, kas klasificētas kā vieglas vai neatgriezeniskasEuroparl8 Europarl8
In and around Opel Antwerp Belgium, there are 2 700 direct jobs on the line today.
Dafiro pētīja arī ar aktīvu vielu kontrolētā pētījumā # hipertensijas slimniekiem ar diastolisko asinsspiedienu ≥# mm Hg un < # mm HgEuroparl8 Europarl8
257 According to consistent case-law, for the purposes of applying Article 81(1) EC, there is no need to take account of the actual effects of an agreement once it appears that its object is to restrict, prevent or distort competition (see Nederlandse Federatieve Vereniging voor de Groothandel op Elektrotechnisch Gebied v Commission, paragraph 44 above, paragraph 136; Case C‐407/04 Dalmine v Commission [2007] ECR I‐829, paragraph 84 and the case-law cited; General Motors Nederland and Opel Nederland v Commission, paragraph 171 above, paragraph 104; and Case T‐322/01 Roquette Frères v Commission [2006] ECR II‐3137, paragraph 201 and the case-law cited).
Krievijas un Eiropas Savienības augstākā līmeņa sanāksme (balsošanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As concerns the Bochum production plant, which still employed a workforce of 3 280 in 2013, Adam Opel AG continued negotiations with Gewerkschaft IG Metall metal workers.
Pēc # nedēļām pacientu daudzums ar HIV RNS < # kopijas/ml bija # %, # % un # % attiecīgi ZDV/#TC/ABC, ZDV/#TC/EFV un ZDV/#TC/ABC/EFV grupāsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
GM/Opel: current developments (debate)
Kopienas rīcībaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the case of Opel, I would like to reiterate: it is an absolutely exceptional, extraordinary situation that has nothing to do with the business policy of the company itself.
Tomēr, izņemot tikai dažas valstis var secināt, kaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth by order of that court of # January # in Adam Opel AG v Autec AG (intervener in support of the defendant: Deutscher Verband der Spielwaren-Industrie e.V
Baktērijas atbrīvo toksīnu (indi), kas var izraisīt muskuļu stīvumu, sāpīgus muskuļu krampjus, lēkmes un pat nāvioj4 oj4
102 – Poulsen and Diva Navigation (paragraphs 9 and 10), Racke (paragraphs 45 and 46) and Intertanko (paragraph 51), all cited in footnote 29, and Brita (cited in footnote 41, paragraphs 40 to 42); see, in addition, Case T‐115/94 Opel Austria v Council [1997] ECR II‐39, particularly paragraph 90.
Šim palielinājumam vajadzētu būt saistītam ar centieniem koriģēt zvejas jaudu ar valsts atbalstu laikā no #. gada #. janvāra vai #. gada #. maija līdz #. gada #. decembrim un turpmāk no #. gada #. janvāraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The appellants’ criticisms of the contested judgment are essentially directed at alleged errors of law by the Court of First Instance in: (i) confirming the Commission’s findings that Opel Nederland had applied a general strategy of restricting all exports; (ii) confirming the findings that it had implemented a system restricting bonuses for retail sales, and (iii) limiting itself to making only a partial reduction in the amount of the fine.
Sāras Keravejas vīrs nerunās ar mums.Viņš nolīdzis advokātuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Member of the Commission. - Mr President, the public financing of Opel/Vauxhall by one or more European governments is the issue that I will address.
suga pēc tās botāniskā nosaukuma vismaz ar latīņu burtiem, to var norādīt saīsinātā veidā un bez autoru vārdiem, vai tās parastais nosaukums, vai abiEuroparl8 Europarl8
The plant currently assembles the Opel Astra model, which is present on a segment of the automobile market where, as confirmed by the Belgian authorities, competition is particularly strong.
Dalībvalstis nekavējoties par to informē KomisijuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is therefore necessary to remember Opel's history and to act in an effective manner when monitoring its activities.
Itālijas pastāvīgā pārstāvniecība Eiropas Savienībā Komisijai vēstulē, kas datēta #. gada #. augustā un kuras saņemšana reģistrēta #. gada #. augustā, #. gada #. novembrī, reģistrēta – #. gada #. novembrī, #. gada #. februārī, reģistrēta – #. gada #. martā un #. gada #. maijā, reģistrēta – #. gada #. maijā, nosūtīja papildu informāciju, kas Itālijas iestādēm tika prasīta #. gada #. februāra (atsauces nr. AGR #), #. gada #. oktobra (atsauces nr. AGR #), #. gada #. janvāra (atsauces nr. AGR #) un #. gada #. aprīļa (atsauces nr. AGR #) vēstulēEuroparl8 Europarl8
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