Patras oor Letties


eienaam, naamwoord
The capital of the western region of Greece.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


The Athinai—Patras line is laid to a gauge of 1 000 mm.
Atēnu Patras līnijā sliežu platums ir 1 000 mm.


Subject: Imposition of tolls on national highway linking Corinth and Patras
Temats: Piespiedu nodevas par braukšanu pa ātrgaitas ceļu starp Corinthe un Patra
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data

Geskatte vertalings

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Equivalent term: Patras
Thalidomide Celgene lieto ārstēšanas ciklos, katrs cikls ilgst # nedēļas, lietojot kopā ar melfalānu un prednizonu, kas tiek lietoti no #. līdz #. dienai katrā sešu nedēļu ciklāEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(m) transferring to the privatisation fund ‘Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund’ (HRADF) the following assets: Alpha Bank (0,619 % of shares); National Bank of Greece (1,234 % of shares); Piraeus Bank (1,308 % of shares); Piraeus Port Authority (23,1 % of shares); Thessaloniki Port Authority (23,3 % of shares); Elefsina, Lavrio, Igoumenitsa, Alexandroupolis, Volos, Kavala, Corfu, Patras, Rafina, Heraklion port authorities (100 %); Athens Water and Sewerage Company (27,3 %); Thessaloniki Water and Sewerage Company (40 %); Regional state airports (transfer of concession rights); off-shore natural gas storage facility ‘South Kavala’ (transfer of rights of current and future concessions); Hellenic motorways (transfer of economic rights of current and future concessions); Egnatia odos (100 %); Hellenic Post (90 %); OPAP, SA (29 %); four state buildings;
Šīs regulas īstenošanai vajadzīgie pasākumi būtu jāpieņem saskaņā ar Padomes Lēmumu #/#/EK (#. gada #. jūnijs), ar ko nosaka Komisijai piešķirto ieviešanas pilnvaru īstenošanas kārtībuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Equivalent term: Mavrodaphne of Patras
COM # galīgā redakcijaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Disturbance in TRAINOSE's operations would create a heavy burden on the public transportation network in general and on the urban network of Athens (used by 8 million passengers per year), Thessaloniki and Patras, in particular.
uzskata, ka starp dalībvalstīm ir jāuzlabo dalīšanās ar informāciju par nosūtīšanām, jo īpaši attiecībā uz īpašu medicīnisko aprūpi, kas nepieciešama nosūtāmajām personāmEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
On 18 October 2018 the Commission asked Italy to provide clarifications with regard to the compensation paid for the route Bari/Durrës and the exact amount of aid (principal and interest) recovered by the Italian authorities for the operation of the route Brindisi/Corfu/Igoumenitsa/Patras in the years 1992-1994.
veicināt konfliktu novēršanu un palīdzēt radīt apstākļus, kas veicinātu konfliktu noregulējumu, tostarp dodot ieteikumus par darbībām, kas saistītas ar pilsonisko sabiedrību un teritoriju atjaunošanu, neskarot Komisijas pienākumus saskaņā ar EK LīgumuEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Οίνος φυσικώς γλυκός (vin naturellement doux) | Vins de paille : Κεφαλληνίας (de Céphalonie), Δαφνες (de Dafnès), Λήμνου (de Lemnos), Πατρών (de Patras), Ρίου-Πατρών (de Rion de Patras), Ρόδου (de Rhodos), Σάμος (de Samos), Σητεία (de Sitia), Σαντορίνη (Santorini) | Quality wine psr | Greek |
Ietver pakalpojumus, kas tiek nodrošināti starp rezidentiem un nerezidentiem saistībā ar izglītības iegūšanu, tādus kā tālmācības kursi un apmācība izmantojot televīziju vai internetu, arī pasniedzēju nodrošināta apmācība, kad pakalpojumi tiek sniegti tieši uzņēmējā valstīEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Thessaloniki (EL), Lamia (EL) and Patras (EL) substations and connecting lines
iekšējas kaitēkļu barošanās pēdas un/vai kaitēkļu nodarīts bojājums augļa mīkstumamoj4 oj4
These funds can support projects such as linking the ports of Igoumenitsa, Patras, Piraeus and Thessaloniki into the Trans-European network, rail connections between Athens/Piraeus and Thessaloniki and investment in renewable energy.
vienīgā turētāja ģimenes locekļi (L/# un LEurLex-2 EurLex-2
— sweet wines originating in Greece produced from overripe grapes and from raisined grapes with a residual sugar content, expressed as sugar, equal to or more than 45 g/l and entitled to one of the following protected designations of origin: Σάμος (Samos), Ρόδος (Rhodes), Πατρα (Patras), Ρίο Πατρών (Rio Patron), Κεφαλονία (Kefallonia), Λήμνος (Limnos), Σητεία (Sitia), Σαντορίνη (Santorini), Νεμέα (Nemea), Δαφνές (Daphnes) and sweet wines produced from overripe grapes and from raisined grapes entitled to one of the following protected geographical indications: Σιάτιστας (Siatista), Καστοριάς (Kastoria), Κυκλάδων (Cyclades), Μονεμβάσιος (Monemvasia), Αγιορείτικος (Mount Athos — Holy Mountain),
atcelt Iekšējā tirgus saskaņošanas biroja (preču zīmes, paraugi un modeļi) Apelāciju ceturtās padomes #. gada #. maija lēmumu lietā R #/#-# unEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(m) transferring to the privatisation fund "Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund" (HRADF) the following assets: Alpha Bank (0,619 % of shares); National Bank of Greece (1,234 % of shares); Piraeus Bank (1,308 % of shares); Piraeus Port Authority (23,1 % of shares); Thessaloniki Port Authority (23,3 % of shares); Elefsina, Lavrio, Igoumenitsa, Alexandroupolis, Volos, Kavala, Corfu, Patras, Rafina, Heraklion port authorities (100 %); Athens Water and Sewerage Company (27,3 %); Thessaloniki Water and Sewerage Company (40 %); Regional state airports (transfer of concession rights); off-shore natural gas storage facility "South Kavala" (transfer of rights of current and future concessions); Hellenic motorways (transfer of economic rights of current and future concessions); Egnatia odos (100 %); Hellenic Post (90 %); OPAP, SA (29 %); four state buildings;
Vispārējas piezīmesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Πάτρα Equivalent term: Patra
Atbildīgā personaEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
on the Brindisi/Corfu/Igoumenitsa/Patras route, Adriatica made 140 journeys in 1999, the last year in which it operated the connection, carrying 10 % of the passengers travelling on the route.
Piekrītot minētajām izmaiņām, Padome kopējā nostājāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In that regard, the Greek Government points out that the crossing time between the port of Bari in Italy and the Greek port of Igoumenitsa, which is the main Greek port of transit, does not exceed 10 or 11 hours, while the crossing time between the port of Bari and Patras does not exceed 15 hours.
Lai nodrošinātu to, ka atbalsts ir nepieciešams un rada stimulu konkrētu pasākumu izstrādei, šo regulu nedrīkst piemērot tādu pasākumu atbalstam, kurus saņēmējs patstāvīgi uzsāktu arī tirgus apstākļosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
After the adoption of the 2005 Decision, Italy ordered recovery of the aid granted to Adriatica from January 1992 to July 1994 for the operation of the Brindisi/Corfu/Igoumenitsa/Patras connection, quantified by the Italian authorities at EUR 8 651 600 as of 31 December 2006 (EUR 3 207 810 principal and EUR 5 443 790 interest) (65).
ņemot vērā EK līguma #. panta #. punktu, #. panta #. punktu, #. pantu un #. pantu, saskaņā ar kuriem Komisija Parlamentam iesniedza priekšlikumu (CEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
High pressure branch to Patra (EL
aicina Komisiju veikt praktiskus pasākumus procedūru vienkāršošanai, ņemot vērā neskaidro situāciju saistībā ar priekšlikumu apstiprināšanu līdzdalībai Kopienas programmāsoj4 oj4
Greek motorways: Pathe: Rio Antirio, Patras-Athens-Thessaloniki-Promahon (Greek/Bulgarian border) and Via Egnatia: Igoumenitsa - Thessaloniki - Alexandroupolis - Ormenio (Greek/Bulgarian border) - Kipi (Greek/Turkish border)
Ieinteresētās personas apsvērumos minētie argumenti esot neprecīzi un juridiski nebūtiskiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Six years and six months later, on 27 April 2009, the Greek customs office in Patras, through an Assessment Deed dated 27 April 2009 (‘the 2009 Assessment act’) imposed the disputed claim on the plaintiff.
Pagaidu darbinieku atlases procedūraeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
whereas Stelios Kouloglou is accused of libel and defamation of prison staff in Patras;
Šīs regulas #. pantā, #. panta #. punktā, #. un #. pantā minēto turēšanas periodu pēdējā diena, neatkarīgi no tā, vai tā ir vai nav darba diena, ir diena pirms dienas ar tādu pašu numuru kā šā perioda sākuma dienaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Article 3(2) of Law 553/1977 also provides that ‘in the event that vessels are unable to approach or be loaded in the ports of Aigio or the Nome of Corinthia, provided that the identity of the cargo is guaranteed, transportation to the port of Patras shall be permitted’.
Pārbaudes biežums ir atkarīgs no infekcijas ilguma, un pārbaudes jāveic arī turpmākEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘Is the High Court of Ireland precluded by Article 14(1) and (2) of Directive 2010/24 when determining the enforceability in Ireland of a “uniform instrument permitting enforcement” issued on 14 November 2012 by the customs office of Patras for administrative penalties and fines in the sum of EUR 1 097 505 imposed on 15 July 2009 for alleged smuggling on 26 July 2002 [increased to EUR 1 507 971.88 by virtue of interest and penalties] from:
• GONAL-f indicēts kopā ar cilvēka horiona gonadotropīna (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin-hCG) terapiju spermatoģenēzes stimulācijai vīriešiem ar iedzimtu vai iegūtu hipogonadotropisku hipogonādismueurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Italy claims that the Brindisi/Corfu/Igoumenitsa/Patras route falls within the scope of the 1936 Decrees given that, at that time, there was one specific connection to Greece amongst the national interest routes of the Sector IV identified in Decree 2081/1936 (covering connections with Greece, Albania and the Tremiti islands).
konstatē, ka sakarā ar Komisijai deleģēto atbildību par budžeta pareizu izpildi ir nepieciešama ciešāka aģentūru piesaiste Komisijai; aicina Komisiju un Padomi veikt visus vajadzīgos pasākumus, lai Komisijai līdz #. gada #. decembrim paredzētu tādu pārstāvību regulatīvās aģentūras uzraugošās struktūrās, kas tai ļautu bloķēt lēmumu pieņemšanu, kā arī jau sākotnēji nodrošināt šādu pārstāvību jaunu aģentūru dibināšanas gadījumāEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
transferring to the privatisation fund "Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund" (HRADF) the following assets: Alpha Bank (0,619 % of shares); National Bank of Greece (1,234 % of shares); Piraeus Bank (1,308 % of shares); Piraeus Port Authority (23,1 % of shares); Thessaloniki Port Authority (23,3 % of shares); Elefsina, Lavrio, Igoumenitsa, Alexandroupolis, Volos, Kavala, Corfu, Patras, Rafina, Heraklion port authorities (100 %); Athens Water and Sewerage Company (27,3 %); Thessaloniki Water and Sewerage Company (40 %); Regional state airports (transfer of concession rights); off-shore natural gas storage facility "South Kavala" (transfer of rights of current and future concessions); Hellenic motorways (transfer of economic rights of current and future concessions); Egnatia odos (100 %); Hellenic Post (90 %); OPAP, SA (29 %); four state buildings;
Farmakokinētiskie datiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the end of the 1995-1999 five-year plan, Adriatica suspended the activities carried out with its own vessels on the Brindisi/Corfu/Igoumenitsa/Patras connection and stopped receiving the public subsidies for the operation of this route.
Ja izpildes valsts iestāde, kas saņēmusi lēmumu par uzraudzības pasākumiem un apliecinājumu, nav kompetenta atzīt šo lēmumu, šī iestāde minēto lēmumu un apliecinājumu ex officio pārsūta kompetentajai iestādeiEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
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