Tiber oor Letties


/ˈtaɪbər/, /ˈtaɪbə/ eienaam, naamwoord
The river that flows through Rome in Italy.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


The third-longest river in Italy.

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The oldest settlements, Iron Age hut villages, appear to have risen long before the eighth century B.C.E., on the Roman hills around what was once a depression by an ancient ford of the river Tiber.
Katra dalībvalsts nosaka, kurām iestādēm šī informācija jānosūtajw2019 jw2019
In this area soft wheat is grown on the wide plains (the Arno and Tiber valleys), but above all on the huge Apennine hilly areas or uplands.
Putekļiem, kas saskaņā ar #. pantu ir nepārtraukti jāuzraugaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The whole area lies to the east of the River Tiber.
ņemot vērā Eiropas Izglītības fonda #. finanšu gada galīgos pārskatusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(Acts 28:11-13) From Puteoli —modern-day Pozzuoli— the cargo was either hauled overland or transported on smaller vessels northward along the coast and up the Tiber River into the heart of Rome.
Komiteja ierosina arī izstrādāt īpašus mērķprojektus, pamatojoties uz informāciju, kas gūta, izmantojot policijas rīcībā esošos izlūkdatus, kā arī vietējo un reģionālo pašvaldību pieredzi un zināšanasjw2019 jw2019
The whole area lies to the east of the River Tiber
Pēc biežas, atkārtotas antihelmintisko līdzekļu lietošanas var iestāties parazītu rezistence pret jebkuru no šīs grupas līdzekļiemoj4 oj4
Rome, except for the area within the GRA motorway and the area between the section of the GRA which intersects with the river Tiber near the via del Mare crossing and continues along the course of the river as far as the branch of the Porto canal connecting with the Tyrrhenian Coast.
pēdējās # dienas pirms olšūnu/embriju # ieguves tās ir atradušās saimniecībās, kas tiek veterināri uzraudzītas, un uzraudzība turpināta ieguves dienā un līdz nosūtīšanas dienai #, kurās sasaldētu olšūnu/embriju [#] gadījumā, līdz beidzies obligātais # dienu uzglabāšanas periods, apstiprinātās telpās nebija noteikts aizliegums dzīvnieku veselības apsvērumu dēļ, ko paredz kāds no šiem apstākļiemEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
pursuant to Rule 133 of the Rules of Procedure on the risk of flooding The European Parliament, – having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1293/2013 on the establishment of a Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE), – having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure, A. whereas one of the most dangerous effects of global warming is the risk of flooding to which, for example, some areas of Italy are subject (the Venice lagoon, the Po Delta, the Gulf of Cagliari and Gulf of Oristano, the area surrounding Taranto’s Mar Piccolo, the mouth of the Tiber, the Versilia area, the Trapani salt flats and the Plain of Catania); B. whereas the EU has an opportunity during the negotiations in progress at the COP21 to take practical steps to protect the environment from every kind of threat posed by the climate; 1.
Norvēģijas iestādes ir arī paskaidrojušas, ka dažas, ļoti nedaudzas nozares (laikrakstu publicēšana un iespiešana, kuģu būvniecība), neskatoties uz to, tie uzskatītas par vietējā tirgus nozarēm, balstoties tikai uz šo apakšnozaru veidu un raksturojumu un nevis uz importa/eksporta analīzinot-set not-set
services, Fireplace wood, Forest growing, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest management, Forest plants, Manufacture of fireplace wood, Reforestation works, Standing timber purchasing, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Timber selling, Timber transporting, Transportation of bulk materials Contacts Map
Tādēļ ir nepieciešams izmantot sarunu procedūru, kas paredzēta #. panta #. punkta b) apakšpunktā un g) apakšpunkta i) daļā Komisijas #. gada #. decembra Regulā (EK, Euratom) Nr. #/#, ar ko paredz īstenošanas kārtību Padomes Regulai (EK,Euratom) Nr. #/# par Finanšu regulu, ko piemēro Eiropas Kopienu vispārējam budžetamParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ground boards, Heatingwood, Impregnated sawtimber, Inner clapboards, Internal doors, Mini loaders, Miningworks, Planing materials, Plywood, Sawn timber, Skylight windows, Soilworks, Strips, Tiber exporting, Transportation service, Windows Contacts Map
Īsteno politiku un procedūras, lai novērtētu un pārvaldītu operacionālo risku, tostarp retus notikumus ar spēcīgu iedarbībuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
services, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest management, Forest plants, Harvesters, Harvesting machinery, Round beams, Sawmill chips, Standing timber purchasing, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Tibmer purchasing, Timber transporting, Tractors, Trailer carriage, Transportation service, trailers Contacts Map
daļa: viss teksts, izņemot #. ievilkumuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Apartement moving, Carriage services, Deforestation services, Deforestation works, Examination of goods, Freight handling services, Harvesters, International carriage of goods, International transport, Loading Services, Move service, Moving services, Office moving, Pack buses, Piano transporting, Small ferrying, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Transport, Transportation service, Truck maintenance and repair, Trucking, kokrade.lv/
Komisijas Regula (EK) Nr. #/# (#. gada #. marts), ar ko piemēro antidempinga pagaidu maksājumu dažu apstrādātu apģērbā izmantojamu poliestera pavedienu audumu veidu importu ar izcelsmi Ķīnas Tautas RepublikāParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Risa, Deforestation services, Examination of goods, Freight handling services, International carriage of goods, International transport, Loading Services, Move service, Moving services, Office moving, Pack buses, Piano transporting, Small ferrying, Tiber exporting, Transport, Transportation service, Truck maintenance and repair, Trucking, Tyre balancing, Tyre installation and repairing
pārējo leģēto tēraudu atkritumi un lūžņiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Legal information Lapegles 2 SIA Firewood sale, Harvesters, Miningworks, Saw service, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Trailer carriage, Transportation service
Piemērotās darbības un priekšlikumiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Deforestation services, Deforestation works, Dried sawtimber, Drying service, Fireplace wood, Firewood sale, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest plants, Heating materials trade, Heatingwood, Impregnated sawtimber, Manufacture of fireplace wood, Paper timber buy up, Round beams, Saw ntimber selling, Saw service, Sawn timber, Sawn timber drying, Sawn timber export, Sawn timber producing, Stock growing, Syntagmatic lumber, Tiber exporting, Timber material, Wood drying, Wood handling, Wood industry; timber industry
I pielikums, daļa Tēmas, #.#. iedaļa (Drošība), apakšiedaļa Darbības, #. aizzīme, virsrakstsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tips and useful life-jackets / Health / Reviews: "Tiberal" for children and adults
Dempinga starpība ĶTR eksportētājiem iepriekš noteikta nodaļā par dempingu un ir ievērojami virs de minimisParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
producing, Firewood sale, Forest maintenance, Forest trading, Heating materials trade, Heatingwood, Manufacture of fireplace wood, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Timber selling, Wood handling
informāciju par nepieciešamajiem pasākumiem, kuri ir veikti vai ir plānoti attiecīgo kaitīgo organismu apkarošanai, to paredzamo ilgumu un, ja iespējams, iegūtos rezultātus, faktiskās vai paredzētās izdevumu izmaksas, kas atmaksātas vai atmaksājamas, un šādu izdevumu īpatsvaru, ko sedz vai kas jāsedz no publiskā finansējumaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
growing, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest management, Forest plants, Manufacture of fireplace wood, Reforestation works, Standing timber purchasing, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Timber selling, Timber transporting, Transportation of bulk materials Contacts Map
Uz iepakojuma obligāti jābūt norādēm Presunto de Campo Maior e Elvas- IGP vai Paleta de Campo Maior e Elvas- IGP un attiecīgam Kopienas logotipamParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Legal immovable purchasing, Forest management, Forest plants, Harvesters, Harvesting machinery, Round beams, Sawmill chips, Standing timber purchasing, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Tibmer purchasing, Timber transporting, Tractors, Trailer carriage, Transportation service, trailers
Padomes LēmumsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Nameja 1-16, Jēkabpils, Deforestation services, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest management, Forest plants, Harvesters, Harvesting machinery, Round beams, Sawmill chips, Standing timber purchasing, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Tibmer purchasing, Timber transporting, Tractors, Trailer carriage, Transportation service, trailers Contacts Map
Koki, works, Dried sawtimber, EUR pallets, Finishing materials, Firewood producing, Firewood sale, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest trading, Ground boards, Heatingwood, Inner clapboards, Outer clapboards, Paper timber buy up, Round beams, Saw ntimber selling, Sawdust transport, Sawmill chips, Sawn timber, Sawn timber drying, Sawn timber export, Sawn timber producing, Standing timber purchasing, Stock growing, Syntagmatic lumber, Terrace boards, Tiber exporting, Tractor services, Transportation service, Wood drying, Wood handling, Wood industry; timber industry, Wood surfacing, Wood trade, Wooden pallet producing and selling, Baulks, Deforestation services, Forest plants, Forest trading, Forest valuation, Pallets, Terrace boards, Timber selling, Wood handling, Wooden pallet producing and selling Contacts Map
Šīs sarunas notika saskaņā ar #. pantu, kas paredz, ka no #. gada #. janvāra Kopiena un Palestīniešu pašpārvalde izvērtē situāciju, lai noteiktu liberalizēšanas pasākumus, kurus Kopienai un Palestīniešu pašpārvaldei jāpiemēro no #. gada #. janvāra atbilstīgi minētajā #. pantā paredzētajam mērķimParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Hotel Tiber Fiumicino Excellent 4.4 / 5(797 genuine reviews)Hotels.com® RewardsFor every 10 nights, get 1 free!
attiecībā uz # pielikumā minētajiem produktiem, kas attiecas uz kūtsmēsliem un/vai dzīvnieku ekskrementiem: šos produktus drīkst izmantot kopā ar iepriekš #. punkta b) apakšpunktā minētajiem kūtsmēsliem tikai tiktāl, ciktāl ir ievēroti šā pielikuma B daļas #. iedaļā minētie ierobežojumiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Deforestation services, Fireplace wood, Forest growing, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest management, Forest plants, Manufacture of fireplace wood, Reforestation works, Saw ntimber selling, Sawn timber producing, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Timber material, Timber selling, Timber transporting Contacts Map
Ziņojums ietver sīku pārbaudes gaitā gūto novērojumu aprakstu, norādot jebkādu neatbilstību vai būtisku neatbilstību Regulai (EK) NrParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
SS24 SIA ss24.sawtimber, Drying service, Fireplace wood, Firewood sale, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest plants, Heating materials trade, Heatingwood, Impregnated sawtimber, Manufacture of fireplace wood, Paper timber buy up, Round beams, Saw ntimber selling, Saw service, Sawn timber, Sawn timber drying, Sawn timber export, Sawn timber producing, Stock growing, Syntagmatic lumber, Tiber exporting, Timber material, Wood drying, Wood handling, Wood industry; timber industry Contacts Map
Markos KyprianouParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Also see Forest management, Forest plants, Harvesters, Harvesting machinery, Round beams, Sawmill chips, Standing timber purchasing, Stock growing, Tiber exporting, Tibmer purchasing, Timber transporting, Tractors, Trailer carriage, Transportation service, trailers
Taisnīga tirdzniecība veicina pārredzamību, labu pārvaldību un atbildību un tādējādi sekmē ilgtspējīgu attīstībuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Deforestation services, Deforestation works, Forest growing, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest immovable selling, Forest maintenance, Forest management, Forest management plans, Forest plants, Forest protective expertise, Forest trading, Forest valuation, Harvesting machinery, Saw service, Standing timber purchasing, Statistical forest stocktaking, Stock growing, Tiber bilavas.lv
Aktualizētais variants atspoguļo situāciju #. gada #. septembrīParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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