advanced search oor Letties

advanced search

A feature that enables users to build robust, targeted queries that include search operators. The least complex of which are the Boolean operators many users are familiar with. In addition, customers can use advanced operators such as "contains:" or "inanchor:" or "site:" Customers can add operator upon operator and watch their query change in the search box.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

detalizētā meklēšana

A feature that enables users to build robust, targeted queries that include search operators. The least complex of which are the Boolean operators many users are familiar with. In addition, customers can use advanced operators such as "contains:" or "inanchor:" or "site:" Customers can add operator upon operator and watch their query change in the search box.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Visas norādes uzECDC ECDC
Advanced Search
Source EU Fleet Register – Advanced Search, 15.10. 2013
Šādā vērtējumā ir jāņem vērā tirgus apstākļi un reālā situācija, kādā darbojas dalībniekiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A peer-to-peer network is a transparent method of file sharing, which is independent, decentralised and has advanced search and download functions;
Kredītiestādēm, kuras vēsturiskā apsekojuma periodam izmanto svērumu shēmu vai citas metodes, efektīvais apsekojuma periods ir vismaz viens gads (proti, atsevišķu apsekojumu vidējā svērtā laika aizture ir ne mazāk kā # mēnešiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
an advanced search mechanism will be deployed enabling the viewer to search by key-words in all the metadata and, for instance, to search for the number of experts, by country, by composition;
· an advanced search mechanism will be deployed enabling the viewer to search by key-words in all the metadata and, for instance, to search for the number of experts, by country, by composition;
Viena aplikācija pasargā no blusu invāzijas # nedēļasnot-set not-set
an advanced search mechanism will be deployed enabling the viewer to search by key-words in all the metadata and, for instance, to search for the number of experts, by country, by composition
Eiropas Kopienu Civildienesta noteikumi, un jo īpaši to # pielikuma #. pantsoj4 oj4
The bookshop has no dedicated section for these documents (in the same way as for ‘authors’, ‘themes’ or ‘e-books’), so the only way to find a study or an evaluation is through an advanced search function.
No #. gada #. novembra valsts iestādes tādu iemeslu dēļ, kas saistībā ar transportlīdzekļa drošības aspektiem, uz kuriem attiecas #. pants, uzskata, ka jaunu M#, N# un N# kategorijas transportlīdzekļu atbilstības sertifikāti vairs nav derīgi Direktīvas #/#/EK #. panta vajadzībām, un aizliedz šādu transportlīdzekļu reģistrāciju, tirdzniecību un nodošanu ekspluatācijā, ja šādi transportlīdzekļi neatbilst šai regulai un tās īstenošanas pasākumiemeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
This suite will be arranged thematically and feature video instructions targeted at specific user groups (e.g. arms-control policymakers or export-licensing officials), present specific functions of the system (e.g. generating diversion statistics or country profiling), and provide guidance on advanced searches and use of the data.
Padomes grozītais Eiropas Savienības #. gada vispārējā budžeta projekts (visas iedaļasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
17 In the course of 2004, SABAM concluded that internet users using Scarlet’s services were downloading works in SABAM’s catalogue from the internet, without authorisation and without paying royalties, by means of peer-to-peer networks, which constitute a transparent method of file sharing which is independent, decentralised and features advanced search and download functions.
Muitas dienesti ir atbildīgi par šādu kontroli, un, kaut arī šiem dienestiem būtu jāņem vērā atzītā komersanta statuss, veicot riska analīzi un piešķirot komersantam atvieglojumus attiecībā uz drošuma un drošības kontroli, tiem joprojām būtu jāpatur kontroles tiesībasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In particular, we have moved from the information provision that typified the web in the mid-1990s, through fundamental advances in search engines, to the increasingly participative world-wide web of today known as ‘Web 2.0’.
Es pazīstu daudz sieviešuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Computer programs and software, in particular computer programs and software for extracting information from video, audio, text and streaming media in real time, converting audio data into text, breaking down and processing input data streams using decision-making and quality criteria, monitoring input data streams for requested information, and compiling and updating databases using such extracted information, and searching and exporting data from databases using advanced search techniques and providing of full-text search criteria
Tādēļ būtu attiecīgi jāgroza Regula (EEK) NrtmClass tmClass
For RTD, the IAS found that certain areas still needed to be addressed, including awareness raising, identifying ‘red-flags’, making sure that anti-fraud checks are embedded in control systems, working with other DGs on specific risks such as plagiarism and double funding, ensuring proper data capture and making use of advanced data search tools.
Turklāt pastāv komercnoslēpumu noplūdes risks, kuru zināšana valsts atbalsta procedūrā vispār nav vajadzīgaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Word processing and other applications, database searching, acquaintance with Internet, advanced skills (programming etc
Apdrošināšanas un pārapdrošināšanas sabiedrības spēj uzraudzības iestādēm attaisnot pieņēmumus, kas ir to iekšējā modeļa pamatāoj4 oj4
However, if such a situation were to occur during a surveillance operation coordinated by the Agency, it would be indispensable to coordinate in advance how the search and rescue was conducted by various participating Member States.
Pārtrauciet lietot Dynastat un nekavējoties izstāstiet savam ārstamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The automated search function is an enormous advance.
Pēc šīs apspriešanās Apvienotā komiteja, kura izveidota saskaņā ar #. gada #. jūnija Nolīgumu starp Eiropas Kopienu un tās dalībvalstīm, no vienas puses, un Šveices Konfederāciju, no otras puses, par personu brīvu pārvietošanos, ir tiesīga grozīt šā nolīguma pielikumus, parasti ar rakstisko procedūru, ja tas ir nepieciešams, lai ievērotu programmām piemērojamos noteikumus vai lai ievērotu Šveices absorbcijas spēju izmaiņasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Based on the initial experience of the e-Learning Portal and building on the strong involvement of stakeholders, the Commission will launch, with Erasmus+ funding, a single gateway for OERs produced in Europe, federating existing platforms with advanced browsing and search features to help users find the appropriate content.
Izmantojot Eimsa testu vai in vitro hromosomu aberācijas (novirzes) testu ar cilvēka limfocītiem, Puregon nav konstatētas mutagēnas īpašībasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This also holds up payment of contributions from the Fund, to the detriment of the workers, because some Member States are reluctant to advance payments for training, job-search assistance and other measures.
visas lauksaimniecības nozaresEuroparl8 Europarl8
the operation at the Union level of a central access point to officially appointed mechanisms that as a minimum will: (i) be based on a technical solution allowing for efficient multiple-country searches of regulated information to be initiated with a single request, and (ii) will offer a multilingual search interface with advanced functions such as dynamic and chain searches;
The EUCPM facilitated the deployment of three modules — heavy urban search and rescue, advanced medical posts and water purification — as well as experts in structural engineering, and other technical assistance on top of in-kind assistance and relief teams.
Ja novērojat jebkādas blakusparādības, kas šajā instrukcijā nav minētas vai kāda no minētajām blakusparādībām jums izpaužas smagi, lūdzam par tām izstāstīt savam ārstam, diabēta aprūpes māsai vai farmaceitamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Czech cadastre register provides you with an advanced search engine for online searches
ņemot vērā Padomes #. gada #. jūnija Regulu (EEK) Nr. #/# par labības tirgus kopējās organizācijas izveidiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Find exactly what you are looking for in half the time with Advanced Search Filters.
Temats: Iespējams finansējums, lai Džiljo salā izveidotu muzeju jūrā nogalinātajiemParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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