advertiser oor Letties


One who advertises.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

reklāmas ievietotājs

The company placing, and often paying for, a promotional message, or advertisement.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

advertising malpractice
neatļauta reklāma
bumper advertisements
interstitial advertisement
iespiestā reklāma
advertising campaign goaling
reklāmas kampaņas mērķis
Advertising Research Foundation
Reklāmas pētniecības fonds
Association of National Advertisers, Inc.
ASV nacionālā reklāmdevēju asociācija
unsolicited electronic advertising
advertising slogan
Reklāmas sauklis


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Organisation of exhibitions and fairs for commercial or advertising purposes
Tāda pieeja garantē patiesu personas cieņas, goda un tiesību aizsardzībutmClass tmClass
Arranging and conducting of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes, in particular in the field of equipment, services, goods and accessories for washing, ironing and cleaning textiles
Sanāksmē izskata statistikas metodiku un tās īstenošanu saistībā ar specifiskajiem un kontroles rādītājiemtmClass tmClass
However, since the enactment of Council Directive #/#/EEC of # September # concerning misleading and comparative advertising, the Court of Justice of the European Communities has found it necessary in adjudicating on advertising cases to examine the effect on a notional, typical consumer
aicina Komisiju noskaidrot palīdzības apmēru, kas vērsta uz zvejas rajonu saimniecisko un sociālo labklājību, #. pozīcijas- 'Ilgtspējīga attīstība'- ietvaros (#. pantsoj4 oj4
According to that Directive, where a nutrition claim appears on labelling, in presentation or in advertising, with the exclusion of generic advertising, nutrition labelling should be compulsory
Nolīgums starp Eiropas Kopienu un Albāniju par īstermiņa vīzu izsniegšanu *oj4 oj4
Providing targeted advertisements relevant to information requested by customers via computers, wireless devices and mobile devices
Testēšanas apstākļu noteikšanai var būt noderīga informācija par testējamās vielas struktūrformulu, tīrības pakāpi, stabilitāti gaismā, stabilitāti testēšanas apstākļos, gaismu absorbējošajām īpašībām, pKa, kā arī transformācijas pētījumu rezultātiem, ieskaitot bioloģiskās noārdīšanas spēju ūdenītmClass tmClass
Modelling for advertising or sales promotion
Sakari gaiss–zeme atbilst # pielikumā noteikto datu pārraides pakalpojumu drošības un ekspluatācijas prasībāmtmClass tmClass
Promoting the goods and services of others by disseminating advertisements via the global communications network
ņemot vērā Eiropas Kopienas dibināšanas līgumutmClass tmClass
Marketing, advertising in connection with the sale and distribution of music, film, educational and entertainment programs, and multimedia games via the Internet
Pozīcijās ML#.b. un ML#.d. kontrole nav paredzētatmClass tmClass
Online advertising on a computer network and website
Daudz vairāk investīciju ir nepieciešamas IKT, izpētē un attīstībā, izglītībā un apmācībāsvisā EStmClass tmClass
Arranging, distribution and placing of advertising and advertising opportunities in the context of computer software, in the context of computer software for mobile terminals, and on the internet
Komisija nevar piemērot valsts atbalsta noteikumus situācijām, kas ir skaidri noteiktas pirms pievienošanās, piemēram, Postabank akciju pirkuma līguma gadījumā, kas ir juridiski saistošs akts, jo tas būtu pretrunā principam par atpakaļejoša spēka nepiemērošanutmClass tmClass
(7) The labelling of agricultural products and foodstuffs is subject to the general rules laid down in Council Directive 2000/13/EC of 20 March 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labelling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs.
adrese informācijas saņemšanai par kravunot-set not-set
Providing information online regarding advertising by means of classified advertisements
Uz finansējumu var pretendēt darbības, kas paredzētas, lai vairotu jauniešu līdzdalību projektos, jo īpaši tādos, kas paredzēti valodu prasmes un starpkultūru izpratnes veicināšanaitmClass tmClass
Office functions within the framework of drawing up and concluding advertising space and consultancy thereon
motivācijas vēstule angļu, franču vai vācu valodātmClass tmClass
Marketing research, advertising and sales promotion, for others
Orientējoši novērtēšanas un atlases termiņitmClass tmClass
– consequently, it does not prohibit an advertisement solely on the ground that it states that the advertiser’s product has an essential characteristic that is identical with that of a product protected by a – possibly well-known – trade mark.
On the publisher side, the market investigation points to DoubleClick leading with around [#-#] % market share in the EEA, followed by #/# Real Media/OpenAdStream (recently acquired by the advertising agency WPP) with less than [#-#] % and AdTech/AOL (less than [#-#] %
Ar šo atceļ Regulu (EK) Nroj4 oj4
Article 2(d) of that directive defines ‘business-to-consumer commercial practices’ within the meaning of the directive as ‘any act, omission, course of conduct or representation, commercial communication including advertising and marketing, by a trader, directly connected with the promotion, sale or supply of a product to consumers’.
& Sākt jaunu apmācības sesijueurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Advertising and promotions provided on-line from a computer data base or the Internet
Organisation of fairs, organisation of exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes
Lūk kāds tev ir ierocistmClass tmClass
Providing information relating to business, advertising and goods and promotional information on goods and products for sale on databases, the Internet, electronic communications networks, or electronic media
Kad Komisija ir secinājusi, ka Olympic Airlines kopš #. gada ir saņēmisvalsts atbalstu, tai ir jānovērtē pasākumi, kas veikti šā uzņēmuma labā, ņemot vērā EK līguma #. panta #. un #. punktu, kas paredz atbrīvojumus no #. panta #. punktā noteiktā vispārējā neatbilstības noteikumatmClass tmClass
Consulting services for owners of rental properties, namely assisting property owners to better advertise their property over the internet and to create their rental listings in order to maximize interest
Aicinājums izteikt priekšlikumus un aicinājums pieteikties izsolei arī var būt atbilstīgs pirms pārvaldības sākotnējas nodošanas un pēc #. gada #. janvāra, ja pārvaldība sākotnēji nodota laika periodā, kas definēts rezerves pantā, ko paredz pievienot attiecīgajai darbībai vai aicinājumam, un, izņemot lauku attīstības komponentu, un ja Komisija sākotnēji apstiprinājusi attiecīgos dokumentustmClass tmClass
Arranging of demonstrations for advertising purposes
Ir būtiski, lai kompetentām iestādēm būtu iespēja izmantot praktisku instrumentu, kurā sniegtas norādes un ierosmes, pamatojoties uz pieredzi un paraugpraksi, kas gūta no iepriekšējiem pasākumiemtmClass tmClass
31 By its first to third questions the referring court asks essentially whether Article 5(3) of Directive 2005/36 must be interpreted as meaning that national rules such as, first, Paragraph 12(1) of the Code of professional conduct for doctors in Hesse, under which fees must be reasonable and, unless provided otherwise by law, calculated on the basis of the official Regulation on doctors’ fees, and, secondly, Paragraph 27(3) of that code, which prohibits doctors from engaging in unprofessional advertising, fall within its scope.
Jo īpaši tas attiecas uz izņēmumiem, kas atbilstoši Tiesas judikatūrai ir vienmēr interpretējami šauriEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Advertising and sales promotion, business assistance by means of marketing studies, business organisation, business consultancy, business reports and business investigations, commercial agencies, sole agencies, wholesaling, commercial retailing and selling via global computer networks of apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes, bathroom furniture and fittings
Valsts atbalsts ir atļauts saskaņā ar EK Līguma #. un #. panta noteikumiemtmClass tmClass
Such obligation of transparency consists in ensuring, for the benefit of any potential tenderer, a degree of advertising sufficient to enable the concession to be opened up to competition and the impartiality of the selection procedure to be reviewed [18].
Dalībvalstīm jānozīmē vajadzīgās valsts iestādesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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