cadre oor Letties


/ˈkɑ.dɹeɪ/, /ˈkɑː.dɹə/, /ˈkɑ.dɹi/, /ˈkɑː.də/, /ˈkæd.ɹi/ naamwoord
A frame or framework.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties



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The EU will support research to identify effective and innovative ways of increasing human resource capacity for health, including assessing the appropriate range, cadres and gender balance needed to overcome critical shortages.
Cervarix ir vakcīna, kas paredzēta sieviešu aizsardzībai pret #. un #. tipa cilvēka papilomas vīrusa (HPV) infekcijasizraisītām slimībāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the version applicable to the dispute, Article 14 of the Staff Regulations of the Bank states that the staff of the Bank is to consist of three categories, according to the Function occupied: the first category consists of management staff and combines two functions, the ‘[s]enior management cadre’ function and ‘[f]unction C’; the second category consists of executive staff and combines three functions, ‘[f]unction D’, ‘[f]unction E’ and ‘[f]unction F’; and the third category is secretarial, clerical and support staff and is made up of four functions.
Komisijas Regula (EK) Nr. #/# (#. gada #. februāris), ar kuru nosaka standarta importa vērtības atsevišķu veidu augļu un dārzeņu ievešanas cenas noteikšanaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Urges the authorities to supervise their investment programmes in favour of the countryside very carefully, in the light of the fear expressed by Chinese researchers that local party cadres interpret references to ‘new villages’ as a call for building projects at the expense of the farmers, and in view of the established fact that, hitherto, only one fifth of state subsidies for the agrarian sector has actually reached the farmers entitled thereto;
Īstenojot Zinātnes un sabiedrības rīcības plānu, jārada piemērotas sinerģijasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is typically done through rotation of cadres between government authorities and SOEs, through presence of party members on SOEs executive bodies and of party cells in companies (see also section, as well as through shaping the corporate structure of the SOE sector (37).
The Council has assessed that because of the close control exercised over the economy by the Syrian regime, an inner cadre of leading businesspersons operating in Syria is only able to maintain its status by enjoying a close association with, and the support of, the regime and by having influence within it.
Tomēr šo iestāžu pilnvarām nevajadzētu būt pretrunā īpašajiem noteikumiem, kas paredzēti kriminālprocesā, un tām nebūtu jāietekmē tiesu neatkarībaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is typically done through rotation of cadres between government authorities and SOEs, through presence of party members on SOEs executive bodies and of party cells in companies, as well as through shaping the corporate structure of the SOE sector (20).
Tā kā lauksaimniekiem trūkst finanšu līdzekļu un zemes iegādei paredzētu komerciālo aizdevumu procentu likmes ir augstas, lauksaimniekiem ir ļoti grūti iegūt komerciālu aizdevumu tādiem ieguldījumiem kā lauksaimniecības zemes iegāde. #. gada novembrī kredītiestāžu piemērotās procentu likmes komerciālām kredītlīnijām lauksaimniecības zemes iegādei pārsniedza # % gadāEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
by participating in the activities of the Joint Justice Committee (Comité Mixte de Suivi du Programme Cadre de la Justice) and assisting, as appropriate, in the review of the criminal legal framework, while supporting, as appropriate, the Joint Defence Committee, with a view to supporting coherence and consistency among the different pillars of SSR
Pārstāvības novērtēšanas trīs dimensiju metodeoj4 oj4
I once travelled 6,000 miles from Chengdu in Western China overland through southeastern Tibet to Lhasa with a young colleague, and it was only when I got to Lhasa that I understood the face behind the statistics you hear about: 6,000 sacred monuments torn apart to dust and ashes, 1.2 million people killed by the cadres during the Cultural Revolution.
Marine Harvest Bolga AS, N-# Bolga, Norvēģijāted2019 ted2019
‘The Council has assessed that because of the close control exercised over the economy by the Syrian regime, an inner cadre of leading businesspersons operating in Syria is only able to maintain its status by enjoying a close association with, and the support of, the regime, and by having influence within it.
Beļģija divu mēnešu laikā no šā lēmuma saņemšanas dienas informē Komisiju par pasākumiem, kas veikti, lai panāktu atbilstību šim lēmumamEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
This is typically done through rotation of cadres between government authorities and SOEs, through presence of party members on SOEs executive bodies and of party cells in companies (see also section, as well as through shaping the corporate structure of the SOE sector (34).
Uz konteinera var atveidot vienreizējo sertifikāta numuruEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(53) Commission Decision of 17 September 2008, State aid N 321/2008, N 322/2008 and N 323/2008 — Greece — Vente de certains actifs d'Olympic Airlines/ Olympic Airways Services; Commission decision 12 November 2008 State aid N 510/2008 — Italy — Sale of assets of Alitalia; Commission decision of 4 April 2012 SA.34547 — France — Reprise des actifs du groupe SERNAM dans le cadre de son redressement judiciaire.
All of the interviews conducted by the US took place in the presence of MKO cadres, which meant that the people could not talk about their real problems and concerns.
Šīs jomas definīcijas dažādās valstīs atšķiras, un, šā kopsavilkuma konsekventa izmantošana ir būtiska, lai izvairītos no pārpratumiem tulkošanas procesāEuroparl8 Europarl8
(e) encourage the secondment of ACP national cadres as consultants to an institution in their own country, or a neighbouring country, or to a regional organisation;
Šā panta #. punkts neattiecas uz maksimālo termiņu, pirms kura beigām pakalpojumu sniedzējam pēc atļaujas saņemšanas faktiski ir jāsāk sava darbībaEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
(69) Commission Decision of 17 September 2008, State aid N 321/2008, N 322/2008 and N 323/2008 – Greece – Vente de certains actifs d’Olympic Airlines/Olympic Airways Services; Commission decision of 12 November 2008 State aid N 510/2008 – Italy – Sale of assets of Alitalia; Commission decision of 4 April 2012 SA.34547 – France – Reprise des actifs du groupe SERNAM dans le cadre de son redressement judiciaire.
Komisijas paziņojums par atsauces likmes un diskonta likmes noteikšanas metodes pārskatīšanuEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Initially, most of the Communist cadres who came down the trail were Southerners by birth who had trained in North Vietnam.
Ja kuģis ir aprīkots ar jūras evakuācijas sistēmām, mācību trauksmes vingrinājumos ietver darbības, ko pieprasa SOLAS III/#.#. noteikumsted2019 ted2019
This is typically done through rotation of cadres between government authorities and SOEs, through presence of party members on SOEs executive bodies and of party cells in companies (see also section, as well as through shaping the corporate structure of the SOE sector (20).
ņemot vērā Padomes #. gada #. jūnija Regulu (EEK) Nr. #/# par labības tirgus kopējās organizācijas izveidiEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
-Specific regional "Cadre de Concertation" on migration launched, involving local and central authorities.
Ir jāievēro higiēnas nosacījumi, kas paredzēti Direktīvas #/EEK I pielikuma V nodaļā, un jo īpaši tie nosacījumi, kas paredzēti #. punktā, # nodaļas #. punktā, IX, # un # nodaļāeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Cadre de Concertation co-chaired by the Minister of Interior and the Head of the EU Delegation, with attendance high level officials from the Member States
S RIJAS NUMURS irseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
This is typically done through rotation of cadres between government authorities and SOEs, through presence of party members on SOEs executive bodies and of party cells in companies (see also section d)), as well as through shaping the corporate structure of the SOE sector (23).
Lasītājam tiek norādīts, ka, lasot vai interpretējot šo kodeksa daļu, to nevajag uzskatīt par pretrunā esošu ar citiem #. nodaļas vai šā kodeksa A daļas noteikumiem, turklāt minētie noteikumi vienmēr ir prevalējošie un noteicošie, ja rodas kāda negribēta neatbilstība, kas, iespējams, neuzmanības dēļ radusi izpausmi šajā kodeksa daļāEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Moreover, it is apparent from the documents in the case-file, in particular the document ‘Chronologie des actions/événements de l’audit sur l’attribution des marches dans le cadre du programme Supcom 1995-1998’, that the Director-General of Eurostat was indeed at the origin of the launch of the audit at issue.
Tādēļ ir jāgroza Regula (EK) NrEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Unity, education and guidance of party members and cadres continue to strengthen the consciousness and consciousness of resolutely achieving “two safeguards,” and practice loyalty to the party with practical actions (35).’
ja izstrādājumu, ko veido priekšmetu grupa vai kopums, klasificē vienā pozīcijā saskaņā ar harmonizētās sistēmas noteikumiem, viss kopums ir kvalifikācijas vienībaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
strengthening operational capabilities of the UN Secretary-General's Mechanism for investigation of alleged use of chemical and biological weapons, including through expanding the cadre of trained experts, training, and the conduct of table-top and field exercises; work done separately can help further strengthen Article VI and indirectly Article VII of the BTWC;
Turklāt Komisija informē par šo jautājumu atbildīgo Parlamenta komiteju par konkrētiem šajā jomā veiktiem pasākumiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the Commission further affirms that cooperation in the field of higher education will in itself contribute to forming a national professional cadre capable of managing and generating the necessary policies for poverty eradication and sustainable development
Komisija secina, ka paziņotais atbalsts atbilst atbalsta maksimālajai intensitātei, kas noteikta PA regulāoj4 oj4
The applicant, a former Court of Auditors official now retired, disputes in particular the calculation of the transfer of the pension rights which he had acquired in France to the Community scheme, in so far as that calculation does not take into account pension rights acquired from the Association des régimes de retraites complémentaires (Association of Supplementary Pension Schemes) (ARRCO) and the Association générale des institutions de retraite des cadres (General Association of Pension Institutions for Managerial Staff) (AGIRC
Filgrastima lietošana pacientiem (bērniem vai pieaugušajiem) ar smagu hronisku neitropēniju (smagu iedzimtu (ciklisku vai idiopātisku) neitropēniju) uz ilgāku laiku palielina absolūto neitrofilo leikocītu skaitu perifēriskajās asinīs un samazina infekciju un ar to saistīto traucējumu biežumuoj4 oj4
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