caen oor Letties


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties



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A city in the Calvados département of Basse-Normandie, France

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

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However there will be other events not involving FEI-registered horses in Deauville, Caen and Saint-Lô.
Saskaņā ar Direktīvas #/EK #. panta #. punkta b) apakšpunktu un #. panta #. punkta b) apakšpunktu paziņojumos par ĢMO izplatīšanu vai laišanu tirgū jāiekļauj vides risku novērtējums un secinājumi par minēto ĢMO iespējamo izplatīšanas vai tirgū laišanas ietekmi uz vidi saskaņā ar minētās direktīvas # pielikumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Reference has been made to the Court of Justice of the European Communities by judgment of First Chamber of the Tribunal administratif de Caen (Caen Administrative Court) dated 5 October 2004, which was received at the Court Registry on 29 October 2004, for a preliminary ruling in the case of Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Flers-Argentan (Flers-Argentan Chamber of Commerce and Industry) against Directeur des services fiscaux (Head of the Fiscal Authorities), Dircofi Ouest.
Nosakot un pārskatot mērķus, organizācija ņem vērā normatīvo aktu un citas prasības, organizācijas būtiskos vides aspektus, tehnoloģiju iespējas, finansiālās, darbības un uzņēmējdarbības vajadzības, kā arī ieinteresēto personu viedokliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the following entries for the port at Caen-Ouistreham and for the port and the rail at Calais are inserted after the entry for Brest:
Lai novērstu darba dublēšanos un samazinātu informācijas apjomu, jāsniedz tikai dokumentācijas kopsavilkums par elementiem, kas atbilst SITS un citām Direktīvas #/#/EK un #/#/EK prasībāmEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The First Chamber of the Tribunal administratif de Caen asks the Court of Justice to give a preliminary ruling on the question whether internal financial transfers constitute subsidies within the meaning of Article # of Sixth Council Directive #/#/EEC of # May # for the purposes of the calculation of the deductible proportion
dažādiem mērķiem paredzēta interneta izmantošana, ko veic privātpersonas un/vai mājsaimniecībasoj4 oj4
Following the proposal from France, new border inspection posts at Caen-Ouistreham port, Calais port and rail, Cherbourg port, Dieppe port, Roscoff port and Saint-Malo port should be approved for certain categories of products or certain categories of animals.
Piezīme: Piezīme pie #E# pozīcijas par kontroles nepiemērošanu attiecas arī uz #E#.g. pozīcijā norādītajām tehnoloģijāmEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It is common ground that, under that Article 2, the contested rules are applicable where potatoes are sent by ferry from Jersey to the United Kingdom either directly or via the port of another Member State (such as the French port of Caen) without being removed from the ferry.
Klīrensa līmenis (imikvimods mīnus placebo) kombinētajā pētījumā bija #, # % (TI #, # %, #, # %EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Receiving around 800 mm of precipitation and having more than 170 days of rainfall evenly spread throughout the year, as well as cool summer temperatures and mild winters and more restricted temperature ranges than Saint-Lô or Caen, the Col du Cotentin is referred to as having a temperate oceanic climate.
Kā sagatavot pieteikumuEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
the following entries for the port at Caen-Ouistreham and for the port and the rail at Calais are inserted after the entry for Brest:
Ar Komisijas Lēmumu #/EK[#] ir izveidoti to trešo valstu saraksti, no kurām dalībvalstis atļauj ievest gaļas produktusEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
This longstanding notoriety was also confirmed more recently in a ruling of the Caen appeal court of 24 January 1986, stating that sheep bred at regular intervals on pastures which are periodically flooded by the sea are normally known as ‘pré-salés’ sheep and that high-quality meat is obtained from animals bred in that way.
Nav mehānisma, kas ļauj citām dalībvalstīm gūt labumu no šādas korekcijas, tāpat kā nav uzraudzības procedūras, lai pārbaudītu, ka minētā korekcija joprojām ir attaisnojamaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
26 By judgment of 20 March 2017, the cour d’appel de Caen (Court of Appeal, Caen, France), upholding in part the judgment delivered on 7 July 2015 by the chambre correctionnelle du tribunal d’instance de Cherbourg (Criminal Chamber of the first instance court of Cherbourg, France), held that Elco was guilty of the offence of concealed employment in having failed to submit declarations of the names of employees prior to engaging them and declarations relating to wages and social security contributions to the bodies responsible for the recovery of social security contributions.
Insulīna šķīdumam pievienoti ārstnieciski preparāti var izraisīt insulīna sadalīšanos, piemēram, ja pievienotā preparāta sastāvā ir tioli vai sulfītiEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Following the proposal from France, new border inspection posts at Caen-Ouistreham port, Calais port and rail, Cherbourg port, Dieppe port, Roscoff port and Saint-Malo port should be approved for certain categories of products or certain categories of animals.
ievērotu sabiedrības veselības aizsardzības vai drošības interesesEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The Court of Justice of the European Communities clearly has no jurisdiction to answer the questions put by the Conseil de Prud’hommes of Caen by decision of 11 June 2009.
Laboratorisko rezultātu novērošana Lai pirms terapijas sākuma noteiktu, vai nav hemostāzes traucējumu, pirms INTEGRILIN infūzijas ieteicams veikt šādus laboratoriskos izmeklējumus: protrombīna laiku (PT) un aPTT, kreatinīna koncentrāciju serumā, trombocītu skaitu, hemoglobīnu un hematokrītuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
28 Bouygues, Elco and Welbond brought an appeal before the Cour de cassation (Court of Cassation, France) against the judgment of the cour d’appel de Caen (Court of Appeal, Caen) of 20 March 2017, claiming, inter alia, that that court had disregarded the effects attached to the E 101 and A 1 Certificates issued to the workers concerned.
Dažu še turpmāk sarakstā iekļauto daudzuma izmaiņu gadījumā jāpaziņo atbilstīgās materiāla bilances zonas kodsEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Order of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of # November # (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil de prud’hommes de Caen- France)- Sophie Noël v SCP Brouard Daude, liquidator in the judicial liquidation of Pronuptia Boutiques Province SA, Centre de Gestion et d'Étude AGS IDF EST
tā kā par kuģu drošību galvenokārt atbild karoga valstisoj4 oj4
Case C-#/#: Order of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of # November # (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil de prud’hommes de Caen- France)- Sophie Noël v SCP Brouard Daude, liquidator in the judicial liquidation of Pronuptia Boutiques Province SA, Centre de Gestion et d'Étude AGS IDF EST (Preliminary reference- European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights- Principle of equal treatment- Redundancy for economic reasons- No link with Community law- Lack of jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
Tomēr Komisija uzskata, ka pārstrukturēšanas atbalsts parasti būtu jāpiešķir tikai vienreiz, un tā izskatīs šādus gadījumus, ņemot vērā šo principuoj4 oj4
Reference has been made to the Court of Justice of the European Communities by judgment of First Chamber of the Tribunal administratif de Caen (Caen Administrative Court) dated # October #, which was received at the Court Registry on # October #, for a preliminary ruling in the case of Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Flers-Argentan (Flers-Argentan Chamber of Commerce and Industry) against Directeur des services fiscaux (Head of the Fiscal Authorities), Dircofi Ouest
Šajā lēmumā paredzētie pasākumi ir saskaņā ar atzinumu, ko sniegusi Par seklām un pavairojamo materiālu lauksaimniecībai, dārzkopībai un mežrūpniecības saimniecībai atbildīgā pastāvīgā komitejaoj4 oj4
Reference for a preliminary ruling by the First Chamber of the Tribunal administratif de Caen, by judgment of that court dated # October #, in the case of Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Flers-Argentan against Directeur des services fiscaux, Dircofi Ouest
no Sardīnijas pārvietot cūku spermu, olšūnas un embrijus; unoj4 oj4
Reference for a preliminary ruling — Conseil de Prud’hommes (Labour Tribunal) of Caen (France) — Interpretation of Article 14 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms — Interpretation of Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights — Redundancy for economic reasons — Redundancy for personnel reasons — National provisions presumed contrary the abovementioned standards — Breach of the principle of equal treatment
piemērojot, ja nepieciešams, dabas resursu pārraudzības un apsaimniekošanas kontroles institūcijas un likumdošanas normatīvos aktus vietējās pārraudzības līmenimEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Reference for a preliminary ruling by the First Chamber of the Tribunal administratif de Caen, by judgment of that court dated 5 October 2004, in the case of Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Flers-Argentan against Directeur des services fiscaux, Dircofi Ouest
Šajā dokumentā ir sniegta ieguldītājiem paredzētā pamatinformācija par šo fonduEurLex-2 EurLex-2
27 As regards Bouygues and Welbond, the cour d’appel de Caen (Court of Appeal, Caen) held that those companies were guilty of concealed employment offences, in the case of workers supplied by Atlanco, and of unlawful provision of workers.
Ja ieinteresētajai personai tehnisku iemeslu dēļ nav iespējams informāciju un pieprasījumus iesniegt elektroniski, tai nekavējoties jāinformē KomisijaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Case C-#/#: Reference for a preliminary ruling by the First Chamber of the Tribunal administratif de Caen, by judgment of that court dated # October #, in the case of Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Flers-Argentan against Directeur des services fiscaux, Dircofi Ouest
sniegs saspiests cietā masā un kas neļaujas sablīvēties vēl vairāk, un kas turēsies kopā vai lūzīs gabalos, ja to mēģinās savākt (saspiests sniegs); vaioj4 oj4
By order of 29 April 2005, the President of the Court of Justice of the European Communities has ordered the removal from the register of Case C-458/04 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal administratif de Caen): Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Flers-Argentan v Directeur des services fiscaux de la DIRCOFI Quest.
gada budžeta izpildes apstiprināšana- Eiropas Datu aizsardzības uzraudzītājsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
137 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.