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comparative education

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Comparing educational systems
atgādina, ka izpildaģentūrām paredzētās apropriācijas izmaksā no attiecīgās programmas darbības budžetaEAC EAC
Increased mobility is also due to increasingly open borders and more comparable education systems.
Makrodaļiņu filtra pārraudzīšanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Finally, the most recent Eurobarometer survey highlights that 35 % of respondents consider comparable education standards to be the most helpful for the future of Europe.
Sistema de controlo CEEEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
‘A foreigner may be granted a residence permit for the purpose of studying at a State or State-recognised university or a comparable educational establishment.
Produkts sastāv no vecākaugu līnijām un hibrīdiem, kas iegūti no kukurūzas (Zea mays L.) līnijas (CG #), kura ir transformēta ar plazmīdām, kas saturEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Accordingly, if Ms Elrick had taken up residence in an area in Germany where a comparable educational establishment was located, she would, in principle, have been entitled to an education grant for that course.
Šim nolūkam Kopiena ir pieņēmusi pasākumus, laiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
State education systems and infrastructure need to be reformed and internationally comparable vocational, education and training programmes are needed to address the existing skills mismatch.
Līdztekus tiem testu rezultātiem, kas iesniegti saskaņā ar šīs sadaļas #. daļu (Drošuma testi), iesniedz sīkas ziņas par drošuma testiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the total length of education and training shall consist of a minimum of either four years of full-time studies at a university or comparable educational establishment, or at least six years of study at a university or comparable educational establishment of which at least three must be full time
Sērskābes # n šķīdumseurlex eurlex
(a) the total length of education and training shall consist of a minimum of either four years of full-time studies at a university or comparable educational establishment, or at least six years of study at a university or comparable educational establishment of which at least three must be full time;
Komisija ved sarunas ar tiesu, lai izstrādātu projekta pieteikumu 2007. gada finansējumam.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Council Decision 85/368/EEC introduced a system for the comparability of vocational education and training (VET) qualifications.
kompetentā iestāde ir drošības iestāde, kas minēta Direktīvas #/#/EK #. pantāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
collection of descriptive and statistical data, and comparative analysis of educational systems and policies in the Member States
Turklāt Starptautisko humanitāro tiesību pārkāpumu radītās ciešanas un posts pēckonfliktu risinājumus padara grūtākuseurlex eurlex
3.10 The Bologna Process and the European Qualifications Framework promote transparency and comparability of national educational qualifications, particularly degrees.
Humalog Pen drīkst lietot tikai tad, ja tas pēc izskata atgādina ūdeniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) collection of descriptive and statistical data, and comparative analysis of educational systems and policies in the Member States;
Šādā kontekstā Eiropas Bēgļu fonds (tālāk tekstā – Fonds) ir atbalsta instruments dalībvalstu centieniem īstenot ES patvēruma politikuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The inactivity rate of disabled people is twice that of non-disabled people, indicating both low levels of reintegration following LSHPD, and comparatively low educational and vocational training levels.
kodificēta versijaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
At local level, however, geographic areas were prioritised for funding on the basis of comparative levels of educational attainment and deprivation
Uzņēmumi Terni uzsver, ka to labticību apstiprina tas, ka šaubu gadījumā par tarifa saderību, ThyssenKrupp noteikti nebūtu veicis liela mēroga ieguldījumus Terni rajonāoj4 oj4
At local level, however, geographic areas were prioritised for funding on the basis of comparative levels of educational attainment and deprivation.
Ziņojums par atjaunināto sociālo programmu [#/#(INI)]- Nodarbinātības un sociālo lietu komitejaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Thus, it concluded that the measures in question were comparable to educational activities which would be the responsibility of the national education system, one of the general tasks of the State (54).
Kopienas finansiālais ieguldījums vispār ir paredzēts, lai segtu ne vairāk # % attaisnoto izdevumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This framework helps Member States, education institutions, employers and individuals compare qualifications across the Union's diverse education and training systems.
Attiecībā uz eksportu to atkāpi no Regulas (EK) Nr. # #. panta attiecībā uz personas īpašumu vai mājsaimniecības īpašumu, kura paredzēta minētas regulas #. panta #. punktā, nepiemēro minētās regulas A vai B pielikumā uzskaitīto sugu īpatņiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Council Decision 85/368/EEC of 16 July 1985 introduced a system for the comparability of vocational education and training (VET) qualifications.
Tika uzskatīts, ka nebūtu apdomīgi vienlaikus mainīt galveno banku, jo notiek mūsu sistēmu apvienošana ar šīs bankas elektronisko maksājumu sistēmuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As regards the comparability of education and training systems in the Member States, the priorities must be to break down barriers, increase transparency, and make for ease of comparison within and between the different systems.
pieaugušu pacientu apakšgrupā, kas kontrolētos klīniskajos pētījumos saņēma # mg efavirenza dienā kombinācijā ar PI un/vai NRTI, visbiežāknot-set not-set
Services of engineers, natural scientists, humanities scholars and economists, and members of professional bodies with comparable university education or technical training, namely scientific compilation of information and data on optimum environmentally aware and health-conscious behaviour
Tas atbilst muitas failu identifikācijas datu bāzes izveidei pirmā pīlāra instrumentātmClass tmClass
comparative studies on respective education policies, qualifications and skills,
EUR/t #./#. tirdzniecības gadamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
comparative studies on respective education policies, qualifications and skills
iesaka, tiklīdz tas ir iespējams, sākt stratēģiskas ilgtermiņa investīcijas Eiropas palaidējiekārtās, lai neatpaliktu no pieaugošās starptautiskās konkurences; pieprasa gan budžeta, gan termiņu ziņā šajā projektā ievērot lielāku disciplīnuoj4 oj4
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