comparison oor Letties


/kʌmˈpæɹɪsən/, /kʌmˈpɛɹɪsən/ naamwoord
The act of comparing or the state or process of being compared

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


act of comparing or the state of being compared
A direct comparison of import prices and the Community producers’ prices confirms this analysis.
Šo analīzi apstiprina tiešs importēto produktu cenu un Kopienas produkta cenu salīdzinājums.


act of comparing or the state of being compared
Thirdly, as regards ‘imitation’, the comparison does not help in determining the likelihood of confusion.
Treškārt, kas attiecas uz “atdarinājumu”, sajaukšanas iespējas noteikšanai salīdzināšana nelīdz.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

comparison operator
salīdzināšanas operators
Face Comparison Group
Seju salīdzināšanas grupa
string comparison
virkņu salīdzināšana
comparison sign
salīdzinājuma zīmes
comparison criteria
salīdzināšanas kritēriji
the comparison of oxygen in the air and the amount a patient takes in
gaisā esošā un pacienta uzņemtā skābekļa daudzuma salīdzinājums


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
26 In that regard, it is apparent from the wording and scheme of Article 2(10) of the basic regulation that an adjustment of the export price or of the normal value may be made solely in order to take account of differences concerning factors which affect prices and, thus, their comparability, in order to ensure that a comparison is made at the same level of trade.
Kompetentais dienestsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In its judgment in Commission v Portugal, however, it was faced with the problem of construing the expression in question in the light of the meaning to be attributed to it by comparison with the expression contained in the second subparagraph of Article 1(1) of Directive 98/59.
aicina Komisiju regulāri sagatavot ziņojumus par fonda īstenošanas rezultātiem un atbalstītajiem projektiem, kā arī iesniegt gada progresa ziņojumu ParlamentamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Both comparisons show dumping.
atcelt iecēlējinstitūcijas #. gada #. maija lēmumu Nr. R/#/# un, ciktāl nepieciešams, karjeras attīstības ziņojumu par laika posmu no #. gada #. janvāra līdz #. decembrimEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Shopping facilitation services, namely, providing an online comparison-shopping search engine for obtaining purchasing information
Dublikāts, uz kura jābūt oriģinālās eksporta apliecības EXP izdošanas datumam, ir derīgs no dienas, kad izdots apliecības oriģinālstmClass tmClass
When there are no or insufficient sales of the like product in the ordinary course of trade, or where because of the particular market situation such sales do not permit a proper comparison, the normal value of the like product shall be calculated on the basis of the cost of production in the country of origin plus a reasonable amount for selling, general and administrative costs and for profits, or on the basis of the export prices, in the ordinary course of trade, to an appropriate third country, provided that those prices are representative
projektēšanas uzraudzības un projekta verifikācijas metodes, procedūras un sistemātiskas darbības, kas jāizmanto, projektējot savstarpējās izmantojamības komponentus, kuri pieder pie attiecīgās ražojumu kategorijasoj4 oj4
(32) It concluded from this that ‘[t]he difference in treatment to which branches of non-resident companies are subject in comparison with resident companies as well as the restriction of the freedom to choose the form of secondary establishment must be regarded as constituting a single composite infringement of Articles 52 and 58 of the Treaty’. (33)
Mums šī problēma ir enerģiski jārisina.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Comparison in terms of efficiency and effectiveness
praktiski bez bojājumiem, ko izraisījuši kaitēkļiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Such price comparison was made at ex-works level taking into account the differences between the product types and the level of trade.
Ziņojums par priekšlikumu Padomes un Komisijas lēmumam par Partnerības un sadarbības nolīguma Protokola starp Eiropas Kopienām un to dalībvalstīm, no vienas puses, un Ukrainu, no otras puses, noslēgšanu, lai ņemtu vērā Bulgārijas Republikas un Rumānijas pievienošanos Eiropas Savienībai [COM#- C#-#/#- #/#(CNS)]- Ārlietu komitejaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to ensure a fair comparison between normal value and export price, account was taken, in accordance with Article 2(10) of the basic Regulation, of differences in factors which were claimed and demonstrated to affect prices and price comparability.
apropriācijas saistībāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Although the Board of Appeal rightly found that those signs were thus different in that respect, it failed to give sufficient weight to that difference in its comparison of those signs.
PADOMES REGULA (EEK) Nr. # (#. gada #. augusts), ar kuru groza Regulu (EEK) Nr. # attiecībā uz olīvu audzēšanas reģistra finansējumuEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The mean for each concentration must then be compared with the control mean using an appropriate multiple comparison or trend test method
Centra galvenie uzdevumi iroj4 oj4
The credit institution's analysis shall include a comparison of the default definitions used, subject to the requirements in points 44 to 48.
Darba vieta ir Londonanot-set not-set
This document will be provided to potential investors making the comparison of key elements of the investment product easier and allowing for an informed judgement.
paaugstinātas jutības reakcijas, nieze, izsituminot-set not-set
The Board of Appeal wrongly assessed the goods for which proof of use had been established and, accordingly, failed to conduct the correct comparison of goods;
Balstoties uz zinātniskajiem atzinumiem un devas novērtējumu, ir lietderīgi noteikt maksimāli pieļaujamo dezoksinivalenola, zearalenona un fumonizīnu koncentrācijueurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Comparison of key macroeconomic and budgetary projections
Pasākums nav valsts atbalsts EEZ līguma #. panta nozīmēEurLex-2 EurLex-2
59 In any event, by taking account of the reputation of the earlier national sign, the Board of Appeal in fact based the comparison of the two marks concerned on the assumption that the vast majority of the relevant public were already familiar with the applicant’s earlier national mark.
E-#/# (EL) iesniedza Marios Matsakis (ALDE) Komisijai (#. gada #. decembrisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The comparison showed that imports were undercutting the prices of the Community industry by #,# %
Iepakojuma satursoj4 oj4
The below analysis of the bilateral trade flows for goods between the EU and Korea is based on a comparison of data for the full calendar year of 2016 with 2010, the last full calendar year before the FTA entered into provisional application on 1 July 2011.
Šīs regulas mērķis ir ieviest principu, lietojot ticamu metodiku, lai iedalītu netieši novērtēto finanšu starpniecības pakalpojumus (FISIM), kas aprakstīti Regulas (EK) Nr. # A pielikuma I pielikumāeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the establishment of 'Eurodac' for the comparison of fingerprints for the effective application of Regulation (EC) No [.../...].[
pielikumu aizstāj ar šādu pielikumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Portugal justified (see recitals 51 and 52 above) the appropriateness of the aid instrument by the economic situation in Peninsula de Setubal region, proving that the region is disadvantaged in comparison with the national average: during the period 2011-2013, the regional GDP per capita was around 75 % of the Portuguese average.
Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komitejas Atzinums par tematu Priekšlikums Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes direktīvai par drošības un veselības aizsardzības minimālajām prasībām, darba ņēmējiem lietojot darba aprīkojumu darbā (otrā atsevišķā direktīva Direktīvas #/#/EEK #. panta #. punkta nozīmē (kodificēta versijaeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Certain adjustments were made to convert net weights as reported by Eurostat to round weights or ‘whole fish equivalents’ (WFE) ( 7 ) as it is common for comparisons in the industry to be made on WFE basis.
Jauno Eiropas tiesību aktu klimata jomā pirmā daļa, par kuru lēmums jāpieņem pēc Padomes marta sanāksmes, attiecas uz aviācijas nozares iekļaušanu Emisiju tirdzniecības sistēmā.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Figures on the limited number of fully licensed e-M institutions (# e-M institutions and # entities operating under a waiver) or on the low volume of e-M issued (currently the total amount of e-M in the EU amounts to EUR # billion in comparison with more than # billion in cash) demonstrate that e-M has not yet taken off in most Member States
Lēmuma #. panta #. punktam pievieno šādu apakšpunktuoj4 oj4
28. Welcomes the ECA's initiative to add a table to its specific reports on the Agencies presenting summary information on the competences, governance, resources available and products/output of the particular agency; takes the view that this enhances the clarity and transparency of the work of these Community bodies, while providing a useful basis for comparison, where appropriate, with a view to helping set up the harmonised framework for the Agencies that Parliament has called for;
uzdod tā priekšsēdētājam nosūtīt šo rezolūciju Padomei, Komisijai, Bangladešas pagaidu valdībai, Bangladešas vēlēšanu komitejai un ANO ģenerālsekretāramEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, due to the non-cooperation of the Chinese exporters, there was no information available on the product mix of the Chinese exports and consequently the comparison with the analogue country normal value could only be made on an aggregated basis.
Saskaņā ar atbalsta shēmu plānotie gada izdevumi vai uzņēmumam piešķirtā individuālā atbalsta ikgadējā kopsummaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Comparison of the options against the baseline scenario
Tomēr šādu pārvadāšanu atļauj vienīgi, ja attiecīgajiem dzīvniekiem netiek radītas nevajadzīgas ciešanas un pret tiem neizturas sliktiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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