concurrent oor Letties


adjektief, naamwoord
Happening at the same time; simultaneous.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases



Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In case it is not intended by the applicant to have the Declaration of Conformity pursuant to Directive 1999/5/EC established concurrently with the type-approval, a Declaration of Conformity shall be submitted together with the application for a type test.
Otrkārt, pieņemsim, ka, piemērojot jaunos vērtēšanas principus pamatlīdzekļiem, kas radīti brīvprātīgā darbībā, izlietotā darbaspēka aprēķinātā vērtība irEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Autorité de la concurrence (French Competition Authority)
priekšsēdētājaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
combined deNOx- particulate filter means an exhaust aftertreatment system designed to concurrently reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate pollutants (PT
Valsts atbalsts ir atļauts saskaņā ar EK Līguma #. un #. panta noteikumiemoj4 oj4
Concurrent negative or solvent/vehicle controls and positive controls are included in each experiment.
Visos Komisijai nosūtītajos dalībvalstu statistikas datos, kas iedalīti pa teritoriālajām vienībām, attiecīgā gadījumā būtu jāizmanto NUTS klasifikācijaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(37) Moreover, as the Court has already held, the principle of fiscal neutrality is not a rule of primary law but a principle of interpretation, to be applied concurrently with other coexisting principles of the VAT scheme.
šā nolīguma grozījumu apstiprināšanu saskaņā ar # pantuEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
(European Union rules on the practice of the profession of lawyer – Directive 98/5/EC – Article 8 – Prevention of conflicts of interest – National rules prohibiting the practice of the profession of lawyer concurrently with employment as a part-time public employee – Removal from the register of lawyers)
Nosakot atlīdzināmo ievedmuitas summu vai pāri palikušo atlīdzinājumu, tiek ņemti vērā procenti, kas pastāv no datuma, kad preces iegājušas brīvā apgrozībā, līdz atlīdzināšanas datumamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In addition, three non-concurrent runs should be performed for each chemical tested.
Humanitāro un eksakto zinātņu brīvībaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Export licences with advance fixing of the refund for wine-sector products for which applications are submitted from 3 to 9 August 2005 under Regulation (EC) No 883/2001 shall be issued in concurrence with 100,00 % of the quantities requested for zone (2) Asia and in concurrence with 100,00 % of the quantities requested for zone (4) eastern Europe.
KriminālvajāšanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The tight links between Future Bank and Iran are further evidenced by the fact that the Chairman of Bank Melli has also held concurrently the position of Chairman of Future Bank.
Tomēr, jebkura aknu bojājuma risks turpinās ilgāk par šo periodu un monitorēšana jāturpina ar nelieliem intervāliemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
43 It is only in the case where the period between lodging the basic patent application and the date of the first marketing authorisation in the EU for the medicinal product in question is exactly five years that an SPC can have a duration equal to zero and that the starting point of the paediatric extension of six months is concurrent with the expiry date of the basic patent.
aicina Komisiju veikt praktiskus pasākumus procedūru vienkāršošanai, ņemot vērā neskaidro situāciju saistībā ar priekšlikumu apstiprināšanu līdzdalībai Kopienas programmāsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is the case, for example, when the series of transactions are closely interrelated, negotiated as a single transaction, and takes place concurrently or in a continuous sequence.
atgādina, ka #. gadā ES aptuveni # % no kopējā naftas patēriņa tika izmantoti transporta nozarē, atlikušie # %- ēkās, #%- ar enerģētiku nesaistītiem mērķiem un #%- rūpniecībā; atzīmē, ka saskaņā ar Komisijas prognozēm pieprasījums pēc enerģijas transporta nozarē līdz #. gadam palielināsies vismaz par # %, gaisa transporta nozarē pieaugot līdz pat #% gadā, kas savukārt palielinās emisijas un atkarību no importētās enerģijasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In such cases, a Party will be deemed to have provided its concurrence to the infraction if that Party does not conclude its investigation and report the final results to the IRP within a period of two years from the date on which the possible infraction was originally referred to the Party, except as provided in the following paragraph.
Pacelšanās obligātie nosacījumi ir jāizvēlas tā, lai nodrošinātu pietiekošu vadību un lai kontrolētu lidmašīnu, gan pārtraucot pacelšanos nelabvēlīgu apstākļu dēļ, gan turpinot pacelšanos gadījumā, ja notiek svarīgākā dzinēja kļūmeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It also stresses the concurrent need to protect the procedure against abuse and to provide guarantees of compensation to the alleged debtor if his order turns out to be to be null and void.
Tu noteikti zini, ka taa vajag?Europarl8 Europarl8
expects the Commission to define ambitious, clear, consistent and comparable criteria for a good environmental status which are conducive to achieving a consistently high environmental status concurrently throughout the EU
Ad hoc projektu vai programmu un ar tiem saistītu ad hoc budžetu apstiprināšana (A kategorijaoj4 oj4
In clinical studies, concurrent administration of abatacept and Enbrel resulted in increased incidences of serious adverse events
Pastāv risks, ka, ņemot vērā Komisijas daudzās atbildības jomas, tai netiks piešķirti pietiekami resursi stratēģijas īstenošanaiEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
An operator shall ensure that all entries on the operational flight plan are made concurrently and that they are permanent in nature.
Vienīgā potenciālā problēma ir saistīta ar tā īstenošanu atsevišķās dalībvalstīs.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This feedingstuff contains an ionophore: avoid simultaneous administration with tiamulin and monitor for possible adverse reactions when used concurrently with other medicinal substances’
Pirms ieliekat Penfill kārtridžu insulīna ievadīšanas ierīcē, svārstiet to augšup un lejup no pozīcijas a līdz b un atpakaļ (skatīt zīmējumu), lai stikla lodīte pārvietotos no viena kārtridža gala līdz otram vismaz # reizesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If there are several concurrent injuries in your scenario, include them all in that same scenario.
Ja Jūs pārtraucat lietot FABLYN Pirms FABLYN lietošanas pārtraukšanas Jums jākonsultējas ar ārstuEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
For patients with serum bilirubin levels > ULN and/or ALT and AST > # times the ULN concurrent with serum alkaline phosphatase levels > # times the ULN, no dose-reduction can be recommended and docetaxel should not be used unless strictly indicated
Aprēķinot pabalstus saskaņā ar WAO, WIA vai WAZ, Nīderlandes iestādes ņem vērāEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
The energy consumption, water consumption, programme duration, cleaning and drying performance shall be measured concurrently.
aicina Padomi, Komisiju un dalībvalstis analizēt situāciju trešās valstīs saistībā ar sodiem, kriminālvajāšanu vai diskrimināciju dzimumorientācijas dēļ un veikt saskaņotus starptautiskus pasākumus, lai ar piemērotiem līdzekļiem, tostarp sadarbību ar vietējām nevalstiskajām organizācijām, veicinātu cilvēktiesību ievērošanu šajās valstīsEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Main insolvency proceedings and secondary proceedings can only contribute to the effective realisation of the total assets if all the concurrent proceedings pending are coordinated.
atzīmē #. gadā centra anulēto apropriāciju lielo skaitu, uzstāj, ka centram jāuzlabo provizoriskie aprēķini, lai īstenotais budžets vairāk līdzinātos budžeta lēmējinstitūcijas pieņemtajam budžetamnot-set not-set
The regional concentration of production in nations characterised by considerable political and economic instability will increase uncertainty due to the incalculable nature of possible future restrictions on supply, with all their concurrent effects on price.
mērījumus veic, izmantojot dinamiska apraides satura videosignālu, kas atspoguļo tipisku TV apraides saturuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This can be carried out concurrently as the technical issues are relatively independent, and from a resources point of view will demand different expertise and skills.
Konsultējieties ar ārstu pirms vadīt transportlīdzekli vai strādāt ar mehānismiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
81 Although those two provisions have the same meaning, each of them has been given a very specific scope, with the result that they cannot be applied concurrently (Joined Cases C‐317/01 and C‐369/01 Abatay and Others [2003] ECR I‐12301, paragraph 86).
Uzglabāt bērniem nepieejamā un neredzamā vietāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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