condition oor Letties


/kənˈdɪʃən/, /kɒndiʃən/, /kʌnˈdɪ.ʃən/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A logical clause or phrase that a conditional statement uses. The phrase can either be true or false.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


logical clause or phrase
Test and study reports shall benefit from data protection under the conditions laid down in this Article.
Uz izmēģinājumu un pētījumu ziņojumiem attiecas datu aizsardzības noteikumi, kas izklāstīti šajā pantā.


health status of a patient
Employees were always complaining about their wages, their working conditions, and so forth.
Darbinieki vienmēr ir sūdzējušies par viņu algām, viņu darba apstākļiem, un tā tālāk.


Description of the technical conditions under which the resource was recorded.
Tesursu ierakstīšanas tehnisko nosacījumu apraksts.
The only condition imposed is that they should form groups based on ideological orientation.
Vienīgais nosacījums ir tāds, ka apvienošanās grupās veicama atbilstoši ideoloģiskajai orientācijai.


Some steps were taken to address shortcomings in prison conditions .
Veikti daži pasākumi, lai novērstu trūkumus attiecībā uz stāvokli cietumos .
Jerzy Kazojc

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

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Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(g) the reprocessing and plutonium storage should only take place when the information provided on the nuclear energy programme of the party in question has been received, when the undertakings, arrangements and other information called for by the guidelines are in place or have been received and when the parties have agreed that reprocessing and plutonium storage are an integral part of the described nuclear energy programme; where it is proposed to carry out reprocessing or storage of plutonium when these conditions are not met, the operation should take place only when the parties have so agreed after consultation, which should take place promptly to consider any such proposal;
Šīs atrades klīniskā nozīme nav zināma; tomēr jānovēro, vai pacientiem nerodas pastiprinātas sedatīvas ietekmes pazīmes un simptomi, kā arī elpošanas nomākumsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
List those conditions such as temperature, pressure, light, shock, etc., which may cause a dangerous reaction and if possible give a brief description
Logu mazgātājieurlex eurlex
The financial instruments set up at Union level can only deliver the desired fast response if their functioning respects two conditions.
Pirms lietojat ActrapidEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Therefore, based on the analysis of achievements so far and the lessons learnt presented in this Communication, and as requested by the European Council, the Commission intends to explore the feasibility of proposing to the Member States before spring 2010 a European Innovation Act encompassing all the conditions for sustainable development and which would form an integral and crucial part of the future European reform agenda.
Ja to neliedz vispārējie tiesību principi, šajā pantā paredzētos kriminālsodus var piemērot saskaņā ar valsts tiesību aktiem, neskarot citas sankcijas vai pasākumus, kam nav krimināltiesisks raksturs, un papildus tiem var publicēt tiesas lēmumu attiecīgajā lietāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Article 1(2) of Directive 77/452/EEC as amended by Directive 2001/19/EC and most recently by Annex II of the Act Concerning the Conditions of Accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia and the Adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is Founded is hereby amended as follows:
Lūgumu, kas minētas #. punktā, iesniedz # dienu laikā, skaitot no dienas, kad attiecīgā persona saņēmusi informāciju, ka ir radušies apstākļi, kas liecina par iespējamo nepārvaramas varas gadījumu, bet termiņā, kas noteikts konkrētajā regulā pierādījumu sniegšanai, kas nepieciešams, lai atmaksātu drošības nauduEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An auxiliary emission control strategy (AECS) that operates within the conditions of use specified in section and which results in the use of a different or modified emission control strategy (ECS) to that normally employed during the applicable emission test cycles will be permitted if, in complying with the requirements of section 6.1.7, it is fully demonstrated that the measure does not permanently reduce the effectiveness of the emission control system.
Pēc Komisijas uzskatiem # dienu termiņš, kuru Itālijas iestādes ir noteikušas, lai lemtu par lūgumu grozīt cenu, ir pārmērīgi ilgs un ar to faktiski tiek daļēji pārkāpts princips, saskaņā ar kuru katrs saimnieciskās darbības veicējs var brīvi noteikt augstākās cenasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Chimneys — Clay/ceramic flue liners — Part 2: Flue liners operating under wet conditions — Requirements and test methods
Uzglabāt bērniem nepieejamā un neredzamā vietāeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Where the above conditions are not met the appropriate anti-dumping duty shall be incurred at the time of acceptance of the declaration for release into free circulation
Virsrakstu aizstāj ar šāduoj4 oj4
Description of the condition:
Šī pielikuma apakšpunkta izpratnē, kalendārajā gadā, kurā tiek piešķirtas subsīdijas, piešķirto darbības subsīdiju kopsumma nedrīkst pārsniegt # % no iestādes izdevumiemEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Considers that the adoption, ratification and implementation of such a convention would not only improve the position of the large number of women on the labour market for domestic work by guaranteeing them decent working conditions, but would also enhance their degree of social inclusion;
braucienu ar automašīnu atmaksā, pamatojoties uz pirmās klases vilciena biļetes cenu tajā pašā maršrutāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas it is desirable to follow the technical requirements adopted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in its Regulation No # (uniform provisions concerning the approval of diesel engines with regard to the emission of gaseous pollutants), which is annexed to the Agreement of # March # concerning the adoption of uniform conditions of approval and reciprocal recognition of approval for motor vehicle equipment and parts
Izņēmuma gadījumos, piemēram, ja pieteikums attiecas uz ļoti apjomīgu dokumentu vai gadījumā, ja ir jākonsultējas ar trešo personu, #. rindkopā paredzēto termiņu var pagarināt par # darba dienām, ar nosacījumu, ka pieteikuma iesniedzējs ir iepriekš informēts un saņēmis sīkus paskaidrojumuseurlex eurlex
If the tests include braking to a standstill in wet conditions, the leading edge of the pad/shoe shall be run-in in the direction of rotation.
Vienlaicīgi ir lietderīgi izlabot dažas valodas kļūdas Lēmuma #/EK vācu un holandiešu valodas redakcijās un Lēmuma #/EK vācu, franču un holandiešu valodas redakcijāsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In so doing, the European Union legislature allows them to determine, in the context of these measures, both the ‘the extent of the liability covered’ and the ‘terms and conditions of the cover’ of that insurance.
Lieta C-#/#: Tiesas (septītā palāta) #. gada #. janvāra rīkojums (Conseil de prud'hommes de Beauvais (Francija) lūgums sniegt prejudiciālu nolēmumu)- Olivier Polier/Najar EURL(Lūgums sniegt prejudiciālu nolēmumu- Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību harta- Starptautiskās Darba organizācijas Konvencija Nr. #- Eiropas Sociālā harta- Atlaišana bez pamatojuma- Acīmredzama Tiesas kompetences neesamībaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The frozen or quick-frozen carcase, including edible offal present, is allowed to thaw under controlled conditions which allow the weight of water lost to be calculated.
ņemot vērā EK Līguma #. panta #. punktu, #. panta #. punkta un #. pantu, saskaņā ar kuriem Komisija Parlamentam iesniedza priekšlikumu (CEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Health claims referred to in Article #(a) of Regulation (EC) No #/# are subject to the transition measures laid down in Article # of that Regulation only if they comply with the conditions therein mentioned, among which that they have to comply with the Regulation
Investīcijas un, dažos gadījumos, izpētes un izaugsmes izdevumi pēdējo gadu laikā ir samazināti, tādējādi samazinot glifosāta tirdzniecības peļņuoj4 oj4
When the institution of the Member State under whose legislation the person suffering from the disease last pursued an activity which might cause the occupational disease in question ascertains that such person or his survivors do not satisfy the conditions of that legislation, taking into account the provisions of Article 57 (2), (3) and (4) of the Regulation, the said institution shall:
ņemot vērā Eiropas Parlamenta, Padomes un Komisijas #. gada #. maija Iestāžu nolīgumu par budžeta disciplīnu un pareizu finanšu pārvaldību un jo īpaši tā #. punktuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The submission of a mid-term report should be required, so that the Commission can assess whether the conditions justifying the granting of such derogation continue to be fulfilled.
Atkāpjoties no #. panta un #. panta #. punkta, daļēji halogenētos hlorfluorogļūdeņražus var ražot, laist tirgū un izmantot laboratorijas un analītiskiem lietojumiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the present case, the Commission takes the view that the Government's decision to request the National Debt Office to issue a credit guarantee was a conditional decision and did not confer on Teracom an unconditional right to request that a credit guarantee be issued to it
Gari ražojumioj4 oj4
(b) an examination of the request shows that the requesting country or territory fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 8(1) and (2).
tā e) punktā zem virsrakstaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Take measures to improve road safety conditions, including approximation to the EU acquis on weights and dimensions, roadworthiness tests, technical roadside inspections, driving licences, tachographs and vehicle registration documents.
Šīs nodaļas īstenošanai dalībvalstis pieņem attiecīgus noteikumus, un vajadzības gadījumā tās var izmantot statistikas informācijas avotus, kas nav noteikti Pamatregulas #. pantāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These conditions are cumulative.
Šīs kombinācijas drošība un efektivitāte pierādīta tikai, lietojot ribavirīna kapsulas kopā ar alfa– #b peginterferona vai alfa– #b interferona šķīdumu injekcijāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Therefore, general principles applicable to all claims made on foods should be established in order to ensure a high level of consumer protection, give the consumer the necessary information to make choices in full knowledge of the facts, as well as creating equal conditions of competition for the food industry.
Kopumā Komiteja uzskata, ka direktīvas projektā vajadzētu ietvert šeit ierosinātos grozījumus un specifikācijas, lai patiešām varētu sasniegt izvirzīto mērķiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Member States obligations to make information on terms and conditions of employment generally available and to provide effective access to it, not only to service providers from other Member States, but also to the posted workers concerned, should be further concretised.
– it leads to the viability of the benefiting firms under normal market conditions at the end of the restructuring period, and
nodrošināt iespēju radīt klasteru izveidošanai un attīstībai vajadzīgos priekšnoteikumusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
'The conditions set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply to vessels which became part of the German fleet upon German unification but which were not registered in the former German Democratic Republic on
Šī kopējā nostāja stājas spēkā tās pieņemšanas dienāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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