freight terms oor Letties

freight terms

The agreed-upon method for handling shipping costs. Freight terms identify the party responsible for the payment of freight charges.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

vedmaksas nosacījumi

The agreed-upon method for handling shipping costs. Freight terms identify the party responsible for the payment of freight charges.

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the appropriateness of including the transport unit in the definition of the termfreight”,
Temats: Strīdu atrisināšana, izmantojot samierināšanas procedūru, pirms lietas nodošanas Eiropas Savienības Civildienesta tiesaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the appropriateness of including the transport unit in the definition of the term freight
Tāpēc uzskatāms, ka piesardzības nolūkā pasākumi jāsaglabā ne ilgāk par diviem gadiemoj4 oj4
Furthermore, 56% of freight journeys (in terms of tonne-kilometres) are over 300 kilometres.
Šo formulu var piemērot liemeņiem, kuru svars ir no # līdz # kgEurLex-2 EurLex-2
– the appropriateness of including the transport unit in the definition of the termfreight”.
Izciršanu, glabāšanu un transportēšanu veic saskaņā ar šajā pantā, #., #., #. un #. pantā un # pielikumā paredzētajiem nosacījumiemnot-set not-set
Better treatment of freight trains in terms of traffic operation is also included in this chapter.
Tomēr, atbilstoši informējot pasažierus, visos attiecīgajos publicitātes materiālos šīs trešās valstis norāda kā no veterinārajām pārbaudēm atbrīvotās valstisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
— the appropriateness of including the transport unit in the definition of the termfreight’,
Piekrītu, ka Centram būtu nepieciešams izstrādāt formālu procedūru par līdzekļu saņemšanu, kas attiecas uz subsīdijām no valstīm, kas nav ES dalībvalstis, un Phare līgumu, papildinot un grozot budžetuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the growth of rail freight in terms of tonnes transported during recent years has not been strong enough to recover the market share of 2.3 percentage points lost between 1995 and 2003.
tā kā jāuzskata, ka šādi pasākumi ietver tādus, kas importa preču pieejai vietējam tirgum jebkurā tirdzniecības posmā paredz nosacījumus, kas nav paredzēti vietējām precēm, vai nosacījumus, kas atšķiras no vietējām precēm paredzētajiem un ko ir grūtāk ievērot, tādējādi uzliekot apgrūtinājumu tikai importa precēmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Numerous improvements are possible, particularly for passengers, in terms of integrated ticketing, clearer timetables and better synchronised connections, and, for freight transport, in terms of reliability and high-quality services;
Biocīdā produkta un mikroorganisma (mikroorganismu) ražotājsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- development of the rail market in terms of freight and passenger transport performance, intermodal comparison and market-opening indicators;
Nepastāv tikai viens vislabākais risinājums, tādēļ konurbācijās jāizstrādā vietējā līmeņa risinājumi, kam būtu ES prasībām atbilstoši rezultāti, kuru sasniegšanu ES atbalstaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The term "priority freight" is not appropriate and could lead to a misleading interpretation of the objectives of these categories.
Veicinot zaļo pirkumu izmantošanu, piešķirot līdzekļus infrastruktūrām, ko finansē no Eiropas programmām, un novēršot pastāvošos šķēršļusnot-set not-set
In 2005 the highest shares of international traffic out of total freight traffic (in terms of tonne-kilometres) were observed in Estonia (93%), Latvia (88%) and the Slovak Republic (86.5%).
Šo prasību neattiecina arī uz produktiem, kurus piešķir Rumānijai #. gada plāna ietvarosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The implementation of options B1 and B2 could therefore be a first step before, in the longer term, dedicated freight corridors are developed.
TransponēšanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In terms of freight transport, the modal share of road transport fell slightly from 76% to 75% of total inland freight transport between 2005 and 2014.
Piezīmes: ADR #.#.#. aizliegumu šeit paplašina, jo, ņemot vērā attiecīgo vielu plašo klāstu, praktiski vienmēr klāt ir #.#. klases vielaseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Chapter 3 specifies the obligations to be complied with regarding a freight corridor in terms of coordinating and programming investment and developing interoperability between the different networks covered and improving the capacity for the trains.
dažās kolbām ķīmiskās vielas nepievieno sējmateriāla kontroleiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the objectives for the freight corridors, in particular in terms of performance of the freight corridor expressed as the quality of the service and the capacity of the freight corridor in accordance with the provisions of Article
tās apmācības ilgums, kuras apliecinājumu viņš iesniedz saskaņā ar #. panta #. vai #. punktu, ir vismaz par vienu gadu īsāks nekā uzņēmējā dalībvalstī prasītaisoj4 oj4
the objectives for the freight corridors, in particular in terms of performance of the freight corridor expressed as the quality of the service and the capacity of the freight corridor in accordance with the provisions of Article
citu Kopienas iestāžu pārstāvisoj4 oj4
This Regulation marks a step forward in terms of making rail freight transport more efficient.
Pilnšļirces (I tipa stikls) ar halogenbutilaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Creating a network purely for freight, in the long term, taking into account the high costs entailed in its implementation, and with a sound cost-benefit analysis
Uzņēmumus, ko regulatīvā iestāde sertificējusi kā atbilstīgus #. panta un #. panta #. punkta prasībām, dalībvalstis apstiprina un norīko par neatkarīgiem pārvades sistēmas operatoriemoj4 oj4
Creating a network purely for freight, in the long term, taking into account the high costs entailed in its implementation, and with a sound cost-benefit analysis;
Ceturtdiena, #. gada #. aprīļaEiropas sirdsapziņa un totalitārismsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the objectives for the freight corridors, in particular in terms of performance of the freight corridor expressed as the quality of the service and the capacity of the freight corridor in accordance with the provisions of Article 19;
atbalstu nesniedzošs pasākumsnot-set not-set
the objectives for the freight corridors, in particular in terms of performance of the freight corridor expressed as the quality of the service and the capacity of the freight corridor in accordance with the provisions of Article 17;
Katra dalībvalsts nosaka valsts rezervi kā daļu no # pielikumā noteiktajām valsts kvotām, jo īpaši #. pantā minētā īpašā atbalsta piešķiršanaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In view of this, and in order to ensure that the problems identified by the Commission in its proposal continue to be examined carefully, the Commission committed itself to producing a report on the progress made by rail freight in terms of the quality of service and on the merits of legislating in this area in 2008.
Izrādījās, ka Berkut Air šos trūkumus drošuma jomā novērst nespēj, un šis jautājums joprojām paliek neatrisinātsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) the objectives for the freight corridors, in particular in terms of performance of the freight corridor expressed as the quality of the service and the capacity of the freight corridor in accordance with the provisions of Article 19;
Es uzskatu, ka 2005.-2008. gada darba programmas ex post novērtējums fondam ir ārkārtīgi lietderīgs.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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