pasture oor Letties


/ˈpɑːstjə/, /ˈpɑːstʃə/, /ˈpæst.jə(ɹ)/ werkwoord, naamwoord
land on which cattle can be kept for feeding.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


land used for grazing
The staple feed of the animals is constituted exclusively of pasture grass or hay.
Dzīvnieku pamatbarību veido vienīgi ganību zāle vai siens.

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The definition shall include at least the criterion that pasture land shall be grassland which, following the local farming practices is recognised as being destined for grazing bovine animals and/or sheep.
Ražošanas jaudas palielinājums attiecībā pret rotācijas dobspiedes tirgus apmēruEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(iii) with the exception of bees, livestock shall have permanent access to pasture or roughage;
ātra un atbilstoša kompensācija lopkopjiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The main feed must consist of pasture, except during the winter period, during which a feed supplement may be provided consisting solely of hay and cereals from the geographical area.
Informācijas konfidencialitāteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas organic production systems where fattening rabbits are kept in group pens with access to a small area of pasture and more space overall are a possible alternative to battery farming, although such group housing systems may pose problems in relation to negative social interactions and aggressiveness among the animals, causing lesions that affect their health and welfare and an increase in diseases transmitted through the oro-faecal route;
iesaka Eiropas līmenī izveidot informācijas centru, kura mērķis būtu vākt un analizēt visu to iestāžu un organizāciju paraugpraksi, kuras aktīvi darbojas HIV/AIDS apkarošanā; uzskata, ka šāds mehānisms palīdzētu noteikt trūkumus jau esošajās darbībās un formulēt jaunas stratēģijasEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
In November 2005, the ‘Weideochse vom Limpurger Rind’ was selected for inclusion in Slow Food Deutschland e.V.’s ‘Ark of Taste’. This was on the basis of its exceptionally fine flavour which is a result of its origins and the sustainable manner in which it is farmed (e.g. natural pastures, minimal transportation, humane slaughter, maturing of the meat on the bone).
enerģijas patēriņšEurLex-2 EurLex-2
— are intended solely for temporary pasturing or work near internal borders of the Community.
Eirosistēmas rezervju pārvaldības pakalpojumu sarakstsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Still grows the vivacious lilac a generation after the door and lintel and the sill are gone, unfolding its sweet - scented flowers each spring, to be plucked by the musing traveller; planted and tended once by children's hands, in front- yard plots -- now standing by wallsides in retired pastures, and giving place to new- rising forests; -- the last of that stirp, sole survivor of that family.
A.# Gaisa kuģa tehniskās apkopes licences pastāvīgs derīgumsQED QED
Appropriate farming systems help to preserve landscapes and habitats ranging from wetlands to dry meadows and mountain pastures.
Ņemot vērā Francijas un Īrijas bažas, jānorāda un nepieciešamības gadījumā jāpamato ikviena atšķirība starp Compagel želeju zirgiem un atsauces zālēm Tensolvet # (reģistrētas Vācijā), kas varētu pamatot atšķirīgus secinājumus par šo abu zāļu iedarbībunot-set not-set
Where the periods referred to in point (b) of the second subparagraph include calendar years before 2015, the reconversion obligation shall also apply to areas that were converted into areas for other uses from land under permanent pasture that were subject to the obligation referred to in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 or Article 93(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013.
Nelietojiet vairāk DULOXETINE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM dienā nekā ārsts Jums izrakstījis vienai dienaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The rearing system respects the natural cycles; the calves are born in the field without any kind of assistance and remain with their mothers for between 5 to 7 months, feeding on their mothers' milk and grazing on pasture.
Galīgi tiek noteiktas šādas galīgā maksājuma likmesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Second, the fact that there is a change in the type of use as pasture does not interrupt the period of use as pasture.
Ja šo iedalījumu neuzskata par iespējamu, fondu fondi ir jāiedala atlikušajā kategorijā pārējie fondiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
areas converted into permanent pasture and meadow (already recorded under F/1 and F/2) (4)
Izteiktās atšķirības dēļ katra pacienta organismā un ierobežotās paraugkopas dēļ šī pētījuma rezultāti neļauj izdarīt pārliecinošus secinājumus par bevacizumaba ietekmi uz gemcitabīna farmakokinētikuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sustainable agricultural practices should be in the heart of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy, urging farmers to apply a package of agronomic practices, including crop rotation, permanent pasture, cover crops and green infrastructure areas.
Reģionālie sekretariātinot-set not-set
Croatia estimates that the unused production potential of the mine-contaminated forest areas represents an annual loss of some EUR 30 million. 55 % of the contaminated agricultural areas constitute arable land while the rest are meadows and pastures.
to, lai visi iesakņotie Kalifornijas bruņu uts saimniekaugi, kas aug piesārņotajā apvidū un šo augu daļas, kas ir domātas pavairošanai un tiek ražotas šajā apvidū, var tikt pārstādītas piesārņotajā apvidū vai pārvietotas uz citu vietu vienīgi tad, ja nav konstatēta to kontaminācija un ja tās apstrādātas tā, ka visi Kalifornijas bruņu uts īpatņi, kas vēl varētu uz tām atrasties, ir iznīcinātiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is particularly apparent in Bavaria’s uplands and in the foothills of the Alps, where use of meadows and pastures predominates over arable farming and the climatic and topographical conditions favour typical Bavarian cattle production.
Sirene biroju darbības spēja (dienestu savstarpējā koordinācija, atbildes termiņiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court reviewed a limited risk-based sample of reference parcels which according to the ortho-images were forests and found that several of these parcels were recorded as permanent pasture.
Plašos sērijveida EKG izmeklējumos atbilstoši terapeitiskai koncentrācijai vai koncentrācijai, kas pārsniedz terapeitisko, nevienam no izvērtētajiem pacientiem vai pacientiem, kas iekļauti klīniskā pētījumā pēc protokola, netika konstatēta QTc pagarināšanās, kas vērtēta kā ” smaga ” (vienāda vai lielāka par #. pakāpi CTCAE vEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazing
Pēc nesenajiem mutes un nagu sērgas uzliesmojumiem Kiprā tika pieņemts Komisijas #. gada #. novembra Lēmums #/#/EK par dažiem aizsardzības pasākumiem pret mutes un nagu sērgu Kiprā, lai pastiprinātu mutes un nagu sērgas kontroles pasākumus, ko šī dalībvalsts veikusi saskaņā ar Padomes #. gada #. septembra Direktīvu #/#/EK par Kopienas pasākumiem mutes un nagu sērgas kontrolei, ar kuru atceļ Direktīvu #/#/EEK un Lēmumus #/#/EEK un #/#/EEK un groza Direktīvu #/#/EEKEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If there are no grazing livestock (i.e. equidae, cattle, sheep or goats) on the holding, the forage (i.e. roots and brassicas, plants harvested green, pasture and meadows) is considered as intended for sale and is part of the general cropping output.
Komisijas loceklisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the application of animal husbandry practices which enhance the immune system and strengthen the natural defence against diseases, including regular exercise and access to open air areas and pastures;
daļa:tā kā savstarpējas (..) uzlabojot tā efektivitātiEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Croatia shall ensure that land which was under permanent pasture on 1 July 2013 is maintained under permanent pasture.
Ja nereaģējat uz glikagona terapiju, jūs jāārstē stacionārāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Up to 20 % of the total average amount of feedingstuffs fed to livestock may originate from the grazing or harvesting of permanent pastures, perennial forage parcels or protein crops, sown under organic management on lands in their first year of conversion, provided that they are part of the holding itself and have not been part of an organic production unit of that holding in the last five years.
Ziņojums par Eiropas Savienības #. gada budžeta grozījuma Nr. #/# projektu, # iedaļa- Komisija [#/#- C#-#/#- #/#(BUD)]- Budžeta komitejaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The livestock shall have permanent access to open air areas, preferably pasture, whenever weather conditions and the state of the ground allow this unless restrictions and obligations related to the protection of human and animal health are imposed on the basis of Union legislation.
Šie ieteikumi tiks atkārtoti un izvērsti katram fondam atsevišķi izstrādātajos speciālajos atzinumosnot-set not-set
The first ground of appeal is based on the misinterpretation and misapplication of the provision of Article 2 of Commission Regulation (ΕC) No 796/2004 of 21 April 2004 on the definition of pasture, on the misinterpretation and misapplication of the provisions of Article 296 TFEU and on the insufficient and erroneous statement of reasons in the judgment under appeal.
Īpaši noteikumi marķēšanaieurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The grazing of pastures and croplands shall be managed in a way that minimises the contamination of foods of animal origin by physical, biological or chemical hazards.
Komiteja iesaka pievērst lielu uzmanību efektivitātes trūkumam ražošanas, pārvades un sadales posmāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
213 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.