pasture fattening oor Letties

pasture fattening

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In winter, the animals are finished on the fattening pastures and in the cowshed: animals must graze the fattening pastures for a minimum of 30 consecutive days.
Silgard veido tipiem specifiskas antivielas un klīniskie pētījumi liecināja, ka tas pasargā no HPV #., #., #., un #. tipu izraisītām slimībām pieaugušas sievietes no # līdz # gadu vecumamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
losses incurred by farmers as a result of restrictions imposed on the marketing of livestock and pasture-fattened animals as a result of the reintroduction of emergency vaccination, in accordance with Article # of Directive #/#/EC
Dalībvalstu iemaksas atsevišķās ārējā atbalsta programmās, ko finansē ES/Kopiena un vada Komisija to vārdā – Piešķirtie ieņēmumioj4 oj4
The requirements with regard to diet are ‘acorn-fed’ or ‘pastured, fodder-fattened’.
Sēdes slēgšanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pure-bred Iberian pastured, fodder-fattened ham: this comes from pure-bred Iberian pigs which have been fed in accordance with the dietary requirements set out in the product description under paragraph (b) for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs.
Pure-bred Iberian pastured, fodder-fattened ham: this comes from pure-bred Iberian pigs which have been fed in accordance with the dietary requirements set out in the product description under paragraph (b) for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs.
Paraugu obligāto skaitu var noteikt, ņemot vērā paša izgatavotāja veikto pārbaužu rezultātusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
losses incurred by farmers as a result of restrictions imposed on the marketing of livestock and pasture-fattened animals as a result of the reintroduction of emergency vaccination, in accordance with Article 50(3) of Directive 2003/85/EC;
Komisijas Lēmums (#. gada #. februāris), ar ko groza Lēmumu #/#/EK par trešo valstu iesniegto atliekvielu uzraudzības plānu apstiprināšanu saskaņā ar Padomes Direktīvu #/#/EK (izziņots ar dokumenta numuru KEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pure-bred Iberian pastured, fodder-fattened shoulder ham: this comes from pure-bred Iberian pigs which have been fed in accordance with the dietary requirements set out in the product description under paragraph (b) for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs.
apstiprināt, kaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Iberian pastured, fodder-fattened ham: this comes from cross-bred pigs with 75 % Iberian blood which have been fed in accordance with the dietary requirements set out in the product description under paragraph (b) for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs.
Līgumus, kuru vērtība ir mazāka nekā EUR #, var piešķirt, pamatojoties uz vienu piedāvājumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Iberian pastured, fodder-fattened ham: this comes from cross-bred pigs with 75 % Iberian blood which have been fed in accordance with the dietary requirements set out in the product description under paragraph (b) for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs.
Ja jālieto kalciju saturošas pārtikas piedevas, jākontrolē kalcija līmenis serumā un kalcija devas atbilstoši jāpielāgoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pure-bred Iberian pastured, fodder-fattened shoulder ham: this comes from pure-bred Iberian pigs which have been fed in accordance with the dietary requirements set out in the product description under paragraph (b) for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs.
Vīzu izsniegšana diplomātiskajās un konsulārajās pārstāvniecībāsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Iberian pastured, fodder-fattened shoulder ham: this comes from cross-bred pigs with 75 % Iberian blood which have been fed in accordance with the dietary requirements set out in the product description under paragraph (b) for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs.
Temats: MVU (mazie un vidējie uzņēmumi) pārrobežu tirdzniecībaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Iberian pastured, fodder-fattened shoulder ham: this comes from cross-bred pigs with 75 % Iberian blood which have been fed in accordance with the dietary requirements set out in the product description under paragraph (b) for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs.
izdevumi, kas radušies,slēdzot līgumus par tehniska un administratīva darba veikšanu, kā arī palīdzības sniegšanu un intelektuālā darba veikšanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
i(v) losses incurred by farmers as a result of restrictions imposed on the marketing of livestock and pasture-fattened animals as a result of the reintroduction of emergency vaccination, in accordance with the penultimate subparagraph of Article # of Directive #/EEC
Aknu funkcijas monitorēšanaeurlex eurlex
(v) losses incurred by farmers as a result of restrictions imposed on the marketing of livestock and pasture-fattened animals as a result of the reintroduction of emergency vaccination, in accordance with Article 50(3) of Directive 2003/85/EC;
hidrolizēti proteīniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(v) losses incurred by farmers as a result of restrictions imposed on the marketing of livestock and pasture-fattened animals as a result of the reintroduction of emergency vaccination, in accordance with Article 50(3) of Directive 2003/85/EC;
Lai saglabātu šo dinamiku un nodrošinātu procesa kvalitāti, mums ir jānorāda, ka nepieciešams turpināt pielikt pūles, lai izpildītu sarunu programmas prasības, tostarp Horvātijas saistības attiecībā uz Stabilizācijas un asociācijas nolīgumu, kā arī lai īstenotu Pievienošanās partnerību.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The category of ‘fodder-fattened’ has been replaced by ‘pastured, fodder-fattened’, as PDO ‘Jabugo’ pigs are managed under an extensive farming system which corresponds to that category.
Citas pētniecības un attīstības ietvaros paredzētās piemaksas arī ir piemērojamas, vienlaikus respektējot pieļauto maksimālo atbalsta intensitāti un kumulācijas noteikumusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(v) losses incurred by farmers as a result of restrictions imposed on the marketing of livestock and pasture-fattened animals as a result of the reintroduction of emergency vaccination, in accordance with the penultimate subparagraph of Article 13 (3) of Directive 85/511/EEC;
Veicot tālāko izpēti un konsultācijas, būs iespējams noteikt dažus galvenos jautājumus, uz kuriem katrai sistēmai vajadzētu spēt atbildēt un sniegt kvalitātes pierādījumusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
i(v) losses incurred by farmers as a result of restrictions imposed on the marketing of livestock and pasture-fattened animals as a result of the reintroduction of emergency vaccination, in accordance with the penultimate subparagraph of Article 13 (3) of Directive 85/511/EEC;
Rekombinantais alfa-#b interferons ir kovalenti konjugēts ar monometoksipolietilēnglikolu vidējā aizstāšanas pakāpē # polimēra mols/olbaltuma molsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The supplementary feed used for pastured, fodder-fattened pigs is usually made from a mixture of 75-85 % grains and 5-15 % legumes.
Pieteikumu pieņemšanas kārtība būtu jāizveido, pienācīgi ievērojot cilvēka cieņuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This applies to both acorn-fed pigs and pastured, fodder-fattened pigs, but the latter’s diet requires supplementation with feed during the final fattening stage.
Īpaša uzmanību būtu jāpievērš informācijai, kas norāda uz iespējamiem nopietniem SHT pārkāpumiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In summer, the animals may only graze the fattening pastures.
Kopienas preču zīmes reģistrācijas pieteikuma iesniedzēja: prasītājaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These fields are called ‘prés d’embouche’ fattening pastures.
Prezidentūras trijotne, pienācīgi ņemot vērā Amsterdamas Līgumam pievienotā Protokola par Eiropas Savienības valstu parlamentu lomu # daļas noteikumus, katras prezidentūras sākumā ierosina vienu vai vairākus tematus no Eiropas Savienības Padomes, Eiropas Parlamenta un Eiropas Komisijas darba programmas vai priekšlikumiem, kas izteikti iepriekš minētās sanāksmes laikāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pastured, fodder-fattened pigs: these pigs are raised on extensive holdings, fattened on a diet of feed consisting primarily of grains and legumes and finished by feeding on pasture for at least 90 days before slaughter.
kas ir juridiska persona, unEurLex-2 EurLex-2
75 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.