patient oor Letties


/peɪʃnt/ adjektief, naamwoord
content to wait if necessary; not losing one's temper while waiting; not bothered with having to wait; not unwilling to wait

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


A person or animal who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person.
After the surgery, the patient breathes through this opening—but has lost his voice.
Pēc operācijas pacients turpmāk elpo caur šo atveri, bet viņš zaudē balsi.


The treatment of cancer patients has undergone major changes over the last decade due to scientific progress.
Pateicoties zinātnes sasniegumiem, pēdējo desmit gadu laikā vēža slimnieku ārstēšanā panāktas būtiskas izmaiņas.


person who takes a medical treatment
The patient should fast for four hours before the test so that it is done on an empty stomach
Pacients nedrīkst ēst četras stundas pirms testa veikšanas, lai to veiktu tukšā dūšā


How patient are sergei and your russian friends?
Cik pacietīgs ir Sergejs un tavi krievu draugi?
Jerzy Kazojc

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

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Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Such members shall reflect a balanced representation of expertise from academia, patient organisations, industry and regulatory bodies.
Vīzu izsniegšana diplomātiskajās un konsulārajās pārstāvniecībāsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In heavily NRTI pretreated patients the efficacy of abacavir is very low
Aizsmakums/disfonijaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
In radiotherapy, about one in twenty patients will experience side effects and complications following treatment[4], even if the procedure has been planned and conducted correctly.
un tā kā šīs politikas īstenošana paredz tās pakāpenisku vienādošanu pārejas laikāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
So for this particular drug, the side effects occur in five percent of the patients.
Kombinētā pretretrovīrusu terapija ir bijusi saistīta ar tādiem metabolisma traucējumiem kā hipertrigliceridēmija, hiperholesterinēmija, insulīna rezistence, hiperglikēmija un hiperlaktatēmija (skatīt apakšpunktuted2019 ted2019
For patients experiencing diarrhoea, a follow-up of weight is recommended in order to avoid
Aknu funkcijas monitorēšanaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
A link to the national and Community safety web portals would allow patients to access additional information about the safety of a medicinal product.
Minēto personu vai tās darba devēju atalgo saskaņā ar fiksētu honorāru shēmu, kas ir ietverta Valdes noteiktajos finanšu noteikumosnot-set not-set
Patients with renal failure were excluded from this study
izņēmumu saskaņā ar Direktīvas #/#/EK #. pantuEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
A systematic review has also been performed involving more than # cancer patients participating in # clinical trials
Turklāt EJTN ir priviliģēts partneris tiesu iestāžu apmaiņas programmas īstenošanā un tā darbības efektivitāte būtu jāpaaugstinaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Software, planning software, identification software and computer programs for the application of reference markings and reference marker systems, applied to medical or surgical instruments or to patients for reference and registration purposes, in particular reference markings and reference marker systems which can be applied, together with removable adapters, to surgical instruments or apparatus, directly or using clips
Turpināt darbu mācību rezultātu apstiprināšanas un kvalifikāciju pārskatāmības jomā, jo īpašitmClass tmClass
- A Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention and Control Programme addressing aspects such as organisational and structural arrangements, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (e.g. antimicrobial stewardship), resource requirements, surveillance objectives, training and information to patients;
Potenciālie valsts iestāžu līguma partneri var būt privāti uzņēmumi, kas darbojas enerģētikas jomā, t.i., nodarbojas ar energoapgādi vai sniedz citus enerģijas pakalpojumusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Efficacy of docetaxel in the induction treatment of patients with locally advanced SCCHN (Intent-to-Treat Analysis
Manuprāt, ir svarīgi nosodīt nesenos notikumus valstīs, kuras atrodas tālu, bet kurās ir izveidojusies kristiešu kopiena.EMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Patient has at least two of the following with no other recognised cause: fever (> 38 °C), urgency, frequency, dysuria, or suprapubic tenderness
ņemot vērā Reglamenta #. panta #. punktu saistībā ar #. panta #. punktuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
R-CHOP was associated with improvements in outcome for both high-and low-risk patients according to age adjusted IPI
Tu esi pie visa vainīgsEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Trevaclyn was studied in four main studies in patients with hypercholesterolaemia or mixed dyslipidaemia
Following subcutaneous administration to CKD patients on dialysis, the maximum serum concentrations of methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta were observed # hours (median value) after administration
Lietas dalībniece, kas lūdz atzīt Kopienas preču zīmi par spēkā neesošu: prasītājaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
If a patient responds poorly to therapy with Rebif, and has neutralising antibodies, the treating physician should reassess the benefit/risk ratio of continued Rebif therapy
Kopīgā deklarācija par #. pantuEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
In some patients additional factor # was given
Francija divu mēnešu laikā no šā lēmuma paziņošanas dienas informē Komisiju par pasākumiem, kurus tā veikusi, lai to izpildītuEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Children and adolescents There are no data available on the use of nateglinide in patients under # years of age, and therefore its use in this age group is not recommended
ņemot vērā #. gada #. aprīļa rezolūciju par Latīņamerikas, Karību jūras reģiona valstu un Eiropas Savienības augstākā līmeņa V sanāksmi LimāEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Responses were similar in patients who were or were not receiving concomitant therapies at baseline
Izvēlējās # mēnešus ilgu izmeklēšanas periodu, lai datus varētu izmantot arī vienlaikus notiekošajā izmeklēšanā, kas attiecās uz kompensācijām pieprasījuma iesniedzējamEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Yet, would you blame a physician for a patient’s illness if the patient failed to stick to the doctor’s prescription?
ar ssp apzīmē pasugujw2019 jw2019
Electronic message sending, in particular for messages relating to medical and technical data on patients and/or implants
Komisijas plenārsēdes ir publiskas, ja vien Komisija nelemj citāditmClass tmClass
Compared to subjects with normal hepatic function, patients with mild hepatic impairment had a mean increase in Cmax of # % and in AUC of # % of celecoxib
Visās nozarēs ir jāveic pasākumi, starp tiem arī pasākumi attiecībā uz emisijām, kas rodas no enerģijas izmantošanas un no mežu noplicināšanas.EMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Alternatively, in patients not on dialysis, an initial dose of # g/kg may be administered subcutaneously as a single injection once every two weeks
piespriest atbildētājam- ITSB- atlīdzināt tiesāšanās izdevumusEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Serious infections including sepsis, due to bacterial, mycobacterial, invasive fungal viral, or other opportunistic infections such as listeriosis, and pneumocystis have been reported in patients receiving Humira
Kompensāciju izmaksā ne vēlāk kā piecus mēnešus pēc dienas, kurā pabeigta#. panta #. punktā paredzētā pārbaudeEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Asks Member States to increase the monitoring times for transplant patients to several years and preferably for as long as the patient lives and/or the graft still functions;
Pēc tam #. gada #. novembrī notika sanāksme ar Beļģijas iestādēmnot-set not-set
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