patriarch oor Letties


/ˈpeɪtɹɪɑːk/ naamwoord
A male leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group.

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As the inheritor of artistic traditions, he holds patriarchal authority over a large “family” of followers.
Skolotājs, būdams māksliniecisko tradīciju pārmantotājs, ir gluži kā patriarhs lielai sekotāju saimei.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


Patriarch Joakim III of Constantinople issued a document disapproving the rendering.
Konstantinopoles patriarhs Joakīms III izdeva dokumentu, kurā nosodīja jauno tulkojumu.
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(Isaiah 9:6, 7) The dying patriarch Jacob prophesied about this future ruler, saying: “The scepter will not turn aside from Judah, neither the commander’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to him the obedience of the peoples will belong.” —Genesis 49:10.
Uz siera rituļiem vai sagrieztu gabalu iesaiņojuma jābūt šādai zīmeijw2019 jw2019
Consider what happened when the patriarch Abraham sent his eldest servant —likely Eliezer— to Mesopotamia to obtain a God-fearing wife for Isaac.
pākšu dārzeņu vai cukurkukurūzas sēklas (#. nodaļajw2019 jw2019
In the time of the ancient patriarchs, the firstborn son received the birthright (Gen. 43:33) and thus inherited the leadership of the family upon the death of the father.
kā, lai aizsargātu migrējošos darba ņēmējus un viņus kā apgādniekus zaudējušos pret pārmērīgi stingru attiecīgo valstu noteikumu piemērošanu attiecībā uz samazināšanu, apturēšanu vai atsaukšanu, ir jāiekļauj noteikumi, kuros izklāstītas stingras normas attiecībā uz šo noteikumu piemērošanuLDS LDS
4.1Women's human rights are being systematically targeted in the Western Balkans by nationalist and clerical actors who often profess religious dogmas and national interests, such as traditional patriarchal family values and demographic renewal, as a moral justification for depriving women of their freedoms, equality and safety.
Ar ūdeņradi reducētas dzelzs pulveris (uzrādītajam dzelzs daudzumam jāspēj reducēt vismaz # g nitrātu slāpekļaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Long term prevention strategies must address the root causes of trafficking and these include poverty, discrimination, racism, patriarchal structures, violence against women, fundamentalisms, gender inequality, lack of social safety nets, money laundering, corruption, political instability, conflicts and uncontrolled zones, barriers and disparities between countries.
Atskaites punkts ir ražotāja noteiktais pamatass un gaismas emisijas ārējās virsmas krustošanās punktsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
5 For more than 20 years, Joseph had no contact with his elderly father, the patriarch Jacob.
Amats: Kabulas provinces gubernators Taliban režīmājw2019 jw2019
The patriarch Job was asked: “Who can understand the cloud layers, the crashings from [God’s] booth?”
tā kā par kuģu drošību galvenokārt atbild karoga valstisjw2019 jw2019
to immediately provide full freedom from house arrest to Thich Quang Do, supreme patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, and Khmer Krom monk Tim Sakhorn, who was released from prison in Vietnam in May 2008 but remains under house arrest;
Padomes #. gada #. septembra Lēmums #/#/EK, Euratom par Eiropas Kopienu pašu resursu sistēmu (OV L #, #.#.#., #. lpp.) un jo īpaši tā #. panta #. punkta a) apakšpunktsnot-set not-set
The Prophet’s history records: “I spent the day in the upper part of the store, ... in council with General James Adams, of Springfield, Patriarch Hyrum Smith, Bishops Newel K.
Šie kurināmie nākamajos gadu desmitos būs tikpat nozīmīgi un nepieciešamiLDS LDS
Subject: Criminal prosecution against Patriarch Bartholomew by the Turkish public prosecutor
Padome daļēji pieņēma #., #., #., #. un #. grozījumu (kā kompromisu Padome pieņēma noteikumu par to, ka transportlīdzeklī var ņemt tikai samazinātu iknedēļas atpūtas laiku) un #. grozījumu (Padome uzskata, ka #. panta #. un #. apakšpunkti ir aptuveni līdzvērtīgiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It refers, in that regard, to the passages in the application in which the applicant states that it abandoned its line of conduct consisting in sparing civil populations only temporarily after the ‘Massacre of the Tomb of the Patriarchs’, committed by an Israeli on 25 February 1994, and in which the applicant states that recourse to suicide attacks was only transitory.
Šajā regulā paredzētie pasākumi ir saskaņā ar Tiešo maksājumu pārvaldības komitejas atzinumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I was tempted to wear a dress that didn’t cover my shoulders, but then I remembered my patriarchal blessing.
Mainīgā tipsLDS LDS
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take action in development cooperation with concrete and measurable effects on gender relations, amending laws, institutions and existing patriarchal patterns, increasing budgetary resources and improving social and economic conditions for women;
Daži globalizāciju vērtē atzinīgi, citi no tās baidās, bet tā ir mainījusi dažus pēckara perioda pieņēmumus par pasaules ekonomiku (piemēram, par ASV vadošo lomu) un to, kā valdības var palīdzēt iedzīvotājiem pielāgoties pārmaiņāmnot-set not-set
It is now undisputed that the type and extent of male violence against women depends on the existence of patriarchal power structures and the gender roles in the society concerned, which is largely determined by those structures
Dažas ieinteresētās personas uzsvēra faktu, ka izmeklēšana attiecas uz stāvokli # dalībvalstu Eiropas Savienībā (ES-#), savukārt pasākumi, ko piemērotu importam, attiektos uz paplašināto, divdesmit piecu dalībvalstu ESoj4 oj4
7 When Abraham left Ur, he left a prosperous city and likely his father’s extended family —important sources of security in those patriarchal times.
Ja kompetentā iestāde deleģē uzdevumus vai slēdz līgumu par to izpildi, pilnvarotajam pārstāvim vai uzņēmējam, veicot šos uzdevumus, vajadzētu izpildīt pienākumus, kas ar šo direktīvu paredzēti kompetentām iestādēmjw2019 jw2019
From 12.10 to 12.50, a formal sitting of Parliament was held on the occasion of the visit of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.
Tālvadības ierīču gadījumā uz katras vadības ierīces skaidri jānorāda mašīna, ko vada ar šo vadības ierīciEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Remarkably, in 1955, Patriarch Alexis I declared: “The Russian Orthodox Church supports the totally peaceful foreign policy of our government, not because the Church allegedly lacks freedom, but because Soviet policy is just and corresponds to the Christian ideals which the Church preaches.”
Minēto dokumentu mērķis bija analizēt situāciju un sniegt dalībvalstīm dažas pamatnostādnes, lai tās pareizi piemēro un interpretē EKT spriedumusjw2019 jw2019
Urges Turkey to remove all existing legislative and practical obstacles to full enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms by all Turkish citizens, notably freedom of expression, religious freedom, cultural rights, the rights of minorities in general and in particular the rights of the Ecumenical Patriarch as well as the rights of the Greek minorities in Istanbul, Imbros and Tenedos;
• Ja neuzvilksiet pildspalvveida šļirci, jūs varat ievadīt pārāk daudz vai pārāk maz insulīnanot-set not-set
Do you strive to imitate the faithful patriarchs as to your choice of associates and entertainment?
Minētā panta otrā daļa nosaka, ka svars jākoriģē ne vairāk par # %, pamatojoties uz mitruma saturu, kas attiecīgajai šķirnei noteikts # pielikumājw2019 jw2019
“The present Patriarch Alexei,” he wrote, “has deliberately made his Church a tool of the government.”
nodevas par hipotēku vai citu apgrūtinājumu uz zemi vai citiem īpašumiem nodibināšanu, reģistrāciju vai atmaksāšanujw2019 jw2019
At 99 years of age, the Biblical patriarch Abraham “began running to meet” his guests.
Kaut gan ir tehniskie veselības un drošības pasākumi devuši straujus uzlabojumus, ārkārtīgi straujais pārmaiņu temps darba pasaulē rada jaunus riskus.jw2019 jw2019
(47) In its concluding observations of 5 April 2018, the UN Human Rights Committee welcomed the signature of the Istanbul Convention but expressed regret that patriarchal stereotyped attitudes still prevail in Hungary with respect to the position of women in society, and noted with concern discriminatory comments made by political figures against women.
EUR/t #./#. tirdzniecības gadamnot-set not-set
They state that the increase in women's financial independence through job opportunities outside the home means that there is a move from the patriarchal marriage- with the male as earner and the women as dependent- towards marriage as a partnership
uzskata, ka vietējā līmeņa administratīvā kapacitāte joprojām ir neliela, kaut arī šajā līmenī ir panākts zināms progressoj4 oj4
“We raise our voices in thanksgiving for the lives and ministries of the Prophet Joseph Smith, of Hyrum Smith the Patriarch, and of the prophets and apostles and righteous men and women who have built on the foundation they laid.”
Dalībvalstis mudina valstis, kas nav šā nolīguma puses, kļūt par tādām un pieņemt ar to savietojamus normatīvos aktusLDS LDS
He said, “Carlos, everything seems to be going well for you, your family, your career, and your service in the Church, but—” and then came the question, “if you continue to live as you are living, will the blessings promised in your patriarchal blessing be fulfilled?”
un ārstam rūpīgi jāapsver priekšrocības pret iespējamo riskuLDS LDS
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