potential drop oor Letties

potential drop

The amount of electrostatic potential between two points in space. Unit: volt

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


The amount of electrostatic potential between two points in space. Unit: volt

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
It can contribute to retaining potential drop-outs in education and training where earlier levels of school provide the key competences needed to enter VET.
Kompensāciju likmes, ko no#. gada #. marta piemēro olām un olu dzeltenumiem, kurus eksportē kā preces, uz kurām neattiecas Līguma I pielikumsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It can contribute to retaining potential drop-outs in education and training where earlier levels of school provide the key competences needed to enter VET.
prasību noraidītEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It can contribute to retaining potential drop-outs in education and training where earlier levels of school provide the key competences needed to enter VET
Karl-Heinz Florenz ENVI komitejas vārdā Komisijai par Komisijas stratēģiju valstu ekspertu seminārā par klimata izmaiņām (Boj4 oj4
At the hearing, the Commission disputed the relevance of this argument, pointing out that a potential drop in share value is an investment risk inherent in any share exchange, to which the tax authorities are indirectly exposed.
Nolīgums par savstarpējo saistību regulējumu sociālajā apdrošināšanā, atsaucoties uz #. punktu # pielikumā Miera nolīgumam, kas noslēgts #. gada #. februārī, apmainoties ar notām (ieskaita apdrošināšanas periodus, kas izpildīti līdz #. gada #. decembrim); šo noteikumu piemēro tikai personām, uz ko minētais nolīgums attiecasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In any other situation there is always the potential to drop the verdict and return someone to normal life.
Briselē, #. gada #. septembrīEuroparl8 Europarl8
The potential drop in the competitiveness of road transport resulting from this must be assessed comprehensively, within the framework of the general interest, to be identified, and taking account of the economic benefits achieved by reducing the impact of pollution and network congestion in particular.
Direktīvas I pielikumu groza šādiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The potential drop in the competitiveness of road transport resulting from this must be assessed comprehensively, within the framework of the general interest, to be identified, and taking account of the economic benefits achieved by reducing the impact of pollution and network congestion in particular
panta otrajā daļā minēto preču piegādi, ja uz tām vēl attiecas #. pantā minētā iekšējā tranzīta procedūraoj4 oj4
The study points to considerable damage for the Limburg economy with a total loss of more than 8 000 jobs (including indirect job losses), a rise in the unemployment rate by between 1,8 and 2 percentage points (up to a 29,4 % increase in the region's unemployment rate from 6,8 % to 8,8 %), a reduction in GDP of between 2,6 and 2,9 % and a potential drop in labour productivity of 10,9 %, due to the high importance of the automotive industry for labour productivity in the region.
nedrīkst stādīt vai glabāt I pielikumā minētos augus, kas paredzēti pārstādīšanaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Unless the decline in the size of the workforce is compensated by increases in labour productivity, potential growth will drop dramatically to around 1% by 2040, which is only half of the current level.
aizpildīta pieteikuma veidlapa (ar parakstuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Recalls that Ford Genk has been the largest employer in the province of Limburg; notes that redundancies cause considerable damage to the Limburg economy with a total loss of more than 8 000 jobs (including indirect job losses), most of which are Union citizens between 30 and 54 years of age, a rise in the unemployment rate of between 1,8 and 2 percentage points (up to a 29,4 % increase in the region's unemployment rate from 6,8 % to 8,8 %), a reduction in GDP of between 2,6 % and 2,9 % and a potential drop in labour productivity of 10,9 %, due to the high importance of the automotive industry for labour productivity in the region;
Šī amatpersona darbojas kā vidutājs starp ieinteresētajām personām un Komisijas dienestiem, vajadzības gadījumā piedāvājot būt par vidutāju procedūras jautājumos, kas skar šo personu interešu aizstāvību šajā procedūrā, īpaši jautājumos par piekļuvi lietai, konfidencialitāti, termiņu pagarināšanu un viedokļu rakstisku un/vai mutisku iesniegšanueurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
[35] According to EDF, its project for construction of a new EPR reactor at Flamanvior construction of a new EPR reactor at Flamanville is expected to cost around €3 billion to build with the initial cost of energy production around €43/MWh, potentially subsequently dropping to €35/MWh based on a contract to build a series of 10 NPPs.
Tomēr šo iespēju būtiski ierobežo starptautisko privāttiesību noteikumi apdrošināšanas direktīvāsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Gross financing needs became more difficult to meet, reflecting investors’ concerns about the sustainability of the budgetary position, the country's high external debt, and the drop in potential growth.
atbilstīga reakcija uz prasībām pārtikas atbalsta un pārtikas nodrošinājuma jomāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Gross financing needs became more difficult to meet, reflecting investors’ concerns about the sustainability of the budgetary position, the country's high external debt, and the drop in potential growth
Minēto dokumentu mērķis bija analizēt situāciju un sniegt dalībvalstīm dažas pamatnostādnes, lai tās pareizi piemēro un interpretē EKT spriedumusoj4 oj4
Why is Iran developing Shahab III missiles with the potential to carry nuclear warheads and drop them on European cities?
Ja atšķirīgi moduļi ir noteikti citās CE prasībās vienam un tam pašam EPR, modulim, kas noteikts īstenošanas pasākumā, dod priekšroku attiecībā uz attiecīgo prasībuEuroparl8 Europarl8
In turn, weak investment, a declining working age population and a significant drop in productivity weigh on potential growth.
Tādējādi var pieņemt, ka eksporta samazināšanās ir daļēji saistīta ar Kopienā ražotā silīcija pieprasījumu IP laikāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The objection according to which there had been unlawful discussions on issues such as supply allocation and how to take care of potential new competition has been dropped
sociālās apdrošināšanas iestādes (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) nodaļas, kas uzskaitītas #. pielikuma #. punkta g) apakšpunktāoj4 oj4
The objection according to which there had been unlawful discussions on issues such as supply allocation and how to take care of potential new competition has been dropped.
Komisijas Regula (EK) Nr. #/# (#. gada #. maijs), ar ko groza Regulu (EK) Nr. #/# par sīki izstrādātiem noteikumiem atbalsta piešķiršanai par Grana padano, Parmigiano-Reggiano un Provolone siera privātu uzglabāšanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The proposed garden centre seems likely to involve greater frequentation by members of the public as (potential) customers, without any probable drop in the number of employees or deliveries.
Mijiedarbība Nelietojiet vienlaicīgi ar glikokortikosteroīdiem, citiem nesteroīdiem pretiekaisuma līdzekļiem vai antikoagulantiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Examples from some countries with high quality training provisions including apprenticeship schemes show that there is a potential for VET to provide drop-outs with an option for getting back to learning.
Aizvien plašāka biodegvielu izmantošana transportā, kas neizslēdz citas iespējamās alternatīvās degvielas, tostarp automašīnām paredzētās sašķidrinātās naftas gāzes un sašķidrinātas dabasgāzes izmantošana, ir viens no paņēmieniem, kā Kopienai samazināt atkarību no enerģijas importa un tā ietekmi uz transportā izmantojamās degvielas tirgu, tādējādi garantējot energoapgādes drošību vidējā termiņā un ilgtermiņāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Just as for any other student with specific educational support needs, early detection of high abilities makes it easier to provide the right educational response and care, and to prevent potential school failure or drop-out further down the line.
atcelt iecēlējinstitūcijas (AIPN) #. gada #. marta lēmumu, atbildot uz prasītāja sūdzību; tāpat atcelt ziņojumu par karjeras attīstību attiecībā uz viņu par laika posmu no #. gada #. jūlija līdz #. gada #. decembrimEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The availability of flexible working arrangements can prevent workers from taking on jobs below their full professional potential and skills level or dropping out of the labour market when taking on caring responsibilities 36 .
Tomēr Komisija piekrīt Revīzijas palātas izteiktajām bažām saistībā ar šo jautājumu un ir vairākkārt pievērsusi dalībvalstu uzmanību šiem jautājumiem SCAC sanāksmēseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The EESC has repeatedly emphasised the need here to draw on all unutilised employment potential (women with children, young people, school drop-outs, underskilled workers, people with disabilities, people with health problems, etc.), which includes mobilising the potential of older people.
Regulas #. pantu groza šādiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to TDC, laying drop cables costs on average approximately DKK 12 000 per potential end-user.
apraksts par to, kāds stāvoklis ir dalībvalstī sakarā ar infrastruktūru, iekārtām, transportlīdzekļiem, informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģiju sistēmām un darbinieku izglītības un apmācību pasākumiem, attiecīgi, robežapsardzības iestādēs un konsulārajās iestādēsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In 2011, growth is projected to increase to 1,5 %, thus somewhat outpacing potential growth which has been reduced by the drop in investment and the rise in unemployment rate in the context of the crisis.
Komisija šā panta #. punktā minēto regulu pieņem saskaņā ar #. panta #. punktā minēto regulatīvo procedūru # dienu laikā pēc šīs procedūras beigāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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