preschool oor Letties


adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
of, or relating to early childhood, especially to those years before attendance at primary school

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educational establishment offering early childhood education to children
The Roma minority has continued to receive attention, with improvements particularly in preschool education.
Uzmanību turpināja veltīt romu mazākumtautībai, un īpaši tika veikti uzlabojumi pirmsskolas izglītībā.

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Preschoolers’ Body Image
Šī apropriācija sedz izdevumus un izmaksas par pretenziju norēķiniem, kādi varētu rasties pret Centru, īpaši tos, kas attiektos uz tā civilatbildībujw2019 jw2019
Recommends that Member States actively promote equal treatment of pupils and take steps to combat the segregation of work still existing in the education sector, in which the percentage of women teachers at the preschool and primary levels is well above the percentage in secondary education, a more markedly male preserve with more to offer in terms of recognition, pay, and social status;
Motora tipsnot-set not-set
Dolls, doll clothing, doll accessories, stuffed dolls, plastic dolls, stuffed animals, preschool toys
jāsniedz informācija par putnu gripas vakcīnas daudzumu, kas varētu būt vajadzīgs ārkārtas vakcinācijas gadījumātmClass tmClass
Subject: Problems in State preschool education
Īpašs sociālā nodrošinājuma režīms, kas piemērojams bruņotajiem spēkiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Recommends that the Commission and the Member States implement a policy for national, ethnic and cultural minorities, and not forgetting the Roma minority, which allows access to quality education and equal conditions in education for boys and girls, including preschool and zero grade programmes, paying particular attention to a multicultural approach that facilitates the integration of young women and girls from minorities and immigrant groups into the regular education system, with a view to combating double discrimination;
stiprināt to Eiropas uzņēmumu pozīcijas pasaules tirgū, kuri ražo elektronisko sakaru iekārtas un citas progresīvas tehnoloģijasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Even before they learn to read and write, some preschoolers are encouraged by their parents to take “notes” during meetings.
Apstiprinātā(-o) uzņēmuma(-u) adrese(-es) un veterinārās kontroles numurs (-ijw2019 jw2019
All aforsaid services in the field of education and development of children of preschool and school age
Kopienas rīcībatmClass tmClass
For example, for the children of preschool age, we kept the instruction fairly basic.
Patēriņa izdevumi veido # % no ES IKP, taču joprojām ir lielā mērā sadrumstaloti # valstu tirgosjw2019 jw2019
Preschoolers and Computers
Orientējoši novērtēšanas un atlases termiņijw2019 jw2019
In some countries, children begin preschool at an early age, sometimes when they are only two years old.
Nākamā perioda programmā ar cilvēkkapitālu saistītās investīcijas ir jāpalielina saskaņā ar Lisabonas mērķiem atbilstīgi integrētajām izaugsmes un nodarbinātības pamatnostādnēmjw2019 jw2019
Subject: Lack of preschool childcare facilities in the EU
Sadedzinot bīstamos atkritumus, kas satur vairāk par # % hlora halogēnorganisko vielu veidā, temperatūra vismaz uz divām sekundēm jāpaaugstina līdz # °CEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Education services, namely, providing seminars and classes for public preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school students
Regulas #. pantu aizstāj ar šādu pantutmClass tmClass
- ensuring an adequate supply of attractive, accessible and high quality education and training provision at all levels, including the improvement of staff competences and qualification, promoting flexible learning pathways and new options starting as early as the school and preschool stage, actions to achieve a significant decline in early school-leaving and higher completion rates of upper secondary education and improved access to pre-school and school education;
Puses abpusēji vienojas par saskaņotu valsts iepirkuma tirgu pakāpenisku un savstarpēju atvēršanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Some researchers say that “prolonged use of computers in place of old-fashioned play” offers preschool children little benefit and “can lead to social withdrawal, attention problems, loss of creativity and even depression and anxiety,” reports the Vancouver Sun newspaper.
Šīs prasības ietvaros prasītāja apgalvo, ka apstrīdētajā regulā ir vairāki tiesību normu pārkāpumi, jo no tās noteikumiem izriet, ka, ja # % tarifu kvotu tiek pārvaldīti saskaņā ar jauno metodi, tad # %- piešķirot atļaujas saskaņā ar iepriekšējiem atsauces daudzumiemjw2019 jw2019
The Commission Communication ”Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality” and the subsequent Council Resolution of 27 June 2002 on lifelong learning (4) identified the provision of ‘the new basic skills’ as a priority, and stressed that lifelong learning must cover learning from preschool age to post-retirement age.
Šim nolūkam un ievērojot nozaru lietotāju juridiskās, drošības, datu aizsardzības un konfidencialitātes prasības, Kopiena paredz piemērotus pasākumus un, jo īpašiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the Comenius programme, which shall address the teaching and learning needs of all those in preschool and school education up to the level of the end of upper secondary education, and the institutions and organisations providing such education
priekšsēdētājsoj4 oj4
Calls on the Member States and the competent authorities to ensure that greater stress is placed on health development in school and preschool teaching programmes by encouraging specific forms of physical activity suitable for the preschool age group and raising awareness within clubs and associations in order to ensure, for example, that children can start physical activity at the earliest possible age, for the benefit of their development and health, and hence to guarantee physical education status in accordance with the profile of the institution and the corresponding level of study;
Aufnahme nach § # Abs. # AufenthG (uzņemšana saskaņā ar Akta par uzturēšanos #. panta #. punktuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Preschooler and infant care at daycare centers
Visas summas, kas atlikušas trasta kontā, izbeidzoties neizmaksāto garantiju termiņam, atmaksā Eiropas Savienības vispārējā budžetātmClass tmClass
Providing supplemental educational services, namely, providing after-school, weekend and summer tutoring programs for public preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school students
Lai pielāgotu I un Ia pielikuma daļas, kas attiecas uz saskaņotajiem kodiem, un # un # pielikumuzinātnes un tehnikas attīstībai, vajadzīgos grozījumus pieņem saskaņā ar #.b pantā noteikto procedūrutmClass tmClass
17. Recommends that the Commission and the Member States implement a policy for national, ethnic and cultural minorities, and not forgetting the Roma minority, which allows access to quality education and equal conditions in education for boys and girls, including preschool and zero grade programmes, paying particular attention to a multicultural approach that facilitates the integration of young women and girls from minorities and immigrant groups into the regular education system, with a view to combating double discrimination;
tā I punkta d) apakšpunkta ii) iedaļu aizstāj ar šāduEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In a five-month study involving 16 upstate New York preschools, it was found that giving children simple lessons on alternatives to TV “reduced their viewing time by three hours a week,” reports The New York Times.
Gluži pretēji, konstatācija par to, vai kopīga kontrole pastāv vai ne, ir balstīta uz šo tiesību vērtējumu kopumājw2019 jw2019
Specialized tutoring programs and preschools are proliferating.
Paziņojumā izvirzītos mērķus nav iespējams sasniegt bez ievērojamu finanšu resursu piešķiršanas, jo īpaši IKT pētniecības un attīstības jomājw2019 jw2019
Then at the other meetings they attended, they were deeply impressed that even preschool children gave intelligent answers.
TNEF korelācijas atslēgajw2019 jw2019
Education, teaching, tuition, courses, including ballet and driving courses, correspondence courses, singing, dancing and music lessons, production of educational radio and television programmes, sports courses, language lessons, preschool education
Atzinumu protokolētmClass tmClass
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