proscribe oor Letties


/ˌpɹəʊˈskɹaɪb/, /pɹəˈskɹaɪb/ werkwoord
(transitive) To forbid or prohibit.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


To tell not to do something.
Moreover, the facilities constituted operating aid, which is proscribed under regional aid rules’.
Turklāt atvieglojumi ir darbības atbalsts, kas saskaņā ar reģionālā atbalsta noteikumiem ir aizliegts”.



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Member States shall proscribe the waiving of the right of an author or performer to obtain fair remuneration for the making available of his or her work as described in paragraph 1.
Šīs regulas #. pantā paredzētā konkursa ietvaros pieteikumā un eksporta licencē #. kvadrātiņā jāieraksta viena no šādām norādēmnot-set not-set
It then referred to a decision of the United Kingdom Secretary of State for the Home Department on 29 March 2001 to proscribe the LTTE under the UK Terrorism Act 2000, a decision of the United Kingdom Treasury on 6 December 2001 to freeze the assets of LTTE and a decision by the Indian authorities to proscribe LTTE in 1992 (all three of which, according to the Council, fell within the definition of a ‘decision’ in Article 1(4) of Common Position 2001/931 and all three of which remained in force).
Jebkura no Pusēm var izbeigt šā nolīguma darbību, ja izveidojas netipiski apstākļi, piemēram, ja ir samazinājušies attiecīgie krājumi vaija konstatēts, ka samazinājies Kopienas kuģiem piešķirto zvejas iespēju izmantojums, vai ja Puses nepilda apņemšanos apkarot nelegālu, nedeklarētu un nereglamentētu zvejuEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Subject: The role of Hezbollah in supporting Palestinian terrorist organisations and its current status on the EU list of proscribed terrorist organisations
Tas, protams, var būt neizdevīgi, ka ir koncentrēts daudz darba salīdzinoši īsā laika sprīdī, bet, norādot šos ik gada atsauces periodus, ko patiesībā izmanto daudzi kolektīvie līgumi – tas var būt pieņēmums, ka jebkāda ilgāka laika perioda negatīva ietekme uz veselību un drošību tiek kompensēta no kolektīvu līgumu puses, ja ir nodrošināti līdzvērtīgi atpūtas laikiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In those cases, as the present case clearly shows, it would be possible only with considerable difficulty, if not impossible, to differentiate between a permissible independent national measure and a proscribed substantive reproduction in any particular case.
Ietekmes novērtējumu katrā no šīm piecām vides jomām atspoguļo attiecīgā ķīmiskās drošības pārskata (#. iedaļa) pozīcijā un- vajadzības gadījumā un saskaņā ar #. pantu- apkopo drošības datu lapā #. un #. pozīcijāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Full table rounds shall be proscribed in principle; they may be used only in exceptional circumstances on specific questions, with a time limit on interventions set by the Presidency
Fenolftaleīna šķīdumsoj4 oj4
The LIFG was proscribed as a terrorist organisation in the UK under the Terrorism Act 2000 with effect from 14 October 2005.
Piešķīrējas iestādes nosaukums un adreseEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A company involved in procurement of inverters for Iran's proscribed enrichment programme.
Šengenas protokols Īrijas minētās īpašās nostājas dēļ paredz iespēju Īrijai piedalīties dažu Šengenas acquis noteikumu īstenošanāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In that judgment the European Court of Human Rights notes that the treatment proscribed by Article 3 of the ECHR must, inter alia, be of a minimum level of severity, be inflicted with premeditation, and be humiliating and degrading.
Atalgojuma aprēķināšanā izmantoto valūtas maiņas kursu nosaka saskaņā ar Finanšu regulas īstenošanas noteikumiem, un tas atbilst maiņas kursiem, kas ir spēkā pirmajā daļā minētajos datumoseurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
As evidence of how this type of discrimination is to be judged, it is expressly proscribed by Article 12 EC and by all the freedoms of movement, in which connection the principle of non‐discrimination proscribes in particular any State measure based, directly or indirectly, on nationality criteria.
APA #. sesiju rīkos no #. gada #. novembra līdz #. decembrim Luandā (AngolaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Full table rounds shall be proscribed in principle; they may be used only in exceptional circumstances on specific questions, with a time limit on interventions set by the Presidency.
Tas ir Uzraudzības iestādes pienākums izdarīt secinājumus par to, vai # slimnīcas dzīvokļu pārdošana Oslo ietvēra valsts atbalsta elementusEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
From the mere absence of a provision in the Sixth Directive expressly setting out a principle of interpretation whereby abuses are proscribed – and the same could apply, for example, to the principles of legal certainty or the protection of legitimate expectations, as the Irish Government observed at the hearing – we cannot therefore draw the conclusion that the Community legislature intended to exclude that principle from the Sixth Directive.
Vai jūs varat paskaidrot, kādā veidā tas attiecas uz stratēģiju "Eiropa 2020”?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
IRISL's connection to proliferation was such that the UNSC called on states to conduct inspections of IRISL vessels, provided there are reasonable grounds to believe that the vessel is transporting proscribed goods, in UNSCRs 1803 and 1929.
minimālās kvalitātes un apjoma prasībasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
IRISL has been involved in the shipment of military-related cargo, including proscribed cargo from Iran.
Eksikators, kurā ieber svaigi aktivētu silikagelu vai līdzīgu žāvējošu vieluar mitruma satura indikatoruEurLex-2 EurLex-2
9 We do not believe it just to amingle religious influence with civil government, whereby one religious society is fostered and another proscribed in its spiritual privileges, and the individual rights of its members, as citizens, denied.
By its third ground of appeal, the Council, supported by the United Kingdom and the Commission, submits that, in paragraphs 177 and 205 to 208 of the judgment under appeal, the General Court erred in law by not concluding that the UK decision in 2001 to proscribe the LTTE was a sufficient basis for maintaining the LTTE’s listing.
Galvenie rezultāti atspoguļoti tabulāeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Removal by the Home Secretary of PMOI’s name from the list of proscribed organisations in that Member State, with effect from 24 June 2008.
Reģionu komiteja atbalsta minētos ieteikumus un vēlas par tiem izteikt savu viedokliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whilst the LTTE remains proscribed, calls upon EU Member States and the wider international community to take robust and determined action actively to investigate the agents of the LTTE; considers that this should include a properly enforced travel ban to inhibit movement of recruiters and couriers; the arrest and repatriation of those involved in terrorist support activities; confiscation of assets associated with the LTTE, such as its commercial shipping fleet; freezing of suspect bank accounts; and closing companies or undertakings associated with the LTTE; consideration can be given to lifting proscription if there is an effective ceasefire, an end to terrorism and resumption of serious negotiations on a constructive basis;
Temats: Jautājuma E-#/# un E-#/# turpmāka izskatīšananot-set not-set
The applicant brought two parallel actions against that order, one an appeal before the Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (“POAC”), the other for judicial review before the High Court of Justice (England and Wales), Queen’s Bench Division (Administrative Court) (“the High Court”).
Divējāda lietojuma preču eksporta kontrole ir galvenais ieroču, tostarp masu iznīcināšanas ieroču, neizplatīšanas pasākums.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
No substantive rules of Community law are applicable in that area (nor would there appear to be any legal basis for adopting such rules), and no national rule prescribing or proscribing any particular form of name seems capable, on its own, of infringing a citizen’s rights to freedom from discrimination and freedom of movement and residence.
Ja izmanto dokumentu, kas nav faktūra vai faktūras pielikums (skatīt #. panta #. punktu), vārda “faktūra” vietā jānorāda attiecīgā dokumenta nosaukumsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
P. has raised a further issue relating to the adequacy of the reasoning behind the original Council decision including the LTTE on the list of proscribed organisations and whether that has any implications for the legality of the subsequent EU acts identified by the referring court in its order for reference.
Lēmums attiecībā uz #. finanšu gadu nesadalīt ar apgrozībā esošajām euro banknotēm saistītos ECB ienākumus kopumā vai to daļu attiecas uz kopējo apjomu, kas maksājams attiecībā uz šo gaduEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It is regrettable that the semester process has proved to be a one-sided instrument that proscribes high debt and deficits on pain of penalties, but only prescribes a simple reduction of high surpluses.
Lai novērotu, vai aerosols aizdegas un turpina degt, to izsmidzina uguns avota virzienā ar # cm intervālueurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
203 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.