proscription oor Letties


/prə.skrɪ.pʃən/ naamwoord
A prohibition.

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Jerzy Kazojc

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by failing to afford the applicants an opportunity to make representations prior to the proscription and/or to provide the applicants a fair hearing an/or an effective remedy by which to challenge the factual assertions relied upon by the Council, within the meaning of Articles 6 and 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights;
Tieša patēriņa energoefektivitāte valsts sektorāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the current proceedings, it does not appear that the information (if any) underlying the 2001 UK proscription order was restricted.
Ja ir jānosaka lielākas koncentrācijas, var ņemt parauga šķīduma alikvotās daļas vai mazākus gaisa paraugus, nekā noteikts šajā standartāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The difficulty, encountered following Hamas’ proscription in the United Kingdom and the freezing of its funds by the United States authorities, of obtaining new decisions of competent national authorities does not affect the Council’s obligation to rely only on facts assessed by such authorities.
Piemēram, #,# % uzņēmumu, kas piedalījās Eiropas Biznesa paneļa debatēs par diskriminācijas novēršanu, norādīja, ka tas, cik liela mērā citā dalībvalstī nodrošināta tiesiskā aizsardzība pret diskrimināciju vecuma, invaliditātes, reliģijas un dzimumorientācijas dēļ, ietekmētu viņu spēju veikt uzņēmējdarbību attiecīgajā valstīeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
I should like to add that the Council also cannot rely on the fact that, because a group’s proscription renders it difficult for that group to commit new terrorist acts, new decisions of competent authorities relating to that group become less evident.
Prasītāja: Eiropas Kopienu Komisija (pārstāvji- F. Simonetti un X. Lewis, F. Louis, avocat un C. O'Daly, solicitorEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whilst the LTTE remains proscribed, calls upon EU Member States and the wider international community to take robust and determined action actively to investigate the agents of the LTTE; considers that this should include a properly enforced travel ban to inhibit movement of recruiters and couriers; the arrest and repatriation of those involved in terrorist support activities; confiscation of assets associated with the LTTE, such as its commercial shipping fleet; freezing of suspect bank accounts; and closing companies or undertakings associated with the LTTE; consideration can be given to lifting proscription if there is an effective ceasefire, an end to terrorism and resumption of serious negotiations on a constructive basis;
No pastāvīgās dzīvesvietas vai uzturēšanās vietas darbiniekam jāsazinās ar apdrošinātāju, kura pakalpojumus izmanto darba devējsnot-set not-set
That leaves the question of whether it was sufficient for the Council to state, in the grounds for the contested regulations, either that the initial decisions of the competent authorities, in particular the 2001 UK proscription order, remained valid or that a decision of a competent authority had been taken.
f) Ja konfiskācijas rīkojums seko iesaldēšanas rīkojumam, kas ir nodots izpildes valstij saskaņā ar Padomes Pamatlēmumu #/#/TI (#. gada #. jūlijs) par to, kā Eiropas Savienībā izpilda īpašuma vai pierādījumu iesaldēšanas rīkojumus , sniedziet attiecīgo informāciju par iesaldēšanas rīkojumu (iesaldēšanas rīkojuma izdošanas un nodošanas datums, iestāde, kurai tas ir nodots, rīkojuma Nr., ja tāds irEurLex-2 EurLex-2
consideration can be given to lifting proscription if there is an effective ceasefire, an end to terrorism and resumption of serious negotiations on a constructive basis;
mudina sporta organizācijas atkārtoti ieguldīt noteiktu procentuālo daļu no ieņēmumiem, ko rada ar konkrētu sporta veidu saistītu plašsaziņas līdzekļu tiesību pārdošana un tirdzniecības pasākumi, šādu atkārtotu ieguldījumu tiešā veidā piešķirot attiecīgā sporta veida brīvprātīgo un bezpeļņas sektora finansēšanai un atbalstīšanaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Calls on the Council, the Commission and the governments of the Member States to take effective practical action to bring about the proscription of terrorist organisations
pasākums: #. gada decembrī uzņēmums no Tīringenes federālās zemes saņēma investīciju piemaksas #,# mljoj4 oj4
Some people may think that the rapporteur has not gone far enough in challenging the scope of the directive and there are others, mainly from industry, who think the directive too proscriptive and that it goes too far.
Praktiskā īstenošanaEuroparl8 Europarl8
By its third ground of appeal, the Council submits that the General Court erred in law by not concluding that the 2001 UK proscription order could serve as a valid decision within the meaning of Article 1(4) of Common Position 2001/931.
% MVU speciālām mācībāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, the Council was justified in relying on the 2001 UK proscription order without it being necessary to have access to the facts and assessments underlying that decision.
tā kā ĀKK valstis nav atbildīgas par finanšu un ekonomikas krīzi un klimata pārmaiņām, tomēr ir to valstu starpā, kuras vissmagāk cieš no tās sekām; tā kā finanšu un ekonomikas krīzi inter alia izraisīja finanšu un ekonomiskā tirgus ierobežojumu atcelšanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(49) That means that, in the present case, should the Court decide (in the context of the second and/or third grounds of appeal) that the General Court erred and find that the contested regulations were properly based on, for example, the 2001 UK proscription order and sufficiently reasoned, it would then not be necessary also to consider whether the statements of the reasons for relying on the decisions of third States were sufficient.
Ja otras injekcijas sniegtais atvieglojums nav pietiekams, vai arī simptomi atjaunojas, pēc # stundām var ievadīt trešo Firazyr injekcijuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The General Court’s interpretation, apart from being not warranted in law, has the consequence that an entity could obstruct its listing under CP931 by refusing to contest its listing or proscription in the Member State from where the decision under Article 1(4) of CP931 emanates.
Kaut gan RAĪ nav veicis atsevišķus pētījumus par lamotrigīna monoterapiju pacientiem ar primārām ģeneralizētām tonisku-klonisku krampju lēkmēm, dati no kontrolētas sākotnējās monoterapijas pētījumiem (pētījums UK#, UK#) pierāda lamotrigīna iedarbības efektivitāti šāda veida lēkmju gadījumāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A close reading of Mr Ocalan's statement does not confirm that the PKK had dissolved for all purposes, including the purpose of challenging proscription.
hidroksokobalamīnsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Thus, whilst the Council is wrong to allege that the General Court erred in law by finding that the 2001 UK proscription order could not, or no longer, be a valid decision of a competent authority, it is less clear whether the General Court in fact neglected to address the question (which was clearly before it, based on the LTTE’s arguments in support of its fourth to sixth pleas, taken together with the second plea) whether the Council based the contested regulations not so much on decisions of competent authorities as on a list of acts directly attributed by the Council to the LTTE. (88)
robežinspekcijas punktiem un pārbaužu centriem, kas iekļauti sarakstā ar ierobežojumiem, jābūtEurLex-2 EurLex-2
115 In the present case, it should be noted that, although the decisions adopted by the UK authorities (namely the Home Secretary and the UK Treasury) and Indian authorities do not in fact constitute, strictly speaking, decisions for the ‘instigation of investigations or prosecutions for an act of terrorism’ or ‘condemnation for such deeds’, within the strict criminal sense of the term, the fact remains that those decisions lead to the ban on the LTTE in the United Kingdom and the freezing of its funds, and also the proscription of the LTTE in India, and that they therefore clearly form part of national proceedings seeking, primarily, the imposition on the LTTE of measures of a preventive or punitive nature, in connection with the fight against terrorism.
Regulā (EK) Nr. #/# paredzētajā konkursā par miežu eksporta kompensācijuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
By its third ground of appeal, the Council submits that the General Court erred in not concluding that the UK proscription order constituted a sufficient basis for listing Hamas.
Šis lēmums paredz vispārējus Regulas īstenošanas noteikumus attiecībā uz Eiropas ParlamentuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whilst the LTTE remains proscribed, calls upon EU Member States and the wider international community to take robust and determined action actively to investigate the agents of the LTTE; considers that this should include a properly enforced travel ban to inhibit movement of recruiters and couriers; the arrest and repatriation of those involved in terrorist support activities; confiscation of assets associated with the LTTE, such as its commercial shipping fleet; freezing of suspect bank accounts; and closing companies or undertakings associated with the LTTE; consideration can be given to lifting proscription if there is an effective ceasefire, an end to terrorism and resumption of serious negotiations on a constructive basis
Terapiju ar Nespo uzsāk ārsts, kuram ir pieredze iepriekšminēto indikāciju gadījumos. rsoj4 oj4
The essential thrust of its appeal was that, whatever the nature of its activities at the time of its proscription, PMOI had since renounced terrorism and rejected violence.
jauno finanšu instrumentu juridiskais pamats skaidri nosaka Eiropas Parlamenta lomu no šiem instrumentiem izrietošo ģeogrāfisko vai tematisko programmu mērķu noteikšanāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The defence indicates, but a posteriori before the Court, that they were relevant since they determined the procedure applicable to the proscription of groups regarded as infringing the Indian laws on illegal activities.
Saskaņā ar Regulas (EK) Nr. #/# #.e pantu pieteikuma iesniedzējs atsauca savu atbalstu šīs darbīgās vielas iekļaušanai Direktīvas #/#/EEK I pielikumā divu mēnešu laikā no novērtējuma ziņojuma projekta saņemšanasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nor did its reasoning suggest (either expressly or implicitly) that it had taken the view that the 2001 UK proscription order was not a decision of a competent authority.
Padomes Regula (EEK) Nr. # (zvejniecības un akvakultūras produktiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(72) Thus, I take the view that, whilst the General Court accepted that the Council had cited, in the statements of reasons for the Council measures of July 2011 to July 2014, the initial national decisions (in particular, the 2001 UK proscription order), it found that the Council had stated only that they remained in force.
Dalībvalstis vajadzības gadījumā var izmantot papildu laiku līdz vienam gadam, lai apzinātu īpašās grūtības, izpildot (iepriekšējā) daļā minētās saistībasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court has already accepted that the 2001 UK proscription order was a decision of a competent authority within the meaning of Article 1(4) of Common Position 2001/931.
Ja kuģis netīši pārsniedz licencē norādīto maksimālo daudzumu, par attiecīgo pārsniegumu ir jāmaksāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
by failing to afford the applicants an opportunity to make representations prior to the proscription and/or to provide the applicants a fair hearing an/or an effective remedy by which to challenge the factual assertions relied upon by the Council, within the meaning of Articles # and # of the European Convention on Human Rights
atbilstīga reakcija uz prasībām pārtikas atbalsta un pārtikas nodrošinājuma jomāoj4 oj4
That also implied that the Council should have explained why the 2001 UK proscription order continued to be a sufficient basis for its decision to continue to list the LTTE and that the General Court should have addressed that argument.
Komisija nevar piemērot valsts atbalsta noteikumus situācijām, kas ir skaidri noteiktas pirms pievienošanās, piemēram, Postabank akciju pirkuma līguma gadījumā, kas ir juridiski saistošs akts, jo tas būtu pretrunā principam par atpakaļejoša spēka nepiemērošanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
86 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.