prospect oor Letties


/prəˈspɛkt/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The potential things that may come to pass, often favorable.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


Every day millions consult newspaper horoscopes in the hope of improving their prospects.
Katru dienu miljoniem cilvēku meklē padomus laikrakstos publicētajos horoskopos.


Nevertheless, there is a certain satisfaction to be derived from the prospect of oppressed peoples overthrowing their undemocratic and unrepresentative governments.
Tomēr, gāžot nedemokrātiskās un nepārstāvošās valdības, no apspiesto cilvēku skatu punkta var iegūt zināmu apmierinājumu.


In conclusion, it can be stated that only the Parliament’s second plea in law has prospect of success.
Līdz ar to kopumā ir jākonstatē, ka tikai otrajam Parlamenta prasības pamatam ir izredzes tikt apmierinātam.
Jerzy Kazojc

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nākotne · nākošais · turpmāk
mineral prospecting
izrakteņu izlūkošana
short-term economic prospects
īstermiņa ekonomiskās attīstības perspektīvas
prospective technological studies
tehnoloģijas perspektīvu izpēte
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(Notice regarding an application for an exclusive licence to prospect for oil or gas designated the ‘Pontenx licence’)
Reģistrācijas apliecības īpašnieks #. gada #. maijā sniedza papildu informācijuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where the data acquired under those tests or studies are still protected under Article 60, the prospective applicant:
That damage arises from the lack of respect shown for her social rights, from the feeling of having been misled in relation to her career prospects and from the fact that she had to bring proceedings twice in order to assert her rights.
Neatkarīgi no pilsonības Savienības ierēdņiem un pārējiem darbiniekiem visās dalībvalstīsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ongoing governance reforms are key to aligning training opportunities with employment prospects and economic needs.
Tie ietver zemestrīču nodarīto zaudējumu indeksu konkrētā reģionā un temperatūru indeksu konkrētā pilsētāeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
This also has an impact on the pension rights of women, most of whom will have experienced broken employment careers due to maternity and child/elder care, occupational segregation into insecure and low paying feminised professions and the gender pay gap all of which would reduce the length of time and quantity of contributions to retirement pension schemes and would only worsen women's economic prospects in retirement by prematurely truncating their paid employment
atgādina tā prioritātes lauksaimniecības nozarē, piemēram, cīņu pret dzīvnieku slimībām un ES politiku attiecībā uz pārtikas produktu kvalitāti, un uzsver nozīmi, ko Eiropas Parlaments piešķir lauku attīstībai kā ilgtspējīgas lauksaimniecības priekšnoteikumam; uzsver nepieciešamību it īpaši atbalstīt jaunos lauksaimniekus un pielāgot pieejamos līdzekļus to jauno lauksaimnieku skaitam, kam paplašinātajā ES nepieciešama palīdzība; vēlreiz norāda, ka šīm prioritātēm var izmantot lauksaimniecības modulāciju, ja #. a apakškategorijā ir līdzekļu rezerveoj4 oj4
Where a client, in line with Community legislation and in particular Directive #/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of # June # on financial collateral arrangements, transfers full ownership of financial instruments or funds to an investment firm for the purpose of securing or otherwise covering present or future, actual or contingent or prospective obligations, such financial instruments or funds should likewise no longer be regarded as belonging to the client
Karantīnas platībās ir jābūt precīzai uzskaitei ar šādu informācijueurlex eurlex
Calls at the same time on the Council and the Commission to make due reference to the benchmarks established by the European Parliament resolution of 20 February 2008 on an EU Strategy for Central Asia in their exchanges with the Turkmen Government concerning the prospects for the Interim Agreement;
Grieķijas dižskabāržu meži ar Abies borisii-regisnot-set not-set
In recent months, the implementation of much-needed stabilisation policies, aimed at reducing imbalances and safeguarding fiscal and external sustainability, have further weighed on short-term economic prospects.
EESK uzskata, ka Kopienas integrācijas procesa pašreizējos apstākļos Regulu minētajā jomā nav iespējams izstrādātEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Once the decision establishing the mining site becomes final and enforceable, the concession right for the prospection area will be restricted to the area of the mining site.
tā kā invalīdi ir neviendabīga iedzīvotāju grupa un viņu atbalstam domātajās darbībās jāņem vērā gan viņu dažādība, gan arī tas, ka dažas apakšgrupas, piemēram, sievietes invalīdes saskaras ar papildu grūtībām un dažāda veida diskriminācijuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Communication from the Government of the Republic of Poland concerning Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons
Palīglīdzekļi avārijas evakuācijaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the infrastructure has satisfactory medium-term prospects for use, in particular as regards the use of existing infrastructure;
Neviens nelasaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
'Creditworthiness assessment' means the evaluation of the prospect for the debt obligation resulting from the credit agreement to be met.
uzskata, ka #. gada Cilvēka drošības akta pieņemšana, kas stāsies spēkā #. gada jūlijā, varētu radīt risku, ka pieaugs drošības spēku veikti cilvēktiesību pārkāpumi, jo ar šo aktu atļaus apcietināt bez ordera un turēt patvaļīgā apcietinājumā līdz trim dienām; šajā ziņā aicina Filipīnu valdību veikt konkrētus aizsardzības pasākumus, lai nepieļautu cilvēktiesību pārkāpumus, ko varētu radīt minētā tiesību akta piemērošananot-set not-set
STRESSES that, before granting mandates for the negotiation of any further comprehensive agreements with third countries, the added value of any resulting Community-level agreement should be clearly demonstrated in each case, notably with regard to the prospects of obtaining significant new opportunities for EU industry and users and achieving greater levels of regulatory convergence with a view to ensuring a competitive level playing field
Nulle dienasoj4 oj4
D21 IFRIC 1 Changes in Existing Decommissioning, Restoration and Similar Liabilities requires specified changes in a decommissioning, restoration or similar liability to be added to or deducted from the cost of the asset to which it relates; the adjusted depreciable amount of the asset is then depreciated prospectively over its remaining useful life.
Klīniskajā pētījumā #, randomizētā, atklātā pētijumā, # pacientiem, kuriem, uzsākot pētījumus, bija nepieciešama efavirenza-, lamivudīna-, NNRTI-, un PI terapija, tika salīdzināti efavirenzs + zidovudīns + amivudīns vai efavirenzs + indinavīrs ar indinavīru + zidovudīnu + lamivudīnuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Supervision shall be based on a prospective and risk-based approach.
ņemot vērā Reģionu komitejas atzinumu [#]EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Economic prospects deteriorated further, and the general government deficit reached 6.4% of GDP in 2012.
Tomēr, izņemot tikai dažas valstis var secināt, kaConsilium EU Consilium EU
For activities covered by this Chapter, the European Parliament and the Council may call upon the Chairperson of the Security Accreditation Board for an exchange of views on the work and prospects of the Agency before those institutions, including with regard to the multiannual and the annual work programmes.
Paaugstināta jutība pret aktīvo vielu vai jebkuru interferonu, vai jebkuru no palīgvielāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The applicant contends that the resultant harm would not be exclusively pecuniary, as the contested regulation would also adversely affect its image and the right of its name to protection, in addition to its prospects of entering into contracts, which would be reflected by an irremediable loss of clients and market shares.
Section VIII: Eiropas Ombuds un Eiropas Datu Aizsardzības UzraudzītājsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Just this weekend I met with Paul Kanjorski, Chair of the Subcommittee on Finance in the US Congress, and others, who are now talking about accelerating the prospects for a single regulator at a federal level in the United States.
tranzīts ir atkritumu sūtījums vai plānotais atkritumu sūtījums caur vienu vai vairākām valstīm, kas nav nosūtīšanas vai galamērķa valstisEuroparl8 Europarl8
RECALLING that the Thessaloniki Summit reinforced the Stabilisation and Association process as the policy framework for the European Union's relations with the Western Balkan countries and underlined the prospect of their integration with the European Union on the basis of their individual reform progress and merit;
Komisija turklāt attīstīs specifisku CO# emisijas mērīšanas metodoloģiju divriteņu un trīsriteņu mehāniskajiem transportlīdzekļiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Communication from the Minister for Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands pursuant to Article 3(2) of Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons
Ja maksātspējas norma kļūst mazāka par #. pantā noteikto garantiju fondu, piederības dalībvalsts kompetentā iestāde pieprasa iesniegt apstiprināšanai pārapdrošināšanas uzņēmuma īstermiņa finanšu plānuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) In the new world, what prospect will faithful humans have?
Tas ierobežos nomāto slēgumu lietošanu un visbeidzot arī nerezervētu pakalpojumu sniegšanujw2019 jw2019
Do you have any business or financial holdings or any other commitments which might conflict with your prospective duties?
Kustību vadībanot-set not-set
After examining the past residence history of a representative sample of existing students benefiting from funding (a sufficiently large sample to be statistically reliable), it reaches the conclusion that, were it to impose the requirement that the applicant must have resided four years within its territory, that would exclude sufficient prospective candidates to limit the risk of running seriously over budget.
No pārējā paziņojuma izklāsta un ierosinājumiem vēl būtu jāmin sekojošaisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
predictable investment prospects;
ar ko atļauj nosaukuma Munster vai Munster-Géromé, kas saskaņā ar Padomes Regulu (EEK) Nr. #/# reģistrēts kā aizsargāts cilmes vietas nosaukums, un nereģistrētā nosaukuma Münster Käse ar vietas norādi Vācijā līdzāspastāvēšanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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