protestation oor Letties


a formal solemn objection or other declaration

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties




I also want to emphasise that it was not a protest by the Polish government.
Vēlos arī uzsvērt, ka tas nebija Polijas valdības protests.
Jerzy Kazojc


Your protest is noted, Mr Van Orden.
Jūsu iebildums ir atzīmēts, Van Orden kungs.
Jerzy Kazojc

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whereas His Holiness the Dalai Lama urged the demonstrators to protest peacefully and non-violently and reiterated his call for a resumption of negotiations with Beijing, with a view to achieving full and genuine political and cultural autonomy for Tibet within China,
iespējamo briesmu, kas attiecas uz galvenajām kuģī veicamajām darbībām, un to iestāšanās iespējas identificēšana, lai noteiktu drošības pasākumus un to prioritāti; unnot-set not-set
He personally participated in inhuman and degrading treatment of opposition activists in the KGB detention centre in Minsk after the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk 19 December 2010.
Ja ir šādas izmaksas, tās norāda atsevišķiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An unprecedented wave of protest against the dictatorships in power in those countries is gaining ground.
Dalībvalstu nekoordinēta rīcība saistībā ar naudas līdzekļu pārrobežu pārskaitījumiem pati par sevi varētu ievērojami ietekmēt maksājumu sistēmas raitu darbību ES un tādējādi kaitēt iekšējam tirgum finanšu pakalpojumu jomāEuroparl8 Europarl8
Repeatedly imposed prison terms against those involved in peaceful protests and as a result bears responsibility for the repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Belarus.
Nelietojiet, ja ir mainījusies tā krāsa vai tajā ir sīkas redzamas daļiņasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Responsible for the violence against protesters in Dara'a.
Dalībvalstis veic oficiālu kontroli, lai īstenotu šīs regulas ievērošanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A Protestant bishop wrote to his clergy, ‘[Hitler] has been sent to us by God.’”
Gataviem augļiem nevajadzētu būt rūgtiemjw2019 jw2019
The flame of social protest may quickly spread from Greece to the other countries in the region.
Ārstēšana jāuzsāk tikai pacientiem, kam ir mērena anēmija (bez dzelzs trūkuma), ja asins saglabāšanas procedūras nav pieejamas vai arī nav pietiekamasgadījumā, ja ieplānotajai operācijai nepieciešams liels asins daudzums (# asins vienības vai vairāk sievietei, vai # asins vienības un vairāk vīrietimEuroparl8 Europarl8
Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces responsible for the military involvement in the crackdown on peaceful protesters.
Regulas (EEK) Nr. # #. pantā minēto nodrošinājumu iesniedz tās dalībvalsts intervences aģentūrai, kurā gaļa ir patērējamaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas Ibrahim Halawa is being detained for peacefully exercising his rights to freedom of expression and assembly and is considered by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience; whereas freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are indispensable pillars of any democratic and pluralist society; whereas Article 73 of the Egyptian Constitution stipulates that citizens shall have the right to organise public meetings, marches, demonstrations and all forms of peaceful protest;
Pieredze rāda, ka Direktīvas #/EEK īstenošana attiecībā uz liellopiem nav bijusi pilnībā apmierinoša un tai vajadzīgi tālāki uzlabojumieurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
He was particularly active in this regard after the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and on subsequent protests.
Tāpēc tajā izvirzīti konkrēti mērķi izstrādei dažādu transporta līdzekļu un dažādu transporta sistēmu tehnoloģiju un loģistikas jomāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Strongly condemns the arrest and detention of peaceful protesters and most of the presidential candidates (e.g. Uladzimir Niakliayeu, Andrei Sannikov, Mikalay Statkevich and Aleksey Michalevich); the leaders of the democratic opposition (e.g. Pavel Sevyarynets and Anatoly Lebedko), as well as great number of civil society activists, journalists, teachers and students facing sentences up to 15 year prison; calls for an independent and impartial international investigation into the events under the auspices of the OSCE; calls for politically motivated charges to be immediately dropped;
Sakrata un nostādina # līdz # minūtesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the political situation in Iran is continuing to deteriorate, with no indication from the Iranian Government that it intends to address internal and worldwide concerns about the legitimacy of the election held in June 2009; whereas the indications of massive fraud have given rise to a large-scale protest movement (the so-called ‘Green movement’), with mass demonstrations continuing over recent months,
Līguma I pielikumā uzskaitītie lauksaimniecības produkti, kas paredzēti lietošanai pārtikāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The following spoke: Mario Borghezio, who objected to the procedure that had been followed, which he believed to be irregular and illegitimate, Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, on the attendance register, Manuel Medina Ortega, who protested about the fact that he had not yet received a written answer to a question he had put to the Council during Question Time on Tuesday and to which he had not received a satisfactory reply at the time, and Francesco Enrico Speroni, who supported Mario Borghezio's remarks and asked for the procedure in question to be checked (the President noted his request
Tālāk minētas blakusparādības, kas pēcreģistrācijas periodā novērotas papildus un ja zināms, sastopamības biežums norādīts iekavāsoj4 oj4
Under his leadership, the Ministry of Intelligence continued the practices of widespread arbitrary detention and persecution of protesters and dissidents.
The following spoke: Seán Kelly, to protest that the debate on the serious consequences of the severe weather in a number of European countries had been taken off the agenda, and Hannes Swoboda, who said that the inclusion of this item on the agenda for the next part-session had already been requested.
Šajos ziņojumos norāda, vai trešās valstis, kā arī ES dalībvalstis, kas ir nozīmīgs to izejvielu energoresurss, no kurām iegūst Kopienā patērēto biodegvielu, ir ratificējušas un īstenojušasnot-set not-set
I urge Mr Borg and Mrs Fischer Boel to protest too so that these debates are scheduled for a more reasonable hour, not only for our convenience, but also because it is much easier for the public and the sectors concerned to find out about them.
Ņemot vērā prognozes par ekonomiskās situācijas pasliktināšanos, valdība #. gada #. februārī paziņoja par otru pasākumu kopumuEuroparl8 Europarl8
At first, when his sister arrived, Gregor positioned himself in a particularly filthy corner in order with this posture to make something of a protest.
Atļaujas derīguma termiņš beidzās #. gada #. jūnijā, bet juridiskā situācija un fakti, kas attaisno attiecīgā vienkāršošanas pasākuma piemērošanu, nav mainījušies un turpina pastāvētQED QED
Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and as a result bears responsibility for the repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Belarus.
UZSVER, ka, pirms piešķirt pilnvaras attiecībā uz sarunām par jebkuriem turpmākiem visaptverošiem nolīgumiem ar trešām valstīm, katrā atsevišķā gadījumā būtu skaidri jānorāda attiecīgā Kopienas līmeņa nolīguma pievienotā vērtība, jo īpaši attiecībā uz izredzēm gūt būtiskas jaunasiespējas ES ražotājiem un lietotājiem un panākt pastiprinātu regulēšanas konverģenci, lai nodrošinātu viendabīgu tirdzniecības vidi konkurenceiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In October 2012, nine female prisoners went on hunger strike in protest of the violation of their rights and violent treatment by prison guards.
Skatīt pievienoto sarakstuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
PPE, ECR, ALDE The right to peaceful protest and the proportionate use of force Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new)
Calls on the VP/HR to hold the Bahraini Government to its promises to respect human rights, implement the necessary reforms, start independent investigations into human rights violations and ensure that those responsible are held to account, as well as to urge the Bahraini Government to drop all charges against doctors and medical staff and to release all those detained for participating in the peaceful pro-democracy protests;
Pienākums sniegt pakalpojumu vai izmantot tehnoloģiju, attiecībā uz kuru ir piešķirtas frekvences izmantošanas tiesības, vajadzības gadījumā ietverot pārklājuma nodrošināšanas un kvalitātes prasībasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(2) The Union strongly condemned the violent repression, including through the use of live ammunition, of peaceful protest in various locations across Syria resulting in the death of several demonstrators, wounded persons and arbitrary detentions, and called on the Syrian security forces to exercise restraint instead of repression.
Es arī pilnībā atbalstu mērķi aizsargāt patērēju veselību.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Qods Force is involved in providing equipment and support to help the Syria regime suppress protests in Syria.
Ja, pakāpeniski atceļot muitas nodokļus, konstatē, ka spēkā esošie muitas nodokļi Spānijas importam Kopienā, kāda tā bija #. gada #. decembrī, atšķiras no spēkā esošajiem muitas nodokļiem Portugāles importam, tad Sīrijas izcelsmes produktiem piemēro augstāko no abām likmēmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Commander of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, IRGC - Qods, involved in providing equipment and support to help the Syrian regime suppress protests in Syria.
Briselē, #. gada #. martāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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