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short-term economic policy

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It highlights the Commission's role as a catalyst for short-term emergency economic stabilisation policies.
Vienāda attieksme pret Ēģiptes un Kopienas valstspiederīgajiemEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Committee has exercised all the functions hitherto assigned to the Short-term Economic Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of # March # on coordination of the conjunctural policies of the Member States, the Budgetary Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of # May # on cooperation between the competent government departments of Member States in the field of budgetary policy, and the Medium-term Economic Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of # April # setting up a Medium-term Economic Policy Committee
Turpmāk norādītās ar kopējo zivsaimniecības politiku saistītās regulas ir novecojušas, lai arī formāli tās vēl aizvien ir spēkāeurlex eurlex
(2) The Committee has exercised all the functions hitherto assigned to the Short-term Economic Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of 9 March 1960 on coordination of the conjunctural policies of the Member States(2), the Budgetary Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of 8 May 1964 on cooperation between the competent government departments of Member States in the field of budgetary policy(3), and the Medium-term Economic Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of 15 April 1964 setting up a Medium-term Economic Policy Committee(4).
Dempinga izmeklēšana attiecībā uz ASV aptvēra laikposmu no #. gada #. jūlija līdz #. gada #. jūnijam (ASV izmeklēšanas periods vai ASV IPEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Committee has exercised all the functions hitherto assigned to the Short-term Economic Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of 9 March 1960 on coordination of the conjunctural policies of the Member States ( 2 ), the Budgetary Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of 8 May 1964 on cooperation between the competent government departments of Member States in the field of budgetary policy ( 3 ), and the Medium-term Economic Policy Committee set up by Council Decision of 15 April 1964 setting up a Medium-term Economic Policy Committee ( 4 ).
vai nu saskaņā ar EEK Noteikumu Nr. # I daļu apstiprināta skaņas signālierīceEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Several analyses by the Food and Agricultural Organisation, OECD, Commission and others have focused on supply and demand developments, exacerbated by short-term economic and policy factors (including restrictions on exports) that explain part of the observed extreme price volatility, including factors specific to financial markets that may have amplified price changes.
Darbinieku pieņemšanai darbā, cik iespējams, jāatspoguļo Centra vienotā ĀAK-EK būtībaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In view of previous experience I see a need in the short term to align national economic policies more effectively with the requirements of economic and monetary union, which hitherto has not been happening enough, especially in the larger Member States.
Regulas (ES) Nr. #/# teksts īslandiešu un norvēģu valodā, kas jāpublicēEiropas Savienības Oficiālā Vēstneša EEZ papildinājumā, ir autentisksnot-set not-set
The monetary analysis mainly serves as a means of cross-checking, from a medium to long-term perspective, the short to medium-term indications for monetary policy coming from the economic analysis
Picērists picu paceļ ar tērauda un/vai alumīnija lizi un nes uz krāsni, kur to novieto uz pamatnes un pagriež par #°, turklāt, picu griežot, to novieto atpakaļ tajā pašā vietā, lai tās apakša būtu tajā pašā temperatūrā kā iepriekš, ko samazina picai cepoties absorbētais karstumsECB ECB
This would give the Europe 2020 strategy, important as it is, the important task of preparing and implementing the short and medium-term economic and finance policy orientations that are needed on the road to long-term sustainable development.
Minētā nozare noteicoši ietekmē nepieciešamo produktivitātes palielināšanu visās ekonomikas nozarēsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Right-wing governments are trying to push through a number of economic policies that cut deficits in the short term but provide no hope for economic growth in countries in the long term.
Termiņš grozījumu iesniegšanai #. finanšu gada vispārējā budžeta otrajam lasījumam ir trešdiena, #. gada #. novembris, plkstEuroparl8 Europarl8
This would give the Europe 2020 strategy, important as it is, the extremely important task of preparing and implementing the short and medium-term economic and finance policy orientations that are needed on the road to long-term sustainable development.
ja ceļa kopējais garums nepārsniedz # km; izņēmuma gadījumos kompetentās iestādes var palielināt šo maksimālo attālumu līdz # kmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This provision increases the flexibility of the short-term statistics to respond to the requirements of economic and monetary policy.
Tehniķis tad ieregulē kontrasta vadīklu, līdz baltais ekrāna apgabals nodrošina apgaismojumu vismaz # kandelas (cd) uz kvadrātmetru, mērot saskaņā ar FPDM #.# Standartu, #. iedaļa, #. punktsnot-set not-set
This is a crucial aspect as the programme operates in a political and economic context of short-term pro-development policies and priorities that do not coincide with sustainable development.
Klīniskā pētījumā ar pacientiem, kam anamnēzē ir sauss klepus AKE inhibitora terapijas laikā, #, # % pētījuma dalībnieku, kas saņēma valsartānu, un #, # % dalībnieku, kas saņēma tiazīdu diurētiku, radās klepus, salīdzinot ar #, # % ar AKE inhibitoru ārstēto pacientu (pEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the short-term, European effective fiscal and economic rules can support and incentivised sound domestic policy making.
Īpaši norādījumi rīcībai ar neizlietotām veterinārām zālēm vai to atkritumiem, kas paliek pēc to lietošanasnot-set not-set
Most of these were about supplying missing building blocks of the euro area or the adoption of short-term rescue measures to meet urgent economic and fiscal policy needs.
Izmeklēšanā konstatēja, ka ĶTR izcelsmes ražotājs eksportētājs atbilst visiem TER piešķiršanas nosacījumiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Appropriately tailored, Lisbon strategy structural reforms could be an appropriate short-term policy response to the crisis as they strengthen economic resilience and flexibility.
EKS # skaidri neprecizē PVN atmaksu personām, kas navnodokļu maksātājas, un nodokļa maksātājiem par to darbībām, kas atbrīvotas no nodokļaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas short-term fluctuations in commodity prices hamper the implementation of viable and sustained economic policies in the ACP States
Lieta T-#/#: Vispārējās tiesas #. gada #. septembra spriedums- Nadine Trautwein Rolf Trautwein/ITSB (Hunter) (Kopienas preču zīme- Kopienas vārdiskas preču zīmes Hunter reģistrācijas pieteikums- Absolūts atteikuma pamatojums- Aprakstošs raksturs- Regulas (EK) Nr. #/# #. panta #. punkta c) apakšpunkts (tagad- Regulas (EK) Nr. #/# #. panta #. punkta c) apakšpunkts)- Preču zīmes reģistrācijas pieteikumā norādīto preču loka ierobežojumsoj4 oj4
mitigation of adverse short-term effects of exogenous shocks, including instability in export earnings on socio-economic reforms and policies;’;
Atkāpjoties no #. panta un #. panta #. punkta, daļēji halogenētos hlorfluorogļūdeņražus var ražot, laist tirgū un izmantot laboratorijas un analītiskiem lietojumiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
mitigation of adverse short-term effects of exogenous shocks, including instability in export earnings on socio-economic reforms and policies
Atbalsta maksimālais summa, ko piešķir, lai daļēji segtu traktora vai ražas novākšanas kombaina iegādes izmaksas, nedrīkst pārsniegt # % attaisnoto ieguldījumu (vai # % jaunajiem lauksaimniekiemoj4 oj4
The close and short-term monitoring of foreign trade prices is very important for economic and monetary policy, in particular, for the following reasons:
PriekšsēdētājsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The overall objectives and the resources of the programme were relevant to economic recovery, and energy policy, with short-term employment generation and strong potential for long-term employment and competitiveness benefits.
Lieta COMP/M.# – Sun Capital/DSM Special ProductsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The close and short-term monitoring of foreign trade prices is very important for economic and monetary policy, in particular, for the following reasons
Vienlaicīgi ir lietderīgi izlabot dažas valodas kļūdas Lēmuma #/EK vācu un holandiešu valodas redakcijās un Lēmuma #/EK vācu, franču un holandiešu valodas redakcijāseurlex eurlex
In sum, the STS Amendment Regulation is a major step forward towards achieving a system of short-term statistics that corresponds to the requirements of economic and monetary policy.
ņemot vērā Eiropas Kopienas dibināšanas līgumu un jo īpaši tā #. pantu #. punktunot-set not-set
(c) mitigation of adverse short-term effects of exogenous shocks, including instability in export earnings on socio-economic reforms and policies;
konstatē, ka #. gada novembrī Brīvprātīgajā pensiju fondā bija # dalībnieki; konstatē, ka fonda ikmēneša iemaksa uz vienu deputātu bija EUR #,# un tās struktūra bija šāda: viena trešdaļa jeb EUR #,# ir deputātu maksātā un no piemaksas par vispārējiem izdevumiem atvilktā summa un divas trešdaļas jeb EUR #,# – Parlamenta pārskaitītā summaEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
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