shortcoming oor Letties



Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


The main shortcoming affecting aquaculture statistics is the amount of confidential data.
Galvenais akvakultūras statistikas trūkums ir lielais daudzums konfidenciālu datu.




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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

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This inspection took place from # November to # December #; the purpose of the inspection was to evaluate whether the competent authority for civil aviation of Bulgaria was prepared to implement the common rules in the field of aviation safety that shall enter into force in Bulgaria as of # January #, and to evaluate the progress made in the implementation of the corrective actions submitted by that authority after the first visit of EASA to address safety shortcomings established during that visit
Komisijas #. gada #. novembra Lēmums #/EEK, ar kuru apstiprina Apvienotās Karalistes iesniegtās programmas bonamiozes un marteiliozes apkarošanaioj4 oj4
However, the overall positive impact should not be allowed to obscure the fact that there are many shortcomings.
Suggests the establishment of a clearinghouse at EU level with the objective of collecting and analysing best practices from all institutions and organisations active in the fight against HIV/AIDS; believes that such a mechanism would help to identify shortcomings in the existing actions and to formulate new strategies
Turklāt ir nepieciešams, lai savstarpējas izvērtēšanas procesā tiktu pilnībā ievērota vispārējas ekonomiskas nozīmes pakalpojumu specifika un tiem izvirzītie konkrētie uzdevumioj4 oj4
(e) to overcome, in the first instance, the shortcomings outlined in the first joint EU/US review of the agreement [11] and to take into account the recommendations of the European Data Protection Supervisor and the Article 29 Working Party [12];
Ieteicams kontrolēt sirdsdarbību un dzīvībai svarīgās pazīmes un veikt atbilstošu simptomātisku un uzturošu ārstēšanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Performance audits generate a variety of benefits: (i) they draw the attention of the bodies being audited to possible sources of revenue and savings, quantitative and qualitative improvements, avoidable shortcomings and achievable benefits; (ii) by means of well-prepared facts and convincing recommendations, they provide Parliament and the Committee on Budgetary Control with a valuable basis for decision making and alternative courses of action for the collection and optimal use of funds; (iii) they provide the public with transparent information on the collection and use of public funds.
Tomēr citu dalībvalstu pilsoņiem pensiju saskaņā ar minētajiem Dānijas pilsoņiem piemērojamajiem nosacījumiem piešķir tikai tad, ja tie ir nodzīvojuši Dānijā gadu tieši pirms prasījuma dienasnot-set not-set
Member States have already taken divergent and uncoordinated action to address shortcomings in investor protection measures and it is likely that this development would continue.
gada budžeta izpildes apstiprināšana- Eiropas Datu aizsardzības uzraudzītājsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A Commission inspection to Uruguay has revealed serious shortcomings concerning the implementation of the plan for rabbit and farmed game.
Ukrainas iestādes informēja Komisijas dienestus par piemērotas kontroles sistēmas izveidošanu, kas nodrošinās, lai visi saulespuķu eļļas sūtījumi, ko paredzēts eksportēt uz Kopienu, būtu sertificēti attiecībā uz to, ka tie nesatur tik daudz minerāleļļas, ka saulespuķu eļļu nevar lietot pārtikāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
shortcomings in the relevant regulatory acts, or
Komisijas Lēmums (#. gada #. aprīlis) par ekspertu grupas izveidošanu finanšu izglītības jautājumosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
· pre-accession aid: "shortcomings in the supervisory systems and controls which had already been identified in 2002 resulted in errors and greater risks affecting the legality and regularity of the transactions" (Statement of Assurance, paragraph VI(e)),
Valsts uzraudzības iestādes apstiprina tos licenču turētājus, kuriem ir tiesības strādāt kā kompetences eksaminētājiem vai kompetences vērtētājiem attiecībā uz struktūrvienību un turpmākām apmācībāmnot-set not-set
They allow competent authorities to perform controls on a risk basis, and to identify shortcomings and address them in a timely manner.
Minētā nolīguma vēstuļu apmaiņas veidā teksts ir pievienots šim lēmumamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Rallying European civil society behind the achievements of the Constitutional Treaty in order to overcome its shortcomings
Daļa no iepakojuma ar # atsevišķiem iepakojumiem # mēnešiem paredzētā iepakojumā, kas satur #x# atsevišķus iepakojumusnot-set not-set
The scope of EURES should be broadened to include developing and supporting targeted mobility schemes, after calls for proposals, at Union level with a view to filling vacancies where labour market shortcomings have been identified.
Āmis ar kvadrātveida linuma acīm nodrošina mazu zivju un mazizmēra Norvēģijas omāru izkļūšanu no zvejas rīkanot-set not-set
The number of bankruptcies remains notoriously low in relation to the size of the country’s economy, not least because the insolvency proceedings suffer from a number of shortcomings, which effectively function as a disincentive for bankruptcy filings.
attiecīgi importam un eksportam, izmantojot, mutatis mutandis, (a) apakšpunktā noteikto procedūruEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
This new Act together with Sovereign Order No 2318 of 3 August 2009 addresses the shortcomings identified in the 2008 Third Round Mutual Evaluation Report of the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism — MONEYVAL concerning the Principality of Monaco; it ensures that the Principality of Monaco has in place an anti-money laundering regime equivalent to that in application on the French territory as regards transfers of funds.
Zāļu devas bērniem ar nieru un/vai aknu funkcijas traucējumiem nav pētītasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Notes however that, in order to mobilise the EGF for this case, payment appropriations will be transferred from a budget line dedicated to the support of SMEs and innovation; regrets the severe shortcomings of the Commission when implementing the programmes on competitiveness and innovation, particularly during an economic crisis which should significantly increase the need for such support;
Actrapid ievada subkutāni vēdera priekšējā sienāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the country still faces major shortcomings in implementing and effectively enforcing legislation.
Kapsulas pildījums Mikrokristāliska celuloze (E#) Nātrija cietes glikolāts Povidons (E#) Nātrija laurilsulfāts TalksEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The leverage ratio calculated in accordance with Article 429 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 is to be disclosed by institutions from 1 January 2015 onwards and before that date, the Commission is empowered to adopt a delegated act amending the exposure and capital measure for calculating the leverage ratio to correct any shortcomings detected on the basis of reporting by institutions.
Visizplatītākie ir procentu mijmaiņas darījumi, ārvalstu valūtu mijmaiņas darījumi un valūtu mijmaiņas darījumi (ko sauc arī par procentu mijmaiņas darījumiem ar dažādām valūtāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those transitional rules suffer from numerous shortcomings, which result in the VAT system being neither fully efficient nor compatible with the requirements of a true single market.
Prasītājas prasījumiEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
If the problems described in point 3.6 and the shortcomings in the Renewable Energies proposal (11) are not remedied, the process of making consumers more active, as well as local energy communities, will be considerably weakened — even jeopardised.
Komiteja ieteica izsniegt NovoRapid reģistrācijas apliecībueurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
where the opinion on the compliance of systems under Article # is without reservations, or where reservations have been withdrawn following corrective measures, the Commission may conclude that it can rely principally on the opinion referred to in Article #(d)(ii) with regard to the effective functioning of the systems and that it will carry out its own on-the-spot audits only if there is evidence to suggest shortcomings in the system affecting expenditure certified to the Commission in a year for which an opinion under Article #(d)(ii) has been provided which contains no reservation in respect of such shortcomings
nav ievēroti nosacījumi, atbilstīgi kuriem preces drīkstēja izvest no Kopienas muitas teritorijas, tās pilnīgi vai daļēji atbrīvojot no izvedmuitas nodokļiemoj4 oj4
Parliamentary elections met most international standards but shortcomings remain to be addressed in future elections.
Tādēļ ir nepieciešams izmantot sarunu procedūru, kas paredzēta #. panta #. punkta b) apakšpunktā un g) apakšpunkta i) daļā Komisijas #. gada #. decembra Regulā (EK, Euratom) Nr. #/#, ar ko paredz īstenošanas kārtību Padomes Regulai (EK, Euratom) Nr. #/# par Finanšu regulu, ko piemēro Eiropas Kopienu vispārējam budžetamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
contribute otherwise considerably to protecting the Union and its citizens from terrorist attacks and other security risks; measures undertaken in partnership with the Member States concerned, relating to critical national infrastructure, so as to eliminate or reduce the risks of exploitation of their security shortcomings, particularly if these could have serious cross-border repercussions, shall therefore be eligible .
Pārvadātājs ir atbildīgs par pasažiera zaudējumu vai kaitējumu, kas izriet no tā, ka vilciena atcelšanas, kavēšanās vai nokavētas pārsēšanās gadījumā viņš nevar turpināt savu braucienu tajā pašā dienā vai konkrētos apstākļos brauciena turpināšana tajā pašā dienā nav ieteicamaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Improvements to rolling stock passive safety (to limit damage in the event of a collision) are not designed to compensate for any shortcomings in the active safety (collision avoidance) of the railway system but to supplement it in order to take account of events outside the railway system's control.
Komisija publicē atsauces uz saskaņotajiem standartiem Eiropas Savienības Oficiālajā VēstnesīEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Market shortcomings and regulatory and supervisory inadequacies call for public finance interventions, contrary to the hitherto prevailing view that responsibilities should be transferred from the state to the market.
Nereti valdības pašas aizstāv nenovēršami nepopulārus pasākumus, vainojot vienoto valūtu vai tās pamatnoteikumusnot-set not-set
In light of the evidence of these shortcomings, how will the Commission reinforce the information and consultation of workers at European level?
Attiecīgā dalībvalsts par šiem pasākumiem nekavējoties paziņo pārējām dalībvalstīm un Komisijai, kas var nolemt, ka attiecīgajai dalībvalstij jāgroza vai jāatceļ šie pasākumi, ciktāl tie izkropļo konkurenci un nelabvēlīgi ietekmē tirdzniecību pret vispārējām interesēmnot-set not-set
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