six oor Letties


/sɪks/ naamwoord, adjektief, Syfer
(cardinal) A numerical value equal to 6; the number occurring after five and before seven.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


Cardinal number
cardinal number
Henry has no more than six dollars.
Henrijam nav vairāk par sešiem dolāriem.


cardinal number
Henry has no more than six dollars.
Henrijam nav vairāk par sešiem dolāriem.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Abbreviation of [i]MI6[/i]. (Secret Intelligence Service)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties

Geen vertalings nie

Soortgelyke frases

Six-Day War
Sešu dienu karš
Six Characters in Search of an Author
Seši tēli meklē autoru


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Member States shall adopt the measures necessary to comply with this Directive within six months of its notification and shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.
Aktīvi Eiropas piemiņas pasākumiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
six weeks in the case of poultry for egg production
Apstiprinošām metodēm praktiskuma aspektu lielākajai daļai ir mazāka nozīme, salīdzinot ar pārējiem šajā lēmumā noteiktajiem kritērijiem. parasti pietiek, ka ir pieejami vajadzīgie reaģenti un iekārtaseurlex eurlex
Within six months of the date of publication of the technical file, any natural or legal person that has a legitimate interest may object to the registration of the geographical indication in Annex III on the grounds that the conditions provided for in this Regulation are not fulfilled.
Papildināts to valstu saraksts, kuru pilsoņi ir atbrīvoti no vīzu režīma visās Šengenas valstīsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Member State shall reach its decision, with regard to approval, within a period of six months from the date of receipt of a notification in accordance with paragraph 2.
gada Šengenas Konvencijas # sadaļā iekļauj šādu pantunot-set not-set
Presumptive Bacillus cereus in dried infant formulae and dried dietary foods for special medical purposes intended for infants below six months of age:
Minēto personu vai tās darba devēju atalgo saskaņā ar fiksētu honorāru shēmu, kas ir ietverta Valdes noteiktajos finanšu noteikumosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The proposals made by Mr Solana in June 2006, repeated in June 2008 on behalf of the six most closely involved countries, still apply and must be used to break the current deadlock.
Šī Zviedrijas sistēmas un likumdošanas iezīme ir vispārzināmaEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Protocol comprises a total of six articles.
prasa Komisijai un dalībvalstīm padziļināt decentralizētu sadarbību, tieši sazinoties ar jaunattīstības valstu vietējām iestādēmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
— the next six characters (an6) stand for the office concerned in that country.
Tāpēc šāda profilaktiskā vakcinācija ir jāapstiprina līdz #. gada #. jūlijamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Taking account of the volume of trade in agricultural and fishery products between the Parties, of their particular sensitivities, of the rules of the Community common policies and of the Albanian policies for agriculture and fisheries, of the role of agriculture and fisheries in Albania's economy and of the consequences of the multilateral trade negotiations under the WTO, the Community and Albania shall examine in the Stabilisation and Association Council, no later than six years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, product by product and on an orderly and appropriate reciprocal basis, the opportunities for granting each other further concessions with a view to implementing greater liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fishery products
Uz izkliedētāja virsmas pārklājuma # × # mm laukumu ar žileti vai adatu sagriež aptuveni # × # mm lielos kvadrātosoj4 oj4
The Commission fixes this rate before the beginning of each EAGGF Guarantee Section accounting year on the basis of the rates recorded in the six months preceding fixing.
Saskaņā ar Komisijas vērtējumu šis pieteikums atbilst visiem juridiski noteiktajiem atbilstības kritērijiem.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
13 After hearing a talk at a circuit assembly, a brother and his fleshly sister realized that they needed to make adjustments in the way they treated their mother, who lived elsewhere and who had been disfellowshipped for six years.
skaitu, veidu un vajadzības gadījumā atsevišķu iepakojumu zīmes un numurusjw2019 jw2019
If an identical or similar question has been put and answered during the preceding six months, the Secretariat shall transmit a copy of the previous question and answer to the author.
Ja ekspluatāciju veic viens pilots, pilotam nevar dot uzdevumus, kas viņu traucē pildīt pilota pienākumusnot-set not-set
However, with medical authorisation, the staff member concerned may start her maternity leave less than six weeks before the expected date of confinement, ending in this case at the end of a period of 10 weeks after the date of confinement plus the time which the staff member concerned has continued to work as from the sixth week preceding the actual date of confinement.
Komisija lūgs neatkarīgu ekspertu konsultācijas un palīdzību, lai analizētu un/vai izvērtētu pieteikumusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This insurance is provided by six fisheries insurance associations covering the whole of Finland.
Šī operācija liedz tiesības uz gāzes pieprasījumu Portgás, vienīgajam VSU, ko nekontrolē GDPEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Each cooperation project must involve at least six cultural operators from six different countries participating in the Programme.
Izvērtējot šo pieprasījumu, tika secināts, ka šo klasificēšanas metožu apstiprināšanas nosacījumi ir izpildīti attiecībā uz aparātu HGP #, bet tikai daļēji izpildīti attiecībā uz aparātu ZP-DMEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) each haul of a longline shall have a soak time of not less than six hours, measured from the time of completion of the setting process to the beginning of the hauling process.
kurā saskaņā ar Lēmuma #/#/EK pielikuma # nodaļas D daļas #. punktu veikto klīnisko pārbaužu rezultāts ir negatīvs unEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A Member State shall, as necessary and without delay, issue the person whose readmission has been accepted with the travel document required for his or her return with a period of validity of at least six months.
Kopienas uzņemas kredītrisku, kas ir risks, ka partneris nevarēs pilnībā samaksāt summas termiņāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
When adopting subsequent implementing acts, the Commission may extend the period of that suspension by further periods of up to six months and may modify the categories of nationals of the third country in question for which the exemption from the visa requirement is suspended.
Komisijas paziņojumā nav tieši minēta otrreizēja pārstrāde.not-set not-set
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Act of Accession 2003, the number of representatives elected in Cyprus from the start of the 2004-2009 term shall be six.
Viens no tematiskās stratēģijas secinājumiem ir tāds, ka vēl vairāk jāsamazina transporta nozares (gaisa, ūdens un sauszemes satiksmes), mājsaimniecību un enerģētikas, lauksaimniecības un rūpniecības nozaru radītās emisijas, lai sasniegtu ES gaisa kvalitātes mērķusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission shall be notified of the reductions of the technical requirements of Annex II at least six months before they come into force and shall inform the other Member States.
Silgard veido tipiem specifiskas antivielas un klīniskie pētījumi liecināja, ka tas pasargā no HPV #., #., #., un #. tipu izraisītām slimībām pieaugušas sievietes no # līdz # gadu vecumamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Statements of objection must reach the Commission within six months from the date of this publication.
Termiņš grozījumu iesniegšanai #. finanšu gada vispārējā budžeta otrajam lasījumam ir trešdiena, #. gada #. novembris, plkstEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The protection of the GIs "Grana Padano" and "Parmigiano Reggiano" shall not preclude, with regard to products intended for the Swiss market, and in respect of which all measures have been taken to avoid the re-exporting of such products, the possibility of grating and packaging (including cutting into portions and inner packaging) of these products on Swiss territory for a transitional period of six years from the entry into force of this Annex and without the right to use the symbols and indications of the Union for these GIs.
Atbildību par risku prasīja uzņemties gan privātajiem, gan valsts partneriemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
They shall be adopted with six significant figures.
Attiecībā uz atkalievešanu pēc izvešanas pārstrādei saskaņā ar Padomes #. gada #. decembra Regulu (EK) Nr. #, kas nosaka izvešanas pārstrādei saimniecisko kārtību dažu tekstiliju un apģērbu ievešanai atpakaļ Kopienā pēc apdares vai apstrādes noteiktās trešās valstīs #, atbrīvojums no muitas nodokļiem nepārsniedz Kopienas ikgadējos daudzumus, kas ir noteikti Regulas (EK) Nr. # # pielikumā, ja ražojumu izcelsme ir valstīs vai teritorijās, kuras minētas šīs regulas #. panta #. punktāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) six months after the completion of the assessment and decision on the introduction of an operating restriction, no services over and above those operated in the corresponding period of the previous year shall be allowed with marginally compliant aircraft at that airport;
Kompetentas dalībvalsts iestādes nodrošina, ka jebkuru #. panta a) punktā minēto krājumu nozvejoto apjomu, kas ir lielāks par # kg un/vai #. panta b) un c) punktā minēto nozvejoto krājumu apjomu, kas ir lielāks par # kg, pirms pārdošanas nosver ar izsoles svariemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These included six credit lines for SMEs and mid-caps, three infrastructure projects and two industry/R&D projects.
Komisijas izmeklēšanas pamatā bija galvenokārt iekšējai lietošanai paredzēti dokumenti un tirgus izpētes rezultātieurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
210 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.