sizeable oor Letties


fairly large

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fairly large
The financial investment to be made is sizeable and risky, and we all want it to succeed.
Finanšu ieguldījumi, kas jāveic, ir prāvi un riskanti, un mēs visi gribam, lai tas izdodas.

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The sizeable difference in expected benefits is the result of the large difference in the relative importance of the EU and Vietnam as export destination to each another.
Pārskatītā pievienošanās partnerībā minētās prioritātes ir izraudzītas, pamatojoties uz to, ka ir reāli gaidīt, ka nākamajos divos gados (no #. līdz #. gadam) Bulgārija spēs tās īstenot vai būtiski pavirzīsies uz priekšu šajā jomāEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Recalls that — at the same time as the significant increase in the number of financial/budgetary staff required as a consequence of the revised Financial Regulation — the institution’s potential for attracting qualified financial staff was reduced when in 2004 the Staff Regulations were substantially revised, including a sizeable reduction in the level of salaries and other benefits paid to new officials on recruitment;
apstiprina pielikumā pievienotās Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību hartas redakcijuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The terracing of land, which is gravity-irrigated by the Béal, a canal bringing water from upstream rivers, rapidly became widespread starting in the 18th century and made it possible to increase the meagre farmable land areas. This helped feed a sizeable population and also protected the soil against erosion.
ņemot vērā Eiropas Atomenerģijas kopienas dibināšanas līgumu, un jo īpaši tā #. pantueurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Additional sizeable fiscal measures were implemented, but the (recalculated) structural balance in 2014 is planned to remain constant compared to 2013, which points to a significant deviation from the required minimum adjustment of 0,5 % of GDP.
Bez tam empīriskā pieredze liecina par to, ka valsts atbalstu, lai tas būtu efektīvs, jāpapildina pievilcīgiem pamatnosacījumiem, piemēram, adekvātas intelektuāla īpašuma tiesību sistēmas un konkurences vide, kurā pastāv inovācijai un pētniecībai pretimnākoši noteikumi un tādi finanšu tirgi, kas to atbalstaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Luxembourg economy is characterised by a sizeable divergence of labour productivity across economic sectors, with productivity in the financial sector twice as high as that in the non-financial sectors.
Attiecībā uz pieteikuma par punktu nepiešķiršanu par #. un #. gadu noraidīšanu sakarā ar novēlošanos, prasītāja norāda, ka, tā kā viņa varēja iepazīties ar novērtējuma ziņojumu par #./#. gadu ar nokavēšanos par gandrīz diviem gadiem, tad viņai nebija iespējas laikus iepazīties ar kļūdām, kuru dēļ punkti netika piešķirtiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Greek authorities commit to ensuring sustainable public finances and achieving sizeable and sustainable primary surpluses over the medium-term that will reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio steadily.
Pastāv acīmredzami spēcīgs lobijs, kas veicina un vēlas par katru cenu panākt Turcijas pievienošanos, tai veidojot daļu Eiropas.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
A sizeable portion of their activities was also dedicated to tackling abuses of dominant position in liberalised markets such as energy, telecom and transport, in particular, practices tending to exclude competitors from the market.
Iedzīvotāji nevēlas pasīvāku Eiropu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
We currently have a sizeable fleet operating in the South West Atlantic, which is one such area.
Kompetentā iestāde piešķir iepakošanas centram iepakošanas centra kodu ar attiecīgās dalībvalsts sākuma kodu, kā norādīts Komisijas Direktīvas #/#/EK pielikuma #.#. punktāEuroparl8 Europarl8
The sizeable body of CJEU case-law that has emerged on access to justice in environmental matters is primarily the result of preliminary references from national courts under Article 267 of the TFEU.
biljarda galdi, tenisa galdi, ķīniešu biljarda aparāti, spēļu automāti utteurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The Director will manage over 70 staff members with a sizeable budget and technical resources.
Tas atbilst muitas failu identifikācijas datu bāzes izveidei pirmā pīlāra instrumentāEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Fiscal targets defined in such a way should be, in principle, a much better anchor for fiscal policy, as bank support measures are sizeable one-off items which are beyond the direct control of the government.
Lai priekšlikumu uzskatītu par derīgu, tam jāsastāv no trīs eksemplāriem papīra formā un viena CD ROM un priekšlikuma iesniedzējam tas jānosūta Komisijai ne vēlāk #. gada #. septembrī attiecībā uz saskaņotām darbībām, mērķa darbībām un papildu darbībāmelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
The consolidation path has become more back-loaded than previously planned and a sizeable effort is needed in 2013 to ensure the required structural adjustment.
Tiesvedības valoda- spāņuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sizeable withdrawals may be seasonally determined.
Tas nav jautājums Lope Fontagné kundzei.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In addition, the merged entity would have a large customer base, would wield enormous financial strength, would have sizeable research and development capacity, and would be a major presence in three packaging materials: carton, PET and HDPE, all of which are used to varying degrees for the packaging of sensitive products.
Pārslēgties uz #. ekrānuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
That seems essential given the increased recourse to public-private partnerships over the current decade, which have given rise to sizeable implicit liabilities for the years to come (notably beyond the programme horizon), which should be factored into fiscal sustainability assessments and long-term plans
Ziņojumos, kas jāiesniedz reizi divos gados, un gala izpildes ziņojumos, kuri minēti Regulas (EK) Nr..../# [kas nosaka Eiropas Reģionālā attīstības fonda, Eiropas Sociālā fonda un Kohēzijas fonda vispārējos noteikumus] #. pantā, jāiekļauj kopsavilkums un novērtējums par šādu pasākumu īstenošanuoj4 oj4
The result is a sizeable and valuable body of CJEU case-law touching on all aspects of the subject.
Thelin efektivitāte un drošība kombinācijā ar citiem PAH ārstēšanas līdzekļiem (piemēram, epoprostenolu, sildenafilu, iloprostu) nav pētīta kontrolētos klīniskos pētījumoseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
This contributed to a sizeable increase in expenditures as a percentage of GDP in 2007 and added to external imbalances and inflationary pressures.
No iepriekš teiktā izriet, ka trīsdurvju modelis jāattiecina uz apakšā uzstādāmu saldētavu un nevis uz blakusdurvju ledusskapju segmentuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission observes that FBN also benefited from a very sizeable amount of liquidity aid, both in relative and in absolute terms.
Šo pasākumu un procedūru mērķim jābūt iespējami drīz un, vēlākais, septiņu gadu laikā pēc šīs direktīvas paziņošanas samazināt svina koncentrāciju gaisā minētajās vietās, lai tā nepārsniegtu #. panta #. punktā noteikto robežvērtību vai būtu vienāda ar toEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Given the large freely available capacity of Chinese exporters, the lack of other sizeable outlets for such capacity, and the attractiveness of the EU market, there is therefore an incentive for Chinese exporting producers to direct even larger volumes at dumped prices to the Union market, should the measures be repealed
atzinīgi vērtē saistībā ar iniciatīvu Reģioni ekonomiskām pārmaiņām noteikto pieeju, pirmkārt, noteikt un reklamēt paraugpraksi, reizi gadā piešķirot REGIO STARS balvu, otrkārt, izveidot paraugprakses tīmekļa vietni; vērš uzmanību uz to, ka interneta vietne viena pati nebūs pietiekami efektīvaoj4 oj4
Recalls that- at the same time as the significant increase in the number of financial/budgetary staff required as a consequence of the revised Financial Regulation- the institution’s potential for attracting qualified financial staff was reduced when in # the Staff Regulations were substantially revised, including a sizeable reduction in the level of salaries and other benefits paid to new officials on recruitment
Ikviena dalībvalsts vajadzības gadījumā saskaņā ar saviem tiesību aktiem nosaka īsākus izvērtēšanas termiņusoj4 oj4
As the Court has pointed out, the market in tobacco products is also a market in which trade between Members States is relatively sizeable.
apliecinājums ar godavārdu un/vai jebkāds cits apliecinošs dokuments par to, ka tiks ievērota Darba likumu kodeksa L. #-#. pantā paredzētā prasība par invalīdu nodarbināšanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the wake of ethnic and political violence resulting in a sharp drop in economic activity and a sizeable external financing gap, the EU pledged to support the recovery of the Kyrgyz Republic at an international donor conference in Bishkek in July 2010.
Valūtu maiņas kursi un procentiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the case of Greece, the sizeable revisions in government accounts since 2004 (see box), which were made following reservations expressed by Eurostat on data reported, were the outcome of measures taken to improve the collection and processing of government finance statistics, as required by the Council Recommendation of 5 July 2004 and the Decision of 17 February 2005.
Attīstībassadarbības un ekonomiskās sadarbības finansēšanas instruments ***IEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The government has taken sizeable discretionary fiscal counter-action to the tune of about 1,4 to 1,7 % of GDP (3).
Komisija #. gada #. septembrī saņēma paziņojumu par ierosinātu koncentrāciju saskaņā ar Padomes Regulas (EK) Nr. #/# #. pantu, kuras rezultātā uzņēmums Banco Santander Central Hispano, SA (Banco Santander, Spānija) Apvienošanās regulas #. panta #. punkta b) apakšpunkta nozīmē iegūst kontroli pār uzņēmumu The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (Rainbow, AK) daļām, iegādājoties tā akcijasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
18. Notes the Court's finding (Annual Report, paragraph 10.29 [8]) that the disbursement of subsidies paid by the Commission from the Community budget is not based on sufficiently justified estimates of the agencies' cash requirements and that this, combined with the size of carry-overs, leads them to hold sizeable cash balances; notes further the Court's recommendation that the level of subsidies paid to the agencies should be in line with their real cash requirements;
Es paļaujos uz politikas spēli, vienkārši pasakot savam sarunu partnerim, ka lietas vairs nevar tā turpināties.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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