tweet oor Letties


Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord
The sound of a bird; any short high-pitched sound or whistle.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


A text-based post on Twitter.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Tweets from that account on your Twitter clicking on someone's name or picture will tell you more about the account
Komisijas Direktīva Nr. #/#/ESQED QED
According to the appellant, that finding is contrary both to Notice No 11/2003, inter alia Principle No 2 thereof, and the Law of 29 July 1881, pursuant to which the tweet at issue is considered an opinion.
Nātrija hidrogēnfosfāts Nātrija dihidrogēnfosfāts Nātrija hlorīds Polisorbāts # Ūdens injekcijāmEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(9) Commissioner Moscovici, tweet on 13 February 2019.
It noted, in paragraph 41 of the judgment under appeal, that the reason why the Parliament considered that the appellant could not rely on Article 26 of the French Constitution did not relate to the fact that the statement at issue had been made on Twitter, but to the fact that the tweet at issue could not be classified as an opinion expressed or a vote cast in the performance of the appellant’s parliamentary duties within the meaning of Article 8 of the Protocol.
Šīs regulas nolūkā par produktu, kura marķējumā, reklāmā vai tirdzniecības dokumentos ir norādes par bioloģiskās ražošanas metodēm, uzskata tādu produktu, kura sastāvdaļas vai barība ir aprakstīta ar terminiem, kas patērētājam liek domāt, ka tā sastāvdaļas vai barība ir iegūta saskaņā ar šajā regulā izklāstītajiem noteikumiemEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The General Court does not consider that the disputed tweet of Mylene Troszczynski constitutes the expression of an opinion in the performance of parliamentary duties on the ground that it relates to a specific event, deemed to have taken place in France, which cannot be regarded as constituting the taking of a general position on current topical issues or issues dealt with by the Parliament, which are conditions required in order for an opinion to be protected under the Protocol.
Ir jāturpina attīstīt plūdu pārvaldības plāni un plūdu riska kartes tādā pat veidā, kā tas jau ir parādīts direktīvas priekšlikumāEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Finally, it held, in paragraph 96 of the judgment under appeal, that none of the evidence relied on by the appellant in that context – namely, that the tweet at issue had been written by her assistant, that she had deleted it as soon as she became aware of it and that, in the event of her being convicted, she ran the risk of being subject to the ancillary penalties of ineligibility and of loss of her mandate as a Member of the European Parliament and of all her elective mandates – was among the circumstances which the Parliament was required to take into account in order to determine whether the conditions for waiver of parliamentary immunity under Article 9 of the Protocol were met in the present case.
Aizņēmēja finansiālu grūtību vai saistību neizpildes gadījumā kredītiestādei ir juridiskas tiesības pārdot vai nodot pircēju parādus citam personām bez pircēju parādu debitoru piekrišanasEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
I'm well aware of the irony of telling you that we will be blogging and tweeting.
ārpusbilances kontā, kura nosaukums ir Eiropas Kopienas saistības attiecībā uz Eiropas Kopienas aizņēmuma operācijām, kas vajadzības gadījumā ir iedalīts apakškontos atbilstoši individuālajiem kreditoriem attiecīgajos aizņēmuma līgumosQED QED
18 Next, the General Court divided the arguments set out by the appellant in support of those two pleas into five parts: the first, alleging that Article 26 of the French Constitution applied to the tweet at issue; the second, alleging that that tweet constituted an opinion expressed in the performance of the appellant’s parliamentary duties, within the meaning of Article 8 of the Protocol; the third, alleging that the Parliament breached the fundamental right to freedom of expression by wrongly waiving the appellant’s parliamentary immunity; the fourth, alleging that the appellant was not the author of the tweet at issue, and the fifth, alleging that the independence of the appellant and the Parliament had been detrimentally affected.
Lūgtā atkāpe ļauj izvairīties no PVN zaudējumiem, jo fiskālās iestādes nemaksā PVN kādam no iesaistītajiem saimnieciskās darbības subjektiemEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
On average there are around 250 tweets per event using the specific hashtag (#) created for that event, potentially reaching several hundreds of thousands unique Twitter users.
apstiprinājumu par atbilstību šo noteikumu #. punktā paredzētajām specifikācijāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas on 5 June 2018, Bahrain’s High Court of Appeal ruled to uphold the five-year prison sentence against leading human rights defender Nabeel Rajab for ‘disseminating false rumours in time of war’(Article 133 of the Bahraini Criminal Code), ‘insulting a neighbouring country’(Article 215) and ‘insulting a statutory body’(Article 216) in relation to tweets he posted on alleged torture in Bahrain’s Jaw prison and the Saudi Arabia-led coalition air strikes in Yemen; whereas these charges are based on provisions that criminalise the right to freedom of expression, protected under Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Bahrain ratified in 2006; whereas Mr Rajab is now expected to pursue a final appeal before Bahrain’s Court of Cassation;
Ziņojumos, kas jāiesniedz reizi divos gados, un gala izpildes ziņojumos, kuri minēti Regulas (EK) Nr..../# [kas nosaka Eiropas Reģionālā attīstības fonda, Eiropas Sociālā fonda un Kohēzijas fonda vispārējos noteikumus] #. pantā, jāiekļauj kopsavilkums un novērtējums par šādu pasākumu īstenošanuEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
pursuant to Rule 133 of the Rules of Procedure on combating terrorism in the social media The European Parliament, – having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure, A. whereas according to the Europol report of March 2015, there are currently around 46 000 active Twitter accounts used by ISIS followers and militants, tweeting over 90 000 messages per day in support of the radical, violent ideology espoused by that terrorist organisation and inciting followers to commit acts of terror using Twitter to send encrypted communications, which are very difficult to monitor, directly to terrorist cells; B. whereas terrorist organisations are making increasingly frequent use of the web and of social media for purposes of communication and organisation, and to spread their messages of hate; 1.
visas pārnēsājamas, tostarp arī ierīcēs iestrādātas, baterijas vai akumulatorus, kuru svarā ir vairāk nekā #,# % kadmijanot-set not-set
Tweet, tweet, on the street.
Šī iestāde vajadzības gadījumā veic nepieciešamos pasākumus, lai nodrošinātu, ka tiek ievērotas invalīdu un to pasažieru tiesības, kuriem ir ierobežotas pārvietošanās spējas, arī atbilstību #. panta #. punktā minētajiem kvalitātes standartiemOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I am also concerned that excessive text messaging, Facebooking, tweeting, and Instagraming are replacing talking—talking directly one to another and talking in prayer with our Heavenly Father and thinking about the things that matter most in life.
izsaka nopietnas bažas par to, ka personas ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem ir pakļautas patvaļīgai ieslodzīšanai psihiatriskajās slimnīcās, un par neatbilstīgajiem apstākļiem un piemērotas aprūpes trūkumu šajās slimnīcās, kā arī citās iestādēs personām ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem; aicina Rumāniju risināt šo situāciju kā visaugstākās pakāpes steidzamības jautājumu un nodrošināt, lai slimnīcām un aprūpes iestādēm būtu ārstēšanai un dzīves apstākļu nodrošināšanai atbilstīgi līdzekļiLDS LDS
More tweets are now sent every day than in a whole year ten years ago.
Ņemot vērā to, ka veicamās rīcības mērķus – proti, vienotas informācijas sistēmas izveidi un pārvaldību – nevar pietiekami labi sasniegt atsevišķās dalībvalstīs, un to, ka minētās rīcības mēroga un iedarbības dēļ šos mērķus var labāk sasniegt Eiropas Savienības līmenī, Padome var pieņemt pasākumus saskaņā ar EK līguma #. pantā noteikto un ES līguma #. pantā minēto subsidiaritātesprincipueurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Now, the great thing about that tweet if you look at it, just like most trolls, it's not that bad, because he wished "leporsy" on me instead of "leprosy," and "leporsy" is not dangerous at all.
I pielikumā vārduted2019 ted2019
58 While it is true that, as noted by the General Court in paragraph 100 of the judgment under appeal, the Parliament acknowledged, in the decision at issue, that the appellant was not the author of the tweet at issue and that she had deleted it as soon as she had become aware of it, that finding was merely intended to set out the facts brought to its attention in support of the request for waiver of the appellant’s parliamentary immunity and can in no way be equated to an assessment of the appellant’s responsibility for the possible use of her twitter account by her assistant, which may, depending on the circumstances, lead the Parliament to refuse to waive her parliamentary immunity, pursuant to Article 9 of the Protocol.
Pārskats atspoguļo gūto pieredzi attiecībā uz regulas piemērošanuEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
It has been established, and accepted by the General Court, that Mylène Troszczynski is not the author of the tweet at issue and that she erased it as soon as she had become aware of it.
Iepakojumu marķējumi, numuri, skaits un veids; preču aprakstsEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
51 In the second place, the General Court failed to draw the correct legal conclusions from Article 42 of the Law of 29 July 1881, which, in so far as it establishes a ‘hierarchy of liability’, allows the competent national authorities to bring proceedings against the actual author of the tweet at issue, in this case the appellant’s assistant.
Karantīnas platībās ir jābūt precīzai uzskaitei ar šādu informācijuEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
31 By her first ground of appeal, the appellant, referring to paragraphs 47 and 52 to 54 of the judgment under appeal, complains that the General Court did not consider the tweet at issue to be an opinion expressed in the performance of her parliamentary duties.
Īpašs sociālā nodrošinājuma režīms, kas piemērojams bruņotajiem spēkiemEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Campaign '10 (MORE) out of TEN' on additional TEN-T project achievements with website updates, tweets, brochure and posters.
Veids kādā apvērsums tika provocēts, bija ļoti līdzīgs tam, ko Kermits Rūzvelts darīja IrānāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Content generated by consumers comprises a wide range of examples including digital images, video and audio files, blogs, discussion forums, text-based collaboration formats, posts, chats, tweets, logs, podcasting, content created on mobile devices, content created in the context of online virtual environments, ratings and collections of links referring to online content.
Līdz ar to, ja kontrolpārbaude ir nesekmīga, ECB pieprasījumu tomēr izpildīs ECB MFI datu kopāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Third campaign on additional TEN-T project achievements (‘TENtastic’) with website updates, tweets, brochure and posters.
šajā trešā valstī spēkā esošais regulatīvais režīms nedod iespēju uzraudzības iestādēm un citām šīs valsts iestādēm iejaukties kredītreitingu saturā un metodikāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
201 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.