Awlaki oor Masedonies


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The US government branded Awlaki a " global terrorist " last year, according to Reuters
Американската влада го окарактеризира Авлаки како „ глобален терорист “ минатата година, според Ројтерс
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Awlaki 's death a major victory for counter-terrorism coalition
Смртта на Авлаги, голема победа за контратерористичката коалиција
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Awlaki, who is reportedly a leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), was wanted by both the US and Yemen for his suspected role in terrorist attacks-- including the Christmas Day # attempted bombing of a US aircraft in Detroit and the killing of # people in Fort Hood, Texas, a month earlier
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As the news of terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki 's death reached Turkey, many voiced optimism that this could be the beginning of a serious downfall for Al-Qaeda, and other terrorist organisations
Прагот е најмалото растојание кое мора да го мине покажувачот на екранот, пред да настапи забрзувањето. Ако движењето е помало од прагот, покажувачот ќе се движи како забрзувањето да е #X. Така, кога правите мали движења со физичкиот уред, нема никакво забрзување, со што имате зголемена контрола над покажувачот. Со поголеми движења на физичкиот уред, можете брзо да го движите покажувачот до различни делови на екранотSetimes Setimes
In May 2010, Faisal Shahzad, who pleaded guilty to the 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt, told interrogators he was "inspired by" al-Awlaki, and sources said Shahzad had made contact with al-Awlaki over the Internet.
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US President Barack Obama authorised a request to target Awlaki in April
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The US government branded Awlaki a " global terrorist " last year, according to Reuters
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A former FBI agent identified Awlaki as a known "senior recruiter for al-Qaeda", and a spiritual motivator.
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Awlaki, who was born in New Mexico, served as an imam at mosques in California and suburban Washington, DC, before heading to Yemen in
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An unnamed official claimed there was good reason to believe Awlaki "has been involved in very serious terrorist activities since leaving the US , including plotting attacks against America and our allies."
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Awlaki 's death came as a result of a " big intelligence operation and co-operation between friends and brothers, " Yemeni government spokesperson Abdo al-Jundi told reporters
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US born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was killed on Friday (September # th) morning by a drone strike in northern Yemen, orchestrated by the US Central Intellegence Agency, according to the Yemeni Defence Ministry
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Awlaki's sermons in the US were attended by three of the 9/11 hijackers, and accused Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan.
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In October 2010, US and UK officials linked al-Awlaki to the 2010 cargo plane bomb plot.
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" We hope those who launch terrorist attacks in Turkey and throughout the world, will take their lesson from Awlaki 's fate, " he added
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In October 2010, U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) urged YouTube to take down al-Awlaki's videos from its website, saying that by hosting al-Awlaki's messages, "We are facilitating the recruitment of homegrown terror."
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Online magazine Inspire, believed to be produced by al-Qaeda members in the AQAP, promised in its latest edition that there would be an upcoming article apparently written by Awlaki called " Targeting the Populations of Countries That Are at War With the Muslims "
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Awlaki 's death a major victory for counter-terrorism coalition
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In August 2010, al-Awlaki's father initiated a lawsuit against the US government with the American Civil Liberties Union, challenging its order to kill al-Awlaki.
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Politicians and terror analysts question whether the world should feel safer in light of Anwar al-Awlaki 's death
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Anwar al-Awlaki, a US-born radical cleric linked to al-Qaeda has been killed, Yemen 's Defence Ministry said on Friday (September # th). [ Reuters ]
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Seen as a " major blow " to al-Qaeda, Anwar al-Awlaki was killed on Friday
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US President Barack Obama approved the targeted killing of al-Awlaki by April 2010, making al-Awlaki the first US citizen ever placed on the CIA target list.
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Obama called Awlaki 's death a " major blow " to one of al-Qaeda 's most active affiliates
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He notes that Awlaki 's death closely follows the new joint initiative by the US and Turkey to combat terrorism, dubbed the Global Counterterrorism Forum
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US intelligence intercepted emails from Hasan to Awlaki between December 2008 and early 2009.
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On his website, Awlaki has praised Hasan's actions in the Fort Hood shooting.
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