Dicle oor Masedonies


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After BDP 's milestone victory in June 's national elections, the court denied one elected candidate, Hatip Dicle, the right to enter parliament
По важната победа на БДП на националните избори во јуни, судот му го одби на еден од кандидатите, Хатип Дикле, правото да влезе во парламентот
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Though the victory of the BDP-backed independent candidates was initially a cause for celebration, the situation quickly deteriorated when the candidacy of one of the elected parliamentarians, Hatip Dicle, was nullified post-election
Можеби ова е причина за перверзното врзување!Setimes Setimes
A new Kurdish political movement led by former Democracy Party (DEP) deputies Leyla Zana, Orhan Dogan, Selim Sadak and Hatip Dicle has asked the PKK to declare an unconditional and indefinite ceasefire
Господе, само што го имав најлошиот кошмар во живототSetimes Setimes
" I believe the idea of Kurdistan parliament is simply being floated to encourage the Turkish authorities to rule favorably upon seating Hatip Dicle in the Turkish parliament, " he says, referring to one of the banned BDP candidates
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In other words, he says, the idea of the Kurdistan parliament at this stage is not realistic, but does illustrate how serious the matter of seating Dicle in the Turkish parliament is for the BDP and its many supporters
Зошто јас да не се грижам за тебе сега?Setimes Setimes
If our friends are freed along with Hatip Dicle, this can be considered a gesture of good faith
Само да платам забензинотSetimes Setimes
Preventing Dicle from entering parliament, he explained, " risks undermining the goodwill [ Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ] Erdogan and the AKP had garnered " through the Kurdish Opening
А американски?Setimes Setimes
After BDP 's milestone victory in June 's national elections, the court denied one elected candidate, Hatip Dicle, the right to enter parliament
Тешко се дише на оваа височина, нели?Setimes Setimes
The much greater problem is the case of Dicle, he says, which had already sent tensions soaring even before the courts refused to release the five imprisoned BDP deputies
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Zana # and three other lawmakers of the now-defunct Democracy Party (DEP)-- Hatip Dicle, Selim Sadak and Orhan Dogan-- lost their parliamentary immunity in # and received # year prison sentences for their alleged ties to militants from the PKK
Доаѓам!Морам да одамSetimes Setimes
Zana, Dicle, Sadak and Dogan were released in June # after spending ten years in prison
Би било жалосно, да не е патетичноSetimes Setimes
" The [ ruling ] AKP ignored the 'stop the operations ' messages, even blocked Hatip Dicle who sent the same message, from entering the parliament and as we understand now, all of these – the Imrali meetings [ between jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan and government officials ], the cajoling of the BDP-- were a routine part of the game
Ми требаше # години за да го нацртам ова!Setimes Setimes
SETimes: If an agreement does occur and everyone, including Dicle, enters parliament, will it be possible for bloc candidates and AKP to work together while creating the new constitution?
Не можам да го издржам ова!Setimes Setimes
The walkout revolves around six members of the BDP, including Hatip Dicle, and two from CHP, who are being prevented from swearing in as parliamentary deputies despite being democratically elected
Навистина сакаш да учествуваш по своја волја?ДАSetimes Setimes
Binici said they also believe the relevant articles of the Turkish Penal Code, the Terror Law and constitution should be reconsidered in a way to open parliament 's doors to Dicle
Ова е парче од музејот кое потекнува од # год. од нашата ера... годината кога Исус бил распнатSetimes Setimes
Leyla Zana, Hatip Dicle, Orhan Dogan and Selim Sadak were sentenced in # on charges of collaboration with the Kurdistan Workers ' Party, a terrorist organisation that led a bloody # year separatist campaign in Turkey 's mainly Kurdish southeast
Тие знаат каде оди секоја параSetimes Setimes
Sebahat Tuncel: As the Labour, Democracy, and Freedom Bloc, our aim was to walk to Taksim to make a press statement to protest the High Election Organization’ s decision to prevent Hatip Dicle and [ the court 's decision not to allow ] other elected candidates who are in prison as part of the KCK case from serving as a parliamentarians despite having been elected
Овде не е, тоа е сигурноSetimes Setimes
With the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) boycotting parliament in protest over a court decision to exclude one of its elected members, Hatip Dicle, from entering parliament and last week 's declaration of " democratic autonomy ", any near-term rapprochement between the AKP and the BDP-- and hence a political solution to the Kurdish issue-- does not bode well
Церецо е тукаSetimes Setimes
Hatip Dicle is one of the elected BDP MPs being blocked from entering parliament. [ Reuters ]
И потоа, се најдов овдеSetimes Setimes
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