Laureate oor Masedonies


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Abdus Salam, the country's only Nobel Laureate, because he hails from an outlawed sect of Islam.
Абдус Салам, единствениот нобелов лауреат од земјата, бидејќи тој потекнува од забранета секта на Исламот.
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/ˈlɒ.ɹiː.ət/, /ˈlɔː(ɹ).iː.ət/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Crowned, or decked, with laurel.

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Nobel laureate
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A nobel prize laureate.
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In 1972, Nobel laureate P.W. Anderson used the idea of symmetry breaking to show some of the drawbacks of reductionism in his paper titled "More is different" in Science.
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List of Jewish Nobel laureates Timeline of low-temperature technology "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1996".
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The latest novel by Turkish Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk, Masumiyet Muzesi (The Museum of Innocence), will be released on Friday (August # th
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In 1972, Nobel laureate Macfarlane Burnet along with David White wrote: “The most likely forecast about the future of infectious disease is that it will be very dull.”
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NLD is led by former political prisoner and Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.
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Romanian Nobel Prize laureate George Emil Palade died at the age of # local media reported on Wednesday (October # th
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In 1616 Jonson received a yearly pension of 100 marks (about £60), leading some to identify him as England's first Poet Laureate.
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Tagore's works were widely translated into English, Dutch, German, Spanish, and other European languages by Czech Indologist Vincenc Lesný, French Nobel laureate André Gide, Russian poet Anna Akhmatova, former Turkish Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, and others.
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The “Best of the Blogs” laureates of 2011 are proof of the transforming power of individuals and groups of netizens striving for change.
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Many intellectuals stood trial under the article, including # obel literature laureate Orhan Pamuk, novelist Elif Safak and Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, who was later gunned down
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Almost everybody knows this from Nobel laureates to golf caddies, or was taught it, as I was.
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In 1986 Time called Bukowski a "laureate of American lowlife".
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The edition of 29 December 2005 of the International Herald Tribune printed an article, "New tests of Einstein's 'spooky' reality", which referred to Leggett's Autumn 2005 debate at a conference in Berkeley, California, with fellow Nobel laureate Norman Ramsey of Harvard University.
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In 2004, he joined 47 other Nobel laureates in signing a letter endorsing John Kerry for President of the United States as someone who would "restore science to its appropriate place in government".
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Brooklyn Tech is noted for its famous alumni (including two Nobel Laureates), its academics, and the large number of graduates attending prestigious universities.
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Ernest Hemingway, the 1954 Nobel laureate, is often named as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century.
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"All Nobel Laureates in Medicine".
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In May 2010, he was honoured as one of Washington's Nobel laureates by Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden at a special event in Seattle.
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In his acceptance speech, the Nobel Prize laureate called for the union of civilizations, saying efforts should take place not only on the political level but across all segments of society
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John Cromwell Mather (born August 7, 1946, Roanoke, Virginia) is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist and Nobel Prize in Physics laureate for his work on the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite (COBE) with George Smoot.
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The Swedish Academy and Academy of Sciences are also responsible for the selection of Nobel Prize laureates in Literature, Physics, Chemistry, and the Prize in Economic Sciences.
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Greek mathematician Ioannis Antoniou, a professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, received the # rigozhin Prize for his contribution to the theory of chaos and complex open systems, which Ilya Prigozhin, his mentor and a Nobel laureate, pioneered
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His work had the full support of the influential Cambridge Apostles, whose members included the young Tennyson, later a popular Poet Laureate who came to regard Keats as the greatest poet of the 19th century.
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In one sense, he is every novelist 's dream, a complicated mixture of professions and cultures: writer, academician, diplomat, Nobel laureate
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