Tariceanu oor Masedonies


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Tariceanu 's cabinet has increasingly become a lame-duck government since the expulsion of President Traian Basescu 's Democratic Party earlier this year
Владата на Таричену станува сé повеќе влада без политичка моќ, по исфрлањето на Демократската партија на претседателот Трајан Башеску претходно оваа година
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The PNL-PD alliance has reportedly designated Calin Popescu-Tariceanu as its candidate for the post
Сојузот ПНЛ- ПД, наводно, го наименува Калин Попеску- Паричеану за свој кандидат за местото
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Party sources say they could be given three positions in Tariceanu 's cabinet
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Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu (left) and Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica shake hands before the Summit of Prime Ministers in South Eastern Europe opened in Bucharest. [ Getty Images ]
А ако не беше несреќен случај?Setimes Setimes
Romanian Prime Minister Colin Popescu Tariceanu and his Greek counterpart, Costas Karamanlis, sealed an energy co-operation pact on Thursday (February # th) in Bucharest
Би кажал. доста стара дијагнозаSetimes Setimes
According to the same poll, however # % of the respondents want the PDL 's Theodor Stolojan as prime minister, while only # % want the PSD 's Mircea Geoana and # % choose incumbent Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu
Или со други зборови, дали ќе има храброст да се натпреваруваSetimes Setimes
Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu (left) is welcomed by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso prior to their meeting in Brussels Monday ( # anuary). [ AFP ]
Земи го твоето комбе и да одиме до пристаништетоSetimes Setimes
Tariceanu assured Rehn that his country is determined to meet its commitments, particularly in the fight against corruption
Чекајте малку, дали е ова игра или ебена кланица?Setimes Setimes
Describing relations between the two countries as " stronger than ever, " Brown said he and Tariceanu have agreed to organise a bilateral investor 's conference in a bid to help boost trade and investment
Она што го сакаше Мек е заедничката соба во средината на куќатаSetimes Setimes
In a surprise move Tuesday, Basescu sent out invitations for fresh consultations on choosing a new prime minister and a new government made up of Tariceanu 's National Liberal Party (PNL), the PD and the Liberal Democratic Party
Го видов како ја зема, но не можев ништо да направам за да го сопрамSetimes Setimes
Tariceanu announced his resignation last month following a move by the constitutional court to water down EU-required judicial reform laws
А исто беше и остатокот од колатаSetimes Setimes
The reshuffled cabinet, which includes members of Tariceanu 's National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), has the firm backing of only around # % of the parliamentary deputies, Basescu said
Но, тие све извршијаSetimes Setimes
According to reports, criminal prosecution requests have also been filed against another member of Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu 's cabinet-- Labour Minister Paul Pacuraru-- and ministers from previous administrations
Не постои “ среќно оженет “Setimes Setimes
European Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn (left), Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu (centre) and Stability Pact Co-ordinator Erhard Busek (right) attended the Central Europe Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Summit. [ Getty Images ]
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" We are creating a health care system for the benefit of the citizen, not for the benefit of some people who work in the system, " Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu told a joint session of parliament. [ Getty Images ]
Тој тука ги оставил слугата и неговата жена, а Сезнајко го пратил таму па- паSetimes Setimes
After a meeting of the Liberal Party leadership convened on short notice via SMS text messaging, Tariceanu told journalists he had ordered his defence minister and a Liberal Party colleague to table the withdrawal proposal to the Supreme Defence Council
Повекето од најдобрите борци со палки неможат да го избегнат овој нападSetimes Setimes
" Public health has gotten worse while funds allocated to health care have grown steadily, " Tariceanu said, noting that in # alone, Romania spent # billion euros on health care
Да бидам искрен, од почеток малку ми беше незгодноSetimes Setimes
Tariceanu said he believes the favourable tax environment, the skilled IT specialists and lower wages would convince Ericsson to invest in Romania
Што се случило?Setimes Setimes
Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu voiced confidence Wednesday that his country will meet the requirements for EU entry in
Место Хирошима добивате #. век.- за колку време?Setimes Setimes
In all, Tariceanu 's government will have the support of # out of # s
Која по ѓаволите си ти?Setimes Setimes
An alternate proposal put forward by Tariceanu would establish a mixed-member proportional system, based on the German electoral system
Центарот за рехабилитација што Френки го најде беше фино местоSetimes Setimes
Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu (right) greets Bosnia and Herzegovina counterpart Adnan Terzic, ahead of the April summit on free trade. [ Getty Images ]
Не го растурај редот!Setimes Setimes
Addressing the foreign ministers on Tuesday, Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu said SEECP countries have a common goal of joining the EU and should thus overcome the legacies of the past
Не.Во никој случајSetimes Setimes
Also this week: a Montenegrin military delegation traveled to Germany and Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu met with Croatian counterpart Ivo Sanader
Не го познавам МерлSetimes Setimes
The new president, Traian Basescu, appointed PNL member Calin Popescu Tariceanu as prime minister, and the country now has a coalition government consisting of the PNL, the PD, the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians (UDMR) and the Humanist Party (PUR
Сериозно, криеш метална оштрица под килимот, а друг удира со раката по килимот?Setimes Setimes
During Wednesday 's meeting, Tariceanu and Prodi agreed on a package of measures meant to control immigration, protect Romanian workers in Italy and avoid incidents
Вечерва е забава со женски, и единствено нешто што вечерва ќе влезе низ таа врата се цицкиSetimes Setimes
After meeting with his Romanian counterpart, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, de Villepin said that the French giant Gaz de France wants to become a partner in the Nabucco gas pipeline project
Зборот за рајската градината е КАДАМ... нумеричко претворањеSetimes Setimes
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