Tieger oor Masedonies


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Prosecutor Alain Tieger said the evidence " proved beyond reasonable doubt that the three generals were legally responsible for the crimes "
Обвинителот Алан Тајгер рече дека доказот „ несомнено потврдил дека тројцата генерали биле правно одговорни за злосторствата “
Macedonian and English


Tieger also stressed that prosecutors would not contest Croatia 's right to regain control over the Krajina region
Тигер, исто така, истакна дека обвинителите нема да го оспорат правото на Хрватска на враќање на контролата над регионот на Краина
Macedonian and English


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Tieger also stressed that prosecutors would not contest Croatia 's right to regain control over the Krajina region
Значи треба да останам дома?Setimes Setimes
" Radovan Karadzic ordered the operation against Srebrenica, which was a culmination of his efforts to cleanse eastern Bosnia to ensure the Serb state that he envisioned, " prosecutor Alan Tieger said. " He covered up the mass expulsions and the murders and continues to do so to this day, and the only regret he had of the entire operation was that some Muslim men got away. "
Стандардна фиокаSetimes Setimes
Prosecutor Alain Tieger said the evidence " proved beyond reasonable doubt that the three generals were legally responsible for the crimes "
Знате ли што направи тој?Setimes Setimes
" Serbs were in panic-stricken flight, not by accident but by design, " Tieger said on Tuesday. " For those who remained, largely the elderly and the infirm, life became a nightmare
Тоа е прекрасен мозок, фина активностSetimes Setimes
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